Marasiah Fel, endearingly called Sia, was a Human female with Force-sensitivity who rose to become the Empress of the Fel Empire when the Second Imperial Civil War concluded. As a princess belonging to the Fel dynasty established by Emperor Jagged Fel, she was born to Emperor Roan Fel and Empress Elliah Fel. Moreover, Fel held membership in the Imperial Knights, where Elke Vetter instructed her in the Force's disciplines. Despite her father's disapproval, Fel maintained a strong bond with Antares Draco, a fellow Knight and supporter of the Imperial lineage.
Although Fel was the designated heir to the throne, she was compelled to go into hiding because of the One Sith coup that installed Darth Krayt as the new Emperor, challenging Fel's and her father's legitimacy. As Krayt solidified his control over the New Galactic Empire, he dispatched [Darth Talon](/article/darth_talon], his assassin, with orders to kill the princess. However, Cade Skywalker, an ex-Jedi who had become a bounty hunter, intervened and saved Fel. Joining her father and his government-in-exile on Bastion, Fel dedicated herself to overthrowing the Sith regime and reclaiming her family's former Empire.
With the assistance of a remnant from the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the New Jedi Order, the Fel faction launched an invasion of Coruscant, a Core World, defeating the Sith forces and regaining control of the galactic capital. However, Roan Fel perished during the Battle of Coruscant, and following Krayt's demise at Skywalker's hand, Marasiah Fel ascended to the throne as Empress. She forged an alliance with Gar Stazi, an Admiral in the Galactic Alliance, and K'Kruhk, a Jedi Master, striving to foster peace. Together, they established a new governing body, the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, after which Fel championed the G51 communications array initiative to connect the Outer Rim Territories with the wider galaxy. Furthermore, she launched a campaign to pursue the remaining Sith and their allies, intending to prosecute them for war crimes. During the Battle of the Floating World, the Empress led her forces to a decisive victory over the remnants of Krayt's Sith Order.
Marasiah Fel was the offspring of Roan Fel, who was the third Emperor to rule the Fel Empire and was the designated successor to its throne. However, there were some Moffs who openly questioned the idea of a woman ascending to the throne. Similar to her father, Princess Marasiah underwent training as an Imperial Knight, although she had not yet been formally knighted when Darth Krayt and Grand Admiral Morlish Veed initiated their schemes to seize control of the Empire. By the time the Attack on Emperor Fel occurred in 130 ABY, Marasiah had already been secretly relocated to Bastion. Marasiah served as a representative between her father and Imperial systems, frequently infiltrating planets covertly to assess the loyalty of the governing officers. As a result of her efforts, Fel attained fluency in multiple languages, including Basic, Bocce, High Galactic and Huttese.

In 137 ABY, while at the Imperial Mission situated on Socorro, Fel, accompanied by her Imperial Knight bodyguard Elke Vetter and her guide Astraal Vao, faced an attack by Darth Talon, who was acting as the Hand of Darth Krayt. After beating Vetter in a lightsaber combat duel, Talon subjected the Imperial Knight to torture before ultimately ending her life with Force lightning. Princess Marasiah sensed the passing of her instructor and friend through the Force, experiencing conflicting emotions between seeking vengeance for Elke's death and escaping to proceed with her mission. Sia was deeply saddened that one of her mentors had sacrificed herself for her. Little did she know that the One Sith considered her insignificant, merely viewing her as a means to locate her father.
Fel and Astraal's escape route led them to the Mynock and Cade Skywalker. She insisted on immediate transport and pledged to compensate them for their services. However, the bounty hunter demanded credits upfront, prompting Fel to attempt to "order" him, but her efforts were unsuccessful due to his past as a Jedi. Nevertheless, upon spotting the Sith, Cade initiated emergency takeoff procedures and departed from Socorro. The two women intended to rendezvous with Astraal's brother Shado on Vendaxa, but Cade, driven by self-interest, had different plans, specifically the bounty on Marasiah and her father's heads, with the intention of delivering her to her father and then betraying their hideout to the Sith.
Upon arriving on Vendaxa, Fel and the crew of the Mynock were ambushed by an acklay. The timely intervention of Shado Vao and Wolf Sazen halted the creature, and Sia arranged to travel with the two Jedi. She had already deduced that the pirates were aware of her identity. She expressed her willingness to provide them with credits for transfer into their accounts, contingent upon her and the Jedi departing Vendexa. However, a sudden assault by Darth Talon thwarted their escape, and Marasiah confronted the Sith to prevent her from killing Wolf Sazen. Her attempt to avenge the murder of her master, Elke Vetter, was short-lived, as Talon effortlessly Force pushed her away. Cade Skywalker intervened, using the Force to hurl Talon into the forest, and guided the group to the Mynock, only to discover that the ship had been sabotaged by Talon prior to her attack, leaving them stranded on Vendaxa. Finally engaged in combat, Marasiah unsheathed her own blue-bladed lightsaber and engaged Darth Talon.

While awaiting repairs on the Mynock, it came to light that Cade was a Skywalker. She broached the subject with him, expressing her desire to escape her destiny as well. However, she also affirmed that she would not evade her responsibilities. When Imperial Knights arrived, their ships were shot down, but they survived the crash. Marasiah joined the other knights in battle alongside Cade. Marasiah rebuked Antares Draco during their confrontation with the Sith for his arrival, recognizing that her father would never dispatch a rescue mission. When Draco professed his love for her, she responded, "I know."
She intervened to save Cade's life when he was in a daze and failed to notice an approaching Sith. Marasiah eliminated the Sith, but not without sustaining an injury. As Cade cradled her wounded form in his arms, he questioned her motives, to which she replied, "Told you… had to make it right… even if it's only… one… life…" Subsequently, she fell silent. Cade summoned her lightsaber to him using the Force. Igniting it, he declared, "I have had enough." Marasiah narrowly survived the encounter, and subsequently, the Imperial Knights and the Jedi transported her aboard the Mynock at Cade's request. Cade utilized his power that heals people close to death on her, reviving her from the brink of death. She was then escorted back to Bastion aboard the Mynock.

At some point thereafter, Marasiah concluded her training and was formally knighted as an Imperial Knight. After being entrusted with a mission by her father, Sia convened with Antares at the Pellaeon Gardens. Antares had been distancing himself from her since their return to Bastion, and Marasiah was aware that her father had instructed him to do so. She informed Antares that she would not permit her father to dictate her personal life and reciprocated his love by kissing him. Antares expressed uncertainty about their future together, but Sia confidently asserted that they could be together.
The Knights were dispatched to locate Skywalker before he succumbed to the Sith's grasp once more. They were contacted by a fellow Knight, Azlyn Rae, who had previously been a Jedi, providing information regarding the Jedi Order's Hidden Temple. Sia personally knew Azlyn and was confident that her allegiance would lie with the Empire rather than the Jedi. Otherwise, the Imperial Knights would be capable of identifying and eliminating any traitors.
Fel, accompanied by Draco and Krieg, would later be present in the Hidden Temple as Cade Skywalker met with the Jedi High Council. She and the other knights were met with suspicion by the Jedi, owing to Roan Fel's involvement in the Sith–Imperial War. Marasiah then informed the Jedi High Council that the Sith had orchestrated the aforementioned events, including manipulating the Ossus Project. Following this statement, Marasiah requested that the Jedi High Council unite their forces with the Empire's. The Jedi then informed her that they would consider her proposal. Subsequently, she conferred with the other Imperial Knights regarding Skywalker's plan to assassinate Krayt. She surmised that they could persuade him to join them through bribery.
Later, Marasiah engaged in a discussion with Azlyn, who was torn between her past as a Jedi and her duty as a Knight. Sia reminded her of the oaths she had sworn for life, as well as warning her of the fate of the only Imperial Knight who had violated his vows.
The following day, Sia and the others witnessed, via hologram, the Council's decision; they expressed a desire to pursue negotiations with her father but rejected Cade Skywalker's assassination proposal. Sia remained behind to continue diplomatic efforts while dispatching her fellow Knights to accompany Skywalker.
Sia was later present on Agamar when the Jedi Council agreed to discuss an alliance with her father. However, the meeting was intercepted by the Sith. Although Emperor Fel managed to escape, Sia was captured and taken to Coruscant. There, she unsuccessfully attempted to persuade Moff Rulf Yage to assist her in escaping and defecting. She was then taken by Darth Havok, a Sith Inquisitor tasked with transporting Sia to Korriban.

Princess Fel was transported to XoXaan's Temple's Chambers of Persuasion, where she was subjected to torture and interrogation by Lord Havok. She withstood Havok's torture, which included Force lightning attacks, and refused to divulge any information, prompting the Inquisitor to reveal his former identity: Eshkar Niin, the former Master of Antares. Sia was shocked to discover that Niin was still alive, as Draco had claimed to have killed him. Havok asserted that Draco had lied, leading Sia to believe that her love was actually in league with the Sith. Sia swiftly recovered from her shock and, utilizing telekinesis, seized Havok's lightsaber in an attempt to silence herself. However, Havok managed to overpower her and retrieve the weapon from her grasp.
Shortly thereafter, Draco, Krieg, and Shado Vao arrived to rescue Sia. They located her in Havok's torture chamber, where they eliminated the guards and liberated her. Upon regaining consciousness and finding herself in Draco's arms, Sia lashed out at him, branding him a traitor. She furiously accused a shocked Draco of being ordered to kill Niin for deserting the Imperial Knights. Draco insisted that he had done so, but Sia informed him that Niin was now Darth Havok and that he had personally tortured her. The argument was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of more Sith guards, and Sia seized a lightsaber to aid in their escape.
The four managed to reach a landing pad where a shuttle was docked. When the path was clear, Draco instructed the others to depart while he held off the Sith. Upon hearing this, Sia realized that Havok had lied and that Draco was not in league with the Sith. She protested Draco's decision, imploring him not to remain behind, but he had accepted the possibility of sacrificing his life to protect her. Sia remained unwilling to abandon Draco, and Krieg was compelled to restrain her to force her onto the shuttle. Sometime after the shuttle's departure, Sia and Krieg believed they sensed Draco's death at Havok's hands.

Some time after her rescue from Korriban Marasiah was escorted to the hidden Temple on Taivas by Wolf Sazen. There she was reunited with a recently recovered Antares Draco who had just spent a length of time being tortured by his former master at the very place he had rescued her from. Though she was happy he was alive she was displeased that he had revealed Imperial secrets instead of killing himself. Still she had him given armor and informed him he could regain his honor by fighting in the coming attack.
As the Sith assaulted Taivas, the GAR, Fel and Jedi forces attempted to entrap Krayt. But the Dark Lord had one card to play: Sith troopers piloting Annihilator-class starfighters, turning the tide of the battle. The allies were then forces to flee as Tr'a Saa sacrificed herself to enable their escape.

Fel's father soon made the decision to take the fight to Krayt on Coruscant directly rather than wait for him to attack Bastion. As the assault began, the Emperor had Fel, Treis and Draco by his side, stating that he needs those of absolute loyalty. When the battle went awry with Krayt deploying the Sith troopers once again, Roan Fel made the decision to deploy a toxin created by a captive Darth Maladi as a last resort. Fel and the others protested his hasty decision, for he would be condemning their allies and billions of innocents on the planet to death. However, Fel's father, too immersed in the dark side, Force-pushed Fel and Treis against a wall, stating that deploying the toxin would be better than handing over the galaxy to Krayt. Weakened by this attack, Fel tried to remind her father that he embodied the Force and was close to becoming like Krayt, and begged Draco to keep her father from using the toxin. Draco's recent experiences had made him realize what being an Imperial Knight meant, and declared that he would uphold his oath: to bring his Emperor back to the light side of the Force or kill him. The furious Emperor began to duel Draco. In the midst of it, they felt Krayt finally die at the hands of Cade but Roan refused to believe it. He was close to releasing the poison, unaware that he was in fact playing along with Krayt's plans, for the poison wouldn't affect the Sith. However, Draco ran the Emperor through from behind, killing him.

Following Darth Krayt's demise, the Dark Lord's Sith Empire crumbled, causing the remaining members of the One Sith to scatter into hiding. Roan Fel was hailed as a hero who perished in the liberation of the galaxy, and the details surrounding his descent into the dark side were suppressed. With her father's passing, Marasiah Fel ascended to the position of the first Empress of the Empire. As the Galaxy became unified under the governance of the newly established Galactic Federation Triumvirate, its initial triumvirs comprised Empress Fel, Admiral Gar Stazi, and Jedi Master K'Kruhk. Nearly a year after Darth Krayt's death, Marasiah Fel, with the consent of K'kruhk and Gar Stazi (albeit reluctantly), opted to implement a galactic G51 communications array to connect the Outer Rim systems to the broader galaxy. To achieve this, she dispatched one of her Imperial Knights, Yalta Val, to the Carreras system to activate the array. However, Val was ambushed by the rogue Sith Darth Wredd, who sought to dismantle the One Sith and reinstate the Rule of Two.
Yalta Val's disappearance caused concern for the Imperial Knight Jao Assam, who voiced his worries to Empress Fel, explaining that Master Val would have utilized his Imperial comm droid to transmit his coordinates. While Empress Fel was concerned, she took the view that construction delays were not unheard off. Suspecting that something bad had befallen Master Val, Jao offered to travel to the Carreras system to investigate. Empress Fel declined his request and reiterated that his orders were to oversee the Ithorian link of the communications array in the Ottega system. When Jao disagreed, she reminded him that she was in charge. In the end, Jao appeared to comply and promised to ensured that the Ithorian link of the array was finished on time. In the end, Assam disobeyed his orders and traveled to the Carreras system to investigate Val's whereabouts.
Unaware of Jao's intentions, Marasiah Fel conversed with her lover Antares Draco, who described Jao as being rash but having good instincts. He expressed concerns about the lack of communications from Val. Empress Fel commented that navigating through the Carreras system was tricky and that they had to give Val time to do his job. Draco explained that the Imperial Knights faced a shortage of skilled warriors and reiterated that the Order could not afford to lose more Knights. Fel replied that the galaxy could never find out about this shortage and emphasized that the Imperial Knights represented the Galactic Triumvirate. Fel expressed her frustrations about trying to make Master K'Kruhk and Admiral Stazi understand that the Triumvirate was committed to keeping its promises to the galaxy. She commented that the Knights could never afford to look weak. Draco then assured her that she was strong and that they would prevail through this test.
After taking control of the Carreras G51 communications array, Darth Wredd broadcast his manifesto to the galaxy, in which he derided the Empress for having no real power. Empress Fel watched Wredd's broadcast and was horrified to see that Yalta had been taken captive. Darth Wredd then attempted to execute Yalta before a life audience but was stopped by Ania Solo, a local junk dealer who was a descendant of Han Solo and a distant cousin of Empress Fel. Following a skirmish, Darth Wredd managed to escape but Ania managed to rescue Yalta and Jao, who had been wounded during a skirmish with Wredd. While reports of the Carreras Incident were sketchy, Marasiah Fel later learned during a council meeting that a young woman named Ania Solo had been involved in the destruction of the Carreras Array.

Seeking a personal meeting with the young woman, Empress Fel dispatched the Animus, a Star Destroyer, to retrieve Ania Solo, her traveling companions, and the two recently rescued Imperial Knights. Once they were aboard the Animus, Ania and her group were welcomed as honored guests by the Imperials, while Yalta and Jao were reassigned to duty on Coruscant. During a subsequent council meeting, Empress Fel received information indicating that Darth Wredd, a renegade Sith, had carried out the assassinations of two Sith infiltrators stationed on Cadomai Prime and the Triumvirate Legation located on Ceitia Five. These events presented Fel with a difficult choice: either abandon the pursuit of Wredd to focus on identifying and eliminating Sith who had infiltrated various galactic governments, or disregard the Sith presence and concentrate solely on capturing Wredd. Ultimately, Fel opted to leave Wredd undisturbed, given that his actions were benefiting the Triumvirate by eliminating Sith operatives.
In the meantime, Jao Assam experienced a Force vision depicting Darth Wredd launching an attack on Marasiah Fel. Driven by concerns for the Empress's well-being, Jao abandoned his assigned duties and, together with his new ally Ania, embarked on a mission to locate and neutralize Darth Wredd. Upon discovering Ania's escape, Empress Fel expressed her extreme displeasure with the Imperials' failure to restrain her. She was also troubled by a report alleging that Ania had committed the murder of an Imperial Knight named Teemen Alton. Learning of Jao's unauthorized departure with Ania to hunt down Darth Wredd, she issued orders for their capture and imprisonment. Despite Master Yalta Val's arguments that Jao was pursuing Darth Wredd, Fel considered Jao a deserter and reminded Val and Antares Draco, her subordinates, that desertion was a capital offense.
During their travels, Jao Assam and Ania Solo uncovered a slaving operation established in the lawless Calamari system by another rogue Sith, Darth Luft, and his pirate associates. Luft and his accomplices employed a deceptive scheme, enticing numerous Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees to return to Dac under the false promise of restoring the planet. In reality, they were enslaved and compelled to construct starships for the pirates' use. Jao transmitted a distress signal to Yalta Val on Coruscant. Upon receiving this information, Master Val attempted to persuade Empress Fel to address the plight of the Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees. Marasiah declined, dismissing Jao Assam as an unreliable source and asserting that there was no concrete evidence of a Sith presence in the shipyards. A visibly irritated Fel stated that the Triumvirate was already providing sufficient assistance to the Mon Calamari and Quarren within the constraints of its limited resources. Despite Admiral Stazi's warnings, Empress Fel remained unmoved and refused to authorize an assault on the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards.
However, Admiral Stazi and Master Val disagreed with Fel's indifferent stance regarding the predicament of the Mon Calamari and Quarren in the Dac system and organized a task force to confront the pirates. The Triumvirate task force successfully liberated the shipyards and apprehended the pirate forces. During the conflict, Jao Assam killed Darth Luft. The Liberation of the Mon Calamari Shipyards ultimately proved to be a triumph from a political point of view. Empress Fel expressed regret for not having supported the operation and considered promoting Yalta Val, who declined the offer, preferring to continue training Imperial Knight recruits on Coruscant. Following the successful operation on Dac, the Empress directed the Triumvirate to resume its pursuit of war criminals from the Second Imperial Civil War. Ania Solo was added to the Triumvirate's "Most Wanted" list based on the accusation that she had murdered the Imperial Knight Teemen Alton.
Questioning the validity of Ania Solo's guilt, Master Val visited Empress Fel in her private office and challenged her rationale for pursuing Ania. Marasiah Fel displayed noticeable anger at Yalta Val's dissent and threatened to strike him down with her lightsaber. However, she restrained herself and stated that her role as Empress did not supersede her obligations as an Imperial Knight. Remaining unconvinced by Master Val's concerns regarding Ania Solo's guilt, she proceeded to remind him that harm to one Imperial Knight was felt by all within the order. She reiterated that apprehending Ania would bring justice for the death of Teemen Alton and emphasized that the pursuit of justice required no justification. Still doubting Ania's guilt, Jao examined Triumvirate records and discovered that Teemen Alton's actual murderer possessed a prosthetic hand, a characteristic not present in Ania.

After an extended pursuit, Ania Solo was captured by Imperial stormtroopers and transported to Coruscant to stand trial. During the proceedings, Master Yalta Val and Jao Assam successfully exonerated Ania by presenting evidence of the real killer's prosthetic hand, which Ania did not possess. Subsequent to the trial, Jao Assam was arrested and imprisoned on charges of deserting the Imperial Knights. However, he managed to escape with the assistance of Darth Wredd. Remaining loyal to his Empress, Jao resolved to track Wredd in order to thwart his schemes. Following Jao's escape, Empress Fel met with her relative Ania Solo. During their discussion, Fel expressed her belief that Jao had not turned to the dark side but was simply attempting to foil Wredd's plans. Seeking to save Jao's life, Marasiah dispatched Ania to locate him and bring him back. She explained that she could not be perceived as showing leniency towards Jao. Fel also admitted to having spied on Ania Solo.
For this highly confidential assignment, Empress Fel provided Ania with a platoon of Trandoshan stormtroopers. Ania accepted the mission in exchange for a promise from Marasiah Fel to find a way to resolve the desertion charges. Ania, her companions, and the stormtroopers departed on the assassin droid AG-37's freighter. Secretly, Empress Fel also intended to locate and eliminate Darth Wredd and instructed one of the stormtroopers, Blue Two, to provide her with Ania's coordinates. Ania's quest led her to the floating world of Mala, where she located Jao Assam. However, Wredd had manipulated Jao into transmitting the coordinates in order to lure both the Imperial Knights and the One Sith into a trap. A substantial One Sith army landed on Mala and commenced an attack on Ania's forces. During the battle, Wredd reappeared and assisted Jao and Ania's companions in repelling the Sith horde until Marasiah Fel's reinforcements arrived.

Throughout the battle, Empress Fel remained aboard her Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer, while Antares Draco, her lover, and Master Val led the Imperial Knights into battle against the One Sith. After Draco sustained injuries from a Sith, Marasiah entered the fray with a contingent of stormtroopers. Fel expressed her gratitude to Ania for attending to the wounded Draco. Following a hard fought battle, the Triumvirate, Ania's companions, and Darth Wredd succeeded in annihilating the entire One Sith army they confronted. Empress Fel ordered her Knights to evacuate their wounded comrades and to pursue the surviving Sith. While tending to the injured Draco, Fel was stabbed in the back by Darth Wredd with his lightsaber, thereby fulfilling Jao Assam's vision. Horrified, Jao pursued Darth Wredd and attacked him, severing his hands. However, Jao refrained from killing Wredd, knowing that it would lead him to the dark side. Ultimately, Ania eliminated the rogue Sith with a heavy repeating blaster.
Thanks to prompt medical intervention, Marasiah survived her injuries and was placed in a bacta tank. During a conversation with Yalta Val, Fel learned that all of the One Sith on the planet had been killed and that the Sith were purportedly eradicated from the galaxy. While Val viewed the "end" of the Sith as the conclusion of history, Fel doubted their complete elimination and remarked that history had a tendency to repeat itself. Following the Battle of the Floating World, Marasiah returned to Coruscant to recuperate and met with Ania Solo. Expressing her gratitude to Ania for saving the galaxy, she commended the Solo's courage and leadership abilities and offered her a position in her personal guard. Although Ania declined the offer, Marasiah Fel agreed to dismiss the desertion charges against Jao Assam and to allow him to join Ania and her companions in their travels throughout the galaxy. Empress Fel also initiated reforms within the Imperial Knights Order to redirect their loyalty towards the Force rather than solely to the Empress.

Marasiah Fel possessed both beauty and cunning, and was recognized for her strong will and independence. She felt unease in performing "what duty requires," as her father Roan Fel described it, while others made sacrifices for her survival. Born into royalty, Marasiah Fel exhibited the expected grace and demeanor of someone destined for the throne. Despite her regal nature, she also demonstrated qualities such as bravery, integrity, and humility. The loss of her mentor, Elke Vetter, deeply affected Fel and made her reluctant to allow others to perish so that she could continue to live. Although the weight of her responsibilities sometimes made her yearn for freedom, Fel remained steadfast in her commitment to defeating the Sith, whom she unequivocally considered to be evil.
Her animosity towards the Sith caused Princess Fel to carry a significant burden of personal shame and embarrassment due to her father's previous alliance with the One Sith during the Sith–Imperial War. The tarnished reputation of her family name strengthened Marasiah Fel's determination to rectify her father's mistakes by liberating the galaxy from the dominion of Krayt and his Sith Empire. Her strong-willed and independent nature, coupled with her unwavering dedication to honor and duty, transformed the princess into a prominent symbol of her father's struggle to reclaim the Empire that the Sith had seized from the Fel dynasty. In addition to her relationship with her father, Fel shared a close bond with her uncle, Hogrum Chalk, the brother of her deceased mother.
Despite her loyalty to her father and her commitment to duty, the princess defied Emperor Fel's wishes by pursuing a relationship with Antares Draco, a fellow member of the Imperial Knights. Displaying her sense of independence, she readily blurred the lines between duty and personal attachments. Fel could also be uncompromising in most situations; she held zero tolerance for traitors who violated their oaths to the Emperor, and she refused to allow the Sith to break her spirit during her imprisonment on Korriban--she even attempted to take her own life rather than risk divulging secrets, although the lightsaber she acquired for this purpose was confiscated before she could carry out the act.

As an Imperial Knight, she steadfastly adhered to the oath she had sworn to uphold—to serve the Emperor unless he succumbed to the light side of the Force. If the Emperor proved irredeemable from the dark side, it became the duty of every Imperial Knight to strike down the fallen Emperor in order to rescue him from darkness. Princess Fel remained true to her duty even as her father was consumed by the dark side during the Battle of Coruscant. She refused to stand idly by while her father plotted to eliminate the Empire's allies, as well as billions of innocent civilians on Coruscant, driven by his obsession to destroy the Sith. Her relationship with Draco enabled the Imperial Knight to thwart Roan Fel's catastrophic plan by fatally striking down the deranged Emperor.
As Empress, Marasiah Fel dedicated herself to fostering trust and confidence in the new Galactic Federation Triumvirate among its citizenry. This commitment led her to initiate an ambitious project aimed at establishing a galaxy-wide communications network connecting the Outer Rim with the rest of the galaxy. She believed that the Triumvirate could not maintain control of the galaxy through force alone and that effective governance required the consent of its inhabitants. Even as Empress, Fel primarily identified as an Imperial Knight and demanded unwavering obedience from her subordinates. Fel displayed little tolerance for dissent and filed desertion charges against the young Knight Jao Assam after learning that he had embarked on an unauthorized mission to hunt down the rogue Sith Darth Wredd. Fel did not readily accept criticism and exhibited anger on multiple occasions when her authority was challenged, even holding an Imperial Knight at lightsaber point when he failed to comply with her orders.
As an Imperial Knight, Fel regarded her fellow Knights as brothers and sisters in arms. This sense of camaraderie prompted her to launch a campaign to apprehend war criminals in 139 ABY. Fel's desire to bring justice for the fallen Knight Teemen Alton led her to initiate legal proceedings against her distant cousin Ania Solo, until evidence emerged that completely exonerated her. Her focus on the broader strategic landscape sometimes led her to overlook or downplay certain critical issues. On one instance, Fel initially dismissed Darth Wredd as a threat because he was indirectly aiding the Triumvirate by eliminating members of the One Sith who had infiltrated key government positions. On another occasion, Fel's concern over the Triumvirate's limited resources led her to oppose a mission to liberate Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves in the Calamari system; a decision she later came to regret.
Despite her imperfections, Marasiah demonstrated honor and graciousness by reciprocating the assistance of those who had helped her or those she held dear. Fel was grateful that Ania and Sauk had taken the time to care for her wounded lover and comrade, Draco. She also admired qualities such as courage, loyalty, and leadership. Fel was sufficiently impressed by Ania's performance during the Battle of the Floating World to offer Solo a position as captain of her personal guard. Marasiah also displayed the maturity to accept Ania's decision to decline the offer. Despite her powers and authority, Fel possessed the wisdom to reform the Imperial Knights so that their loyalty would be directed not solely to the Empress, but rather to the light side of the Force. While Fel welcomed the apparent destruction of the One Sith on Mala, she remained skeptical and recognized that the Sith threat to the galaxy had not been permanently eliminated.

Through the lineage of both her parents, Marasiah Fel was born with a strong connection to the Force, enabling her to harness its various powers as an Imperial Knight. She possessed proficiency in fundamental techniques such as mind trick, Force leap (which she used to outmaneuver her adversaries, intercept lightning with her lightsaber, or eliminate those who threatened her friends), and telekinesis. The princess also had the ability to alter the environment to manipulate the attacks of her enemies. Fel could sense when others were being untruthful, although this sometimes required time, and she could detect when her allies fell in combat. Additionally, the princess could detect the Force and the darkness residing within those nearby. She also demonstrated considerable skill with a lightsaber, which she employed to defend herself against Sith opponents on numerous occasions. Due to her role as an emissary of the Fel Empire, Fel was fluent in multiple languages, including Basic, Bocce, High Galactic and Huttese. Even as Empress, Fel remained a skilled lightsaber duelist and a capable military commander. She preferred to lead her forces into combat to demonstrate her abilities and skills as an Imperial Knight. Empress Fel had no problem using the Force to open containers and summon her lightsaber to her hand. Her resistance to harm was so great that she survived and eventually recovered from being impaled through the chest with a lightsaber. Furthermore, she was able to resist being completely weakened by torture--even using the Force to hurl objects at her tormentor and steal his lightsaber after being chained. Later, without any respite, she telekinetically slammed one of her rescuers to the ground before he could defend himself, when due to Sith deceptions it appeared that he was a traitor. After remarking that she could do whatever was needed to fulfil her duty, she Froce toppled Sith and cut her way to freedom alongside her rescuers.
The princess, who later became empress, received training in the use of blasters and armor, and was capable of piloting ships.
Marasiah Fel made her initial appearance as a supporting character in John Ostrander's Star Wars: Legacy Dark Horse comic series, which spanned from 2006 to 2010. On page 19 of Legacy (2006) 7, the original intention was for Deliah Blue and Cade to spend the night together. However, a coloring error in the issue depicted Marasiah in place of Deliah. A corrected version of the page was published in Legacy (2006) 9, and the correction was also incorporated into the Broken trade paperback. In a post on the Jedi Council Forums, Jan Duursema stated that she considers Marasiah to be "about 18". This would suggest that she was born around 119 ABY. Fel later appeared in Star Wars: Legacy—War, a six-issue spinoff of the original Legacy series, which was released in 2011.
Marasiah Fel subsequently reappeared in Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman's Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2, the sequel to the original Legacy comic series, featuring Ania Solo, a descendant of the Original Trilogy character Han Solo. In response to a fan inquiry, the series' editor Randy Stradley clarified that Fel's severe reaction to Jao Assam's desertion stemmed from a "there have to be rules" perspective rather than any personal dislike of Jao. He confirmed that she was not experiencing a mental breakdown similar to her deceased father Roan Fel. From Fel's viewpoint, Jao had been given orders and had consciously chosen to disregard them.