Droo Rawk

Droo Rawk, a Kiffar woman from Clan Vos, once served within the ranks of the Kiffu Guardians. As the mother of Ahnah, she, along with her husband Nat Skywalker, who at the time went by the name "Bantha" Rawk, took in Skeeto and Micah as their own. Their tranquil life on Iego was shattered by a Black Sun assault, which was successfully repelled with the assistance of Cade Skywalker and his companions.


Born into the renowned Clan Vos of Kiffu, Droo's past includes service as a Kiffu Guardian, during which she had a daughter with another guardian. Her husband later died in service to the guardians. Later, Droo entered into marriage with the Jedi Master Nat Skywalker.

Skywalker later left the Jedi Order and adopted Droo's daughter Ahnah as his own. Together, the couple adopted Skeeto and Micah. The children were kept in the dark about their father's prior life as a Jedi, and Nat assumed the identity of "Bantha" Rawk.

In the year 137 ABY, Droo's family fought together against Black Sun pirates. Cade Skywalker, Droo's nephew through Nat, and the crew of the Mynock arrived to assist. The crew's involvement was instrumental in saving the family's lives. Soon after, Nat briefly departed from his family to escort Cade and his crew to the Hidden Temple so he could consult with the Jedi High Council, hoping to secure their support against the forces of Darth Krayt.

Following the Council's rejection of Cade's proposal to assassinate Krayt, and his decision to proceed with the plan regardless, Nat was reunited with his family on Kiffu. During this period, Droo's daughter Ahnah followed in her mother's footsteps, training to become a Kiffu Guardian. Against all odds, Cade's scheme culminated in Krayt's demise, after which he urgently transported the critically injured Azlyn Rae to Kiffex, with the hope that Droo's healing abilities could save her.

Cade and his crew eventually arrived at Kiffex, and Cade entrusted Azlyn to Droo's care. Droo stated that she could only save Azlyn if Azlyn desired to be saved, and Cade affirmed that she did. Despite Droo and Nat's best efforts, Azlyn resisted their attempts to heal her. Nat, refusing to give up, resolved to implement a drastic solution: creating a life-sustaining suit for Azlyn. Droo was skeptical of the idea, fearing that it would transform Azlyn into another Darth Vader, but she supported Nat's decision.

The suit succeeded in keeping Azlyn alive, but she was unhappy. She had been prepared to embrace death and did not want to be saved. Upon Cade's return, Droo accused him of deceiving them. She declared that Cade would not be permitted to return to them for an extended period, perhaps never.

Droo talks with her husband for the last time.

Later, Bantha departed from Kiffex for the Hidden Temple once more, at the request of the Jedi Council. There, he contacted Droo via holoprojector and informed her that he would be staying for an extended period, not out of loyalty to the Order, but because the War demanded the participation of all capable individuals. She conveyed her understanding and mentioned that Zharia Vos had contacted her, requesting that she reactivate her general's commission within the Kiffu Guardians as a precaution against potential actions by Krayt's forces for not allowing an Imperial base to be built on either of the Kiffar homeworlds. When her husband inquired about Annah, Droo informed him that she was away with her unit. Bantha expressed his concern, stating that their daughter was too young for War. Droo, however, asserted that she was always destined to become a Guardian, and there was no escaping her destiny, just like Bantha. As the pair concluded their conversation, they bid each other farewell for the final time.

Nat Skywalker remained at the Hidden Temple when the Sith launched their attack. Bantha sacrificed his life alongside T'ra Saa to allow the other Jedi and their Imperial and Alliance allies to escape. In his final moments, Bantha Rawk uttered his last words, professing his love for Droo one last time.

Behind the scenes

The script of Legacy (2006) 34 clarifies that she was not related to Quinlan Vos by blood.

