Taivas, a planet situated within the Zhar system, served as the construction site for the Hidden Temple of the Jedi.
Nat Skywalker selected its isolated position within the Outer Rim Territories' Zhar system as the location for the Hidden Temple. Using Yuuzhan Vong terraforming techniques, [Kol Skywalker](/article/kol_skywalker], Nat's sibling, altered the planet's atmosphere, although the official planetary records remained unchanged.
The Mynock crew, captained by Cade Skywalker, alongside Nat Skywalker, [Azlyn Rae](/article/azlyn_rae] (a former Jedi), and an Imperial delegation consisting of Imperial Knights Marasiah Fel, Ganner Krieg, and Antares Draco, visited the world in 137 ABY.
The word taivas translates to "sky" or "heaven" in Finnish.