Shado Vao, a Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Master of male gender, served as the apprentice to Kol Skywalker. He also maintained a close friendship with Kol's son, Cade Skywalker, throughout the Sith–Imperial War and the subsequent Second Imperial Civil War against Darth Krayt and his One Sith followers. After Kol's demise during the Massacre that occurred on Ossus, Vao commandeered the last functional spacecraft and evacuated the surviving younglings along with Cade's Master, Wolf Sazen. Regrettably, he was compelled to abandon his closest friend, who was subsequently presumed deceased.
For a number of years, Vao remained in seclusion, finishing his Jedi training under Sazen's guidance. Eventually, the two encountered Skywalker on Vendaxa. Sazen was convinced that Skywalker held the key to uniting the Jedi against Darth Krayt. However, Skywalker, who had no desire to embrace the Jedi path, chose to separate from Sazen and Vao. Their paths crossed once more at the devastated Jedi Praxeum located on Ossus, where Skywalker finally consented to resume his training. Nevertheless, Skywalker departed after a mere few weeks to confront Krayt on Coruscant, following the kidnapping of his companions. Vao, along with Sazen, Jedi Master K'Kruhk, and their Yuuzhan Vong allies, sought refuge within the Jedi Academy when the One Sith obliterated it. Despite the destruction, they managed to survive and sought sanctuary at the Hidden Temple.
When Cade Skywalker resolved to carry out his scheme to assassinate Darth Krayt, Shado made the decision to accompany him. With assistance from an ancient Jedi Knight named Celeste Morne, the team succeeded in their mission to eliminate Krayt. The Twi'lek then returned to the Jedi High Council to deliver the news of their triumph. Later, Shado joined K'Kruhk and several other Jedi on a peace mission aimed at fostering dialogue between Roan Fel and the Jedi Order. However, they were ambushed by the Sith, resulting in the capture of Princess Marasiah Fel. In spite of this setback, Vao was elevated to the esteemed rank of Jedi Master in recognition of his contributions during the mission. Vao aided Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg in the recovery of the Princess from Korriban, but Draco was taken prisoner during the operation.
Shado was present when the resurrected Krayt's forces initiated a full-scale attack on the Hidden Temple. Vao actively participated in the defense, but the arrival of specially-engineered Sith troopers forced a retreat. The allied Jedi-Imperial-Alliance fleet, having fled to Bastion, made the decision to launch an assault on the vulnerable Coruscant. Vao joined a small strike team tasked with infiltrating the capital's planetary defense grid, ultimately succeeding in disabling it. En route to the Temple of the Sith, Wolf Sazen met his end in a duel against Darth Stryfe, prompting Shado to pledge his support to Cade as he sought out and confronted Darth Krayt.

Shado and his twin sister, Astraal, were orphaned when their parents' vessel suffered a crash on Vendaxa. The Imperial Mission took them in, and Shado later garnered recruitment by the Jedi. He became renowned for his remarkable lightsaber prowess, demonstrating skill with both a single blade and a more unconventional double-bladed lightsaber. Under the tutelage of the esteemed Jedi Master and Jedi High Council member Kol Skywalker, Shado cultivated a close bond with Kol's son, Cade, who, in turn, was partnered with another of Kol's Padawans, Master Wolf Sazen. The close relationships of their Masters resulted in frequent interactions between the two, and they were present on Wayland on the day the Ossus Project began to experience critical failures.
As the Sith–Imperial War drew to a close, with the Galactic Alliance already vanquished, the One Sith forces launched an assault on the Jedi Praxeum situated on Ossus, where Shado was undergoing training. While Masters Kol and Wolf valiantly defended against the relentless waves of stormtroopers and Sith Lords, Shado and Cade received the crucial task of evacuating the Jedi younglings from the planet. However, Cade initially defied his father's directives and returned for Sazen, who had sustained a fatal injury at the hands of Darth Nihl. Aboard the ship, Cade, unable to accept his Master's impending death, tapped into the dark side of the Force in an attempt to heal him. Sensing his father's demise, Cade, consumed by rage, made a final departure on the attached X-83 TwinTail starfighter to clear a path for the shuttle, facilitating its escape into hyperspace. When Cade appeared to perish after his craft was shot down by a Predator-class fighter, Shado was compelled to abandon his valued friend in order to safeguard the children.
Subsequently, Shado became Sazen's Padawan, thereby completing the path to Knighthood that he had commenced under Kol Skywalker. After attaining the rank of Jedi Knight, Shado departed from Master Sazen. They later reunited when Wolf convened a meeting of four remaining Jedi: himself, Shado, Ahn Rasi Tuum, and a Human female. The meeting was ambushed by the Sith, but only after Wolf revealed to the group that Cade represented the galaxy's sole hope. Following the Sith assault on the convocation, Shado and Wolf were the only survivors.

Knowing that they should attempt to rendezvous on Vendaxa in the event of imminent danger, Shado accompanied Wolf to the location of their parents' deaths. There, amidst the wreckage, the Twi'lek Jedi experienced a reunion with his sister. However, the reunion was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Darth Talon, who had apparently tracked Astraal and the Princess Marasiah Fel from Socorro.
Astraal Vao, having prearranged a meeting with her brother Shado should they ever face trouble, guided the crew of the Mynock and Princess Fel to the crash site where Shado and Astraal's parents had perished. Upon their arrival, they came under attack from an acklay, and only the timely intervention of Shado and Wolf Sazen prevented Astraal from being impaled on the acklay's foreclaw. Once the immediate threat had subsided, Princess Marasiah proceeded to arrange safe passage with the two Jedi, revealing her awareness of the Mynock crew's intention to betray her for the bounty placed on her head. Wishing to avoid recognition by his former Master, Cade remained concealed in the shadows and refrained from contesting the Princess's claims. However, Jariah exposed his desire to abandon them, using his name in the process, which drew the attention of the two Jedi. Turning to confront the Jedi, Cade calmly met his former Master's gaze and admitted his identity. Although Wolf may have recognized his former pupil after their years of separation, he gave no indication, opting instead to direct Princess Fel to the location where he and Shado had hidden their own ship. A sudden explosion signaled the destruction of that ship, however, and was swiftly followed by an attack by Darth Talon, who employed the dark side of the Force to incite a group of native cannoks to join her assault.

Talon singled out Wolf Sazen, bringing him down with Force lightning, intending to kill him, but Marasiah intervened, hoping for revenge for the death of her Master, Elke Vetter. Sia was no match for the Sith, however and Talon swatted her away with the Force. Wrapped in Force lightning, Wolf was still able to ask Cade to take the Princess to safety, but the captain of Mynock only stood by numbly, his mind flashing back through the years to a similar situation on Ossus.
Snapping back to the present with an expletive, Cade unloaded both barrels of his Rawk chopped special at the Sith, and after a moment both Blue and Syn joined him, the former declaring they'd all gone insane, the latter saying it was a "good" insane. Darth Talon however, easily deflected their blasts and disarmed them with a wave of her hand then advanced upon them, her lightsaber at the ready.
With an angry cry, Cade used the Force to lift some nearby wreckage and hurled it and Talon into the nearby forest. Retrieving his blaster, Cade calmly directed the stunned onlookers to head for Mynock. However, they were soon to discover that Talon had sabotaged Mynock, forcing them to remain on Vendaxa until repairs could be made. Meanwhile, Darth Talon remained hidden in the shadows nearby.
Shortly after, the two Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg came to Vendaxa in order to save the princess. The two knights were immediately shot down by Sith fighters. The Imperial Knights jumped out of their burning ships and Darth Talon quickly greeted them. Darth Talon was quickly followed by a group of Sith that included Darth Nihl, who's mission was to kill all of the Imperial Knights and Jedi and take the princess. Shado Vao began to duel the skilled Darth Talon in a deadly duel to the death. Shortly into the fight Shado activated the other end of his blue lightsaber, showing his impressive double-bladed saber and resuming the fight. They fought for a time, but Shado escaped, leaving Talon standing behind in anger. After they escaped the Sith, he and Master Sazen were offered a ride by Cade, but was told he was not sure if he would rejoin the order.

They proceeded to Ossus, where, following Cade's request for his former master Sazen to complete his training, Vao served as his training partner. During a practice lightsaber duel, they both descended into a concealed chamber brimming with precious Jedi artifacts, where they were assailed by two Yuuzhan Vong, Liaan Lah and Choka Skell. However, Master Shaper Nei Rin halted the attack and elucidated to the Jedi the details of her survival and how she had accorded Kol Skywalker's body a Jedi funeral. Subsequently, Shado, along with Sazen, K'Kruhk, and Rin, observed Cade's departure on a mission to rescue Hosk Trey'lis. Shado conveyed to K'Kruhk his perception that each instance of Cade's utilization of his power to revive the deceased brought him closer to the dark side, and that he would be the one to terminate Cade should he succumb to the dark side's influence.
While within the ruins of the Jedi Praxeum on Ossus, Shado, in conjunction with K'Kruhk and Wolf Sazen, experienced a vision of Cade succumbing to the dark side. He began to contemplate whether he would have the opportunity to fulfill his earlier declaration. Following the discovery of their presence by a squad of Stormtroopers, he employed a mind trick to erase their memory of the Jedi's existence. However, Darth Stryfe issued the order for the Academy's destruction.

Shado, alongside Wolf, Nei Rin and her Vong Warriors all survived the destruction of the Academy thanks to Master K'Kruhk, though the latter was gravely injured in the process. K'Kruhk revealed to his fellow Jedi the location of the Hidden Temple and was taken there to be properly healed. Shado remained in the Hidden Temple and welcomed Cade when the latter appeared there alongside his crew and former Jedi Nat Skywalker. Shado introduced Cade to Master T'ra Saa, a legendary survivor of the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge.
Upon learning of Cade's intent to assassinate Krayt, Shado became concerned that Cade might himself be a Sith. Nevertheless, when Cade departed to carry out the assassination, Shado accompanied him. The Mynock journeyed to Had Abbadon in an effort to draw Krayt's attention. However, an interdictor field originating from a drifting Star Destroyer came into view. The crew investigated the ship, only to be attacked by strange creatures that were once called rakghouls. Cade and Azlyn sustained bites or scratches, and a woman separated them from the others. Shado exerted his utmost effort to breach the door, but to no avail, until it opened from the outside, revealing the woman, Celeste Morne, a Jedi Master from the Old Jedi Order, who had resolved to join Cade's cause.
Following the assault on Had Abbadon, Shado experienced a vision during meditation, wherein he was depicted slaying Celeste from the Oubliette from which she had been liberated, with the Muur Talisman possessing him. He engaged in a conversation with Morne, informing her that should Cade turn, he pledged to bring him down. However, Morne cautioned him that he might falter and that Karness Muur might exploit something dark within him.
Subsequently, Krayt took the bait and traveled to Had Abbadon, accompanied by several other Sith Lords. As the trap was sprung, Shado leaped out alongside the Imperial Knights, while Morne unleashed the rakghouls upon Krayt. Shado engaged in a duel with Darth Maladi, who commended him for both concealing himself from her and the trap, remarking that it was worthy of a Sith.

Shado proved capable of holding his own against the rakghouls when Muur turned them against them. The battle concluded when Morne employed the Force to push a weakened Krayt off a cliff. Shado later witnessed Cade effortlessly resist the Muur Talisman's influence and his destruction of the Sith Artifact.
Cade attempted to utilize his healing powers to save a mortally wounded Azlyn Rae, but her injuries surpassed his capacity to heal. Shado advised Cade to release his former love, but he refused to do so. Blue suggested transporting her to Cade's aunt Droo, and Cade concurred. As they were departing, Krieg and Draco approached them. Cade refused to permit them to accompany them, given their attempt to secure the Talisman for Fel. When Krieg brandished his lightsaber in an effort to prevent them from taking Azlyn, Shado employed the Force to push him and Draco away, asserting that Azlyn had been a Jedi prior to joining the Imperial Knights and would therefore remain with them. They departed before the Knights could further interfere.
Shado and the rest of the Mynock crew traveled to Kiffex, where they were forced down by an electrical storm. Cade handed Azlyn over to Droo and Nat Skywalker. When the storm let up, Shado took his fighter back to the Hidden Temple, with a message to the Council that Krayt was dead.

Later, he encountered Wolf Sazen on the new landing docks, donning non-Jedi apparel and a new prosthetic arm. Shado inquired of his former Master about the situation, and Sazen replied that he was now less conspicuous. Vao questioned him regarding his destination, as the Council had requested him to accompany the envoy to peace talks between Roan Fel and the Jedi Order. The Zabrak responded that he had a vision that was calling him elsewhere, and Vao correctly surmised that it pertained to Cade. Shado wished his friend good fortune and watched Sazen depart in his fighter.
Shado would later accompany Masters K'Kruhk, Rasi Tuum and Hira to the peace talks and, after both camps agreed to an alliance, he helped fight off the Sith warriors that had been sent to capture Fel and his daughter. As Sith fighters approached the shuttle, the Jedi and the Imperial Knights successfully got the Emperor aboard, but Marasiah, Azlyn, and Rasi Tuum were too slow. The fighters fired on their position, and the three were knocked unconscious. With the Emperor's safety the primary concern, Draco ordered the shuttle to evacuate, leaving the Princess, an Imperial Knight, and a Jedi on the planet.
When the Azlyn and Rasi Tuum awoke, Marasiah had already been taken by the Sith. Looking for a way off Agamar, the two ambushed and killed the Sith Yuln and Bokar three days later, who were looking for any survivors remaining from the battle. After finding the deceased pair's ship, Rae expressed her distress over failing her duty to protect Princess Fel. Tuum insisted that it was the Force's will that she was captured, but eventually agreed to help Rae with her attempt to save her. They attempted to infiltrate the Sith–Imperial fleet above Agamar aboard the Sith attack ship, and tried to board the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer War Hammer. However, the War Hammer's docking codes had been changed, and Tuum and Rae were assaulted by other Sith attack ships. They managed to escape and headed for Bastion to inform Emperor Fel and the Imperial Knights of the Princess' location. After arriving, Tuum and Rae transmitted the proper clearance codes to Fel's forces, which enabled them to bypass the mines in Bastion's orbit. They landed on a docking pad with Draco, Krieg, Master armorer Hogrum Chalk, and Vao waiting for them. Vao helped Rasi Tuum disembark the ship. Shortly afterwards, Draco verbally berated Azlyn for not successfully protecting the Princess. Rasi Tuum attempted to calm him down, but was Force-pushed across the landing platform by Draco. Vao then warned the Imperial Knight that he would not allow him to attack a fellow Jedi, and that attacking one's allies was not the best idea.
The argument was ended when the Emperor summoned them to his quarters, however. Fel was worried because his daughter knew all of the Empire's codes, and gave Draco three hours to form a plan to rescue her.

Krieg sensed Draco's agony over Marasiah's capture, and followed his friend to his quarters to speak with him and advise him to master his anger. Conversely, Draco planned to use his anger to rescue the princess. Dressing as a member of the One Sith, he harnessed his anger to complete the disguise and went to Korriban with Krieg and Vao posing as his captives. On Korriban, Draco bullied a Neimoidian Sith into allowing them access to the Sith Inquisition chambers. Therein, they found the princess in chains and exhausted from torture, and seized the lightsabers of several Sith guards via telekinesis. The trio quickly disposed of the guards and brought Marasiah back to their ship; she joined in the slaughter of more Sith en route. When a path to the ship was cleared, Draco opted to remain onworld and buy his allies time to escape with the princess. Marasiah protested, but Krieg dragged her to the ship as Draco was rushed by a new group of Sith guards. Krieg manned the vessel's guns as Vao piloted it away from Korriban, when, to everyone present's horror, they felt Draco's defeat in the Force on their way into orbit.
After their return to Bastion, the Emperor hosted a remembrance ceremony to honor both Draco and the Imperial Knights who had fallen on Agamar. Krieg, along with Vao and a large group of Imperial Knights, attended the ceremony.

Vao was present within the Hidden Temple when the imminent Sith attack, as revealed by a recovered Antares Draco, became known. Shado was also present at the subsequent Council meeting; he chose not to voice any opposition to allowing the Sith to proceed. During the ensuing battle, Vao joined forces with Cade, Sazen, Nat Skywalker, Drok, Sayar Dun'La, and the Imperial Knights in the defense of T'ra Saa, who was rooted to the spot, engaged in battle meditation. Although the group successfully repelled numerous Sith, the arrival of Krayt's specially-bred Sith troopers presented a significant challenge. Deciding to minimize further losses, Shado, Wolf, and the Imperial Knights initiated an evacuation. With the exception of Cade, all those who remained were soon killed. As they met their end, the two Jedi Masters harnessed the power of Taivas to generate a powerful beam of light that projected into space, creating a path for Vao and the others to escape.
In the wake of their devastating defeat on Taivas, the Jedi, Imperial, and Alliance forces retreated to Bastion. There, a plan was formulated to launch an attack against the now-vulnerable Coruscant, with the objective of eliminating Darth Krayt. The strategy involved a small strike team infiltrating the capital to disable the planet's orbital defenses. Vao accompanied Cade, Sazen, Rasi Tuum, Morrigan Corde, and the Imperial Knights to Coruscant's defense systems, where they successfully deactivated the computers as the Allied fleet emerged from hyperspace. Subsequently, the group made the decision to proceed towards the Temple of the Sith, utilizing the hidden underground passageways that remained from its time as the New Jedi Temple.
However, much to Shado's displeasure, the secret tunnels were not as concealed as they had hoped. Darth Talon, Darth Stryfe, and numerous other Sith confronted the group. While Cade engaged Talon, Vao, Tuum, and the Imperial Knights engaged the Sith minions. Wolf Sazen engaged Stryfe, and following a brief duel, both combatants were killed. Cade reacted with a furious scream at the loss of his former master and friend, but Shado reminded him that there was nothing he could do. Cade, acknowledging this, rushed off to find Krayt, while Vao and his remaining comrades continued to fight off the Sith.
While Shado was dueling a Sith trooper, it suddenly went berserk, indicating Cade Skywalker's victory over Darth Krayt. Shado ran his lightsaber through the trooper's abdomen and survived the battle. Following the battle, Shado chose not to attend the Funeral of Roan Fel, instead meeting with Morrigan Corde to express his doubts about Krayt's demise, especially considering Krayt's previous survival after a confirmed death. Corde reassured him that it was over, as Cade was flying Krayt's corpse into Coruscant Prime. Shado then inquired about Cade, to which his mother had no response. Cade had originally intended to immolate himself as well, but was ultimately rescued by the Force ghost of Luke Skywalker, Deliah Blue, Jariah Syn, and R2-D2.
Shado Vao possessed a calm, composed, and meditative demeanor, coupled with a strong sense of self-assurance and confidence. He frequently expressed concern for his friends, particularly his best friend, Cade Skywalker, whose potential fall to the dark side was a constant worry for Shado. He also maintained a deep connection with his master, Wolf Sazen, respecting his wisdom while also freely expressing his own opinions to the senior Jedi Master.
Shado held a firm belief in his abilities as a warrior, often dismissing taunts from his opponents and seemingly relishing conflict. In battle, he remained calm and collected, never losing his composure or succumbing to anger.
As a Jedi Master, Shado Vao was highly proficient in the ways of the Force. The Twi'lek was capable of using a variety of Force powers, including telekinesis, Force sense, and mind trick.
Shado Vao demonstrated exceptional skill in lightsaber combat, known for his proficiency with both a single blade and a less conventional double-bladed lightsaber. His remarkable skill was evident in his survival of numerous battles against the Sith, including the Massacre at Ossus, Ambush on Daluuj, Battle on Had Abbadon, mission to Agamar, Mission to Korriban, and the Attack on the Hidden Temple. Vao was also chosen to be a member of the elite strike team tasked with disabling Coruscant's planetary defenses before the Battle of Coruscant. In addition to the Sith minions, Shado proved capable of holding his own against several notable duelists, including Darth Talon on Vendaxa and Darth Maladi on Had Abbadon. He showed little intimidation when threatened by an Imperial Knight, even finding it somewhat amusing that they considered themselves superior combatants.
Antares Draco described Vao as a skilled pilot, as demonstrated by his successful navigation of the shuttle escaping Ossus away from the Sith fleet.

Shado Vao wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber with a hilt that bore a resemblance to a standard lightsaber, albeit slightly elongated. Superficially, there were no indications that a second blade could be activated, transforming the weapon into a dual-bladed lightsaber. Shado often refrained from immediately activating the second blade when engaging an opponent, possibly due to his proficiency with a single blade or to gain a surprise advantage. The noticeable length difference of the lightsaber hilt when both blades were active suggests that Shado's lightsaber hilt may have extended when the second blade was in use.
Shado's surname has prompted some fans to speculate that he (and his sister) were somehow related to Mission Vao and her brother Griff; however, the two families are not related.
Jan Duursema mentioned on the Jedi Council Forums that Shado Vao was approximately fourteen years old during the Massacre at Ossus, which would place his birth around 116 ABY. Nevertheless, this information has not yet been confirmed by a canonical source.