Elke Vetter, a Human Imperial Knight, was in the service of the Fel Empire until Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith, deposed Emperor Roan Fel at the conclusion of the Sith–Imperial War. In the conflict that followed, she acted as the bodyguard for Fel's daughter, Princess Marasiah Fel, while the princess operated as an emissary for her father, assessing the allegiance of various Imperial officers. Moreover, Vetter served as Marasiah's friend and instructor in the ways of the Imperial Knights.
During 137 ABY, Vetter accompanied the princess to Socorro, where she was concealed within an Imperial Mission temple. They were surprised by an ambush from Darth Talon, a Sith Lord recently elevated to the position of Krayt's Hand. Vetter dueled Talon to provide the princess with an opportunity to escape; however, she was ultimately defeated by the Sith. Talon then employed the Force to extract critical information from Vetter's mind before killing her with Force lightning.
Prior to Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith overthrew Emperor Roan Fel, Elke Vetter, a Human Imperial Knight, was a loyal member of the Fel Empire during the Sith–Imperial War. In the subsequent Second Imperial Civil War, she functioned as the bodyguard for Fel's daughter, Princess Marasiah Fel, with the princess simultaneously acting as her father's envoy and secretly visiting planets to ascertain the loyalty of Imperial officers. Beyond her role as a bodyguard, Vetter was also a mentor and confidante to the princess, guiding her in the principles and practices of the Imperial Knights.
In 137 ABY, Vetter, along with Marasiah and the Twi'lek Imperial Missionary Astraal Vao, infiltrated Socorro. Krayt tasked Darth Talon, a Twi'lek Sith Lord recently promoted to Hand due to her exceptional abilities, with locating and eliminating Emperor-in-exile Roan Fel. Talon, intending to use the princess to find her father, journeyed to Socorro, where the princess was hiding in the Imperial Mission's temple. Upon arriving on the planet, Talon attacked the temple, setting it ablaze. However, Vetter intervened, engaging the Sith in a lightsaber duel to allow Princess Fel and Astraal Vao to escape the planet.

The confrontation concluded with Talon severing Vetter's left hand and stabbing her right leg, subsequently kicking her off a ledge. Despite her defeat, Vetter informed Talon that the princess had escaped. Talon then used the Force to interrogate Vetter, extracting information from her mind. Utilizing this information, Talon devised a strategy: she would allow Marasiah to lead her to her father, or he would come to rescue her, at which point Talon would eliminate both. Deeming Vetter no longer useful, Talon unleashed a surge of Force lightning, killing the Imperial Knight.
During her escape, Princess Fel sensed Vetter's passing through the Force and immediately sought retribution. Vao cautioned the princess against dishonoring Vetter's sacrifice, convincing her that their primary duty was to survive. Subsequently, they fled to the planet Vendaxa.
Elke Vetter was a Human characterized by blond hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. As an Imperial Knight, Vetter's allegiance was first and foremost to Emperor Fel, whom she regarded as the legitimate ruler. She dedicated her life to serving the Empire and was prepared to sacrifice herself for its cause. During Talon's assault on the temple on Socorro, Vetter gave her life to ensure Princess Marasiah Fel's escape, which was her final act of service to the Empire. During Talon's interrogation, Vetter was unable to stop the Sith from breaking her will and pulling information from her mind, which Talon would use in her plan to kill Roan Fel.
Being an Imperial Knight, Elke Vetter possessed Force-sensitivity and was trained in lightsaber combat. She fought with a silver-bladed lightsaber, which had the standard Imperial Knight hilt. Despite her proficiency in lightsaber combat, she was ultimately unable to overcome Darth Talon in battle.
Elke Vetter's debut occurred in the second issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series, titled Broken, Part 2, which was released in July 2006. The issue was a collaboration between writers John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, with Duursema also contributing as the penciler.