Legacy (2006) 2

Star Wars: Legacy 2: Broken, Part 2 marks the second installment in the Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga.

Official Synopsis

Two Jedi, standing amidst the fallen bodies of their adversaries, forge an agreement that will propel them into a peril far exceeding anything they've previously encountered…

A group of bounty hunters apprehends a captive whose very existence will challenge their convictions and the strength of their bond…

A Sith acolyte receives the title of "Darth" and is tasked with hunting a target whose capture—or demise—could destabilize an entire empire…

And a Princess discovers she is alone in the vastness of space, pursued by individuals she once considered allies.

Even in just this second issue of the ongoing Star Wars: Legacy series, the amount of adventure and mystery is more than can be easily described!

Detailed Plot

Seven years have elapsed since the Massacre at Ossus. On the world of Daluuj, Wolf Sazen gathers a small group of surviving Jedi, including Shado Vao. He intends to discuss the Jedi's future and seek their assistance in locating Cade Skywalker. However, before any decisions can be made, the Jedi are ambushed by Sith forces. Ultimately, only Sazen and Vao remain standing, and Vao pledges to aid Sazen in his quest to find Cade and rebuild the Jedi Order.

On the planet Lok, an alien being named Naxy Screeger is present in a cantina known as Brogar's. A pirate named Rav is searching for Screeger, who is attempting to purchase entry into the cantina's secure room. Suddenly, Cade Skywalker, accompanied by his partners Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue, enters the cantina, identifying themselves as bounty hunters seeking to claim the reward for Screeger's capture. A Jedi in hiding, Hosk Trey'lis, mistakenly believes that Cade is after him. Hosk uses the Force to hurl a table at Cade and Syn. Hosk attempts to escape, but Deliah shoots him with a tranquilizer dart. Hosk retaliates by using the Force to push Deliah back, but Syn incapacitates him with a thud-bug. Cade apprehends Screeger and is confronted by Brogar for capturing someone under Brogar's protection. Cade makes a deal with Brogar: he will not inform the "Imps" that Brogar was harboring a Jedi if Brogar allows them to take Screeger. Brogar agrees, and Cade takes Hosk and Screeger back to his speeder. Hosk pleads with Cade not to hand him over to the Sith, but Syn informs Hosk that he will receive no sympathy from Cade, revealing that Syn and Cade once worked for the pirate Rav.

On Coruscant, the rebuilt Jedi Temple now functions as the Temple of the Sith. Darth Krayt observes a Sith Apprentice and commands her to assassinate her master, Darth Ruyn. The Apprentice complies without hesitation, killing Darth Ruyn. Krayt then bestows upon the Apprentice the name Darth Talon and appoints her as one of his Hands, his personal assassins. Her initial assignment is to locate the daughter of Roan Fel, Princess Marasiah, and capture her in order to draw out Roan Fel. Darth Talon travels to the planet Socorro, where she murders the Princess' personal guard and mentor, an Imperial Knight named Elke Vetter, and continues her pursuit of the Princess, who is fleeing with her personal handmaiden Astraal Vao. Marasiah senses Elke's death through the Force and nearly returns to avenge her, but Astraal persuades her to fulfill her duty and survive.

