Attack on the Hidden Temple

The Assault on the Hidden Temple constituted a military action initiated by the armed forces of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire directed against the New Jedi Order's Hidden Temple, which unfolded in 138 ABY.


The chain of events that precipitated the Taivas siege commenced on Korriban. The Sith Lord, also functioning as an Inquisitor, Darth Havok, subjected his former apprentice, the Imperial Knight Antares Draco, to torture. After a prolonged duration yielding no results, the Sith Lord deceptively led Draco to believe that the Sith had apprehended his beloved, Marasiah Fel, and threatened her execution unless Draco furnished valuable intelligence. Unable to bear the thought of her potential demise, he subsequently disclosed the existence and location of the Hidden Temple.

Having acquired this crucial information, Darth Talon dispatched a communication to Darth Krayt concerning the Temple. Elated by this intelligence, he instructed Talon to deliver Draco into the custody of Cade Skywalker.

Upon discovering Draco aboard his vessel, Draco confessed that he had succumbed to the Sith's pressure and divulged the Temple's whereabouts. Initially incensed, Skywalker and his crew subsequently resolved to alert the Jedi to the impending assault.


Cade's arrival served as a warning to the Jedi. Following deliberations with Gar Stazi and Roan Fel, the council opted for evacuation, but Cade contended that the optimal course of action was to stand their ground and engage in combat. Reasoning that Krayt had issued a warning to induce the Jedi to relocate into the open, Cade proposed that the Jedi should orchestrate a trap for the Sith-Imperials, asserting that the alliance and Fel Empire could ensnare their adversaries between the planet and their respective fleets. Cade's uncle, Bantha Rawk, concurred, emphasizing Taivas's inherent defensive capabilities. Both Roan Fel and Gar Stazi assented.

Simultaneously, the Empire amalgamated its entire fleet in preparation for the offensive. The Sith Imperial forces launched their attack with the Moffs themselves spearheading the battle. Following instances of friendly fire, the Sith Imperials were compelled to cease their attempts at orbital bombardment and instead engage their adversaries on the planet's surface. Ground forces, under the command of Moff Geist, promptly commenced their advance on the temple, while Sith Imperial fighters engaged the Jedi in aerial combat. The Imperial forces breached the temple's defenses, but instead of a repeat of Ossus, the Sith and Imperials were met by the Jedi, who were prepared for them.

Geist leads the front lines to begin the battle.

Shortly after the outbreak of hostilities within the temple, the fleets of Bastion and the Galactic Alliance Remnant arrived to provide assistance to the Jedi. The Sith Imperial armada soon found itself encircled and ensnared, and the allied fleets proceeded to decimate the armada while the Jedi inflicted substantial casualties on Geist's army.

Unbeknownst to the allies, however, Krayt had anticipated their trap and formulated a countermeasure. Precisely when victory appeared imminent for the allied forces, Krayt unveiled his secret weapon: a fleet of newly commissioned Sith troopers, commanded by Darth Nihl, emerged from hyperspace and joined the fray. The allies were caught off guard by the new arrivals, and suffered considerable losses as a result. The troopers joined the battle on the ground, they destroyed anything that stood in their way of the Jedi Temple, even the Sith-Imperial forces who weren't able to escape their path. In their fury they killed Moff Geist.

T'ra Saa, with Nat Skywalker, creates an exit route.

The emergence of the new Sith troopers engendered widespread shock, and for certain Sith-Imperials, this proved to be the final straw: Moff Rulf Yage and his daughter Gunn staged a rebellion, assassinating their Sith supervisors and aligning themselves with the allies. Concurrently, the Jedi issued orders to evacuate the temple, and the constituent ships of the temple detached and charted a course for Bastion, accompanied by the Alliance Remnant, loyalist Imperials, and the recently defected Sith-Imperials. Cade remained behind with his uncle, Drok, Te Corso, and Sayar Dun'La to safeguard the allies' secret weapon: T'ra Saa, who was deeply immersed in battle meditation. The Nikto, Elomin, and Bothan soon fell, leaving only Nat and Cade to hold off the remaining Sith troopers. Shortly thereafter, a damaged Annihilator-class starfighter set a collision course on the remains of the temple. Cade prepared to die, but as the ship collided, Nat quickly threw him out a window before helping T'ra Saa set off the Force energy she had drawn from the planet, taking any Sith caught in the blast with them and leaving an opening in the Sith fleet for everyone else to escape.

Cade was profoundly affected by his uncle's demise, and channeled his rage into a group of Sith Troopers who managed to get on top of the Mynock, even tapping into the dark side to gain the advantage. But Corde managed to convince Cade to keep one of the troopers alive so they could find a weakness in Krayt's newest weapon. As the Mynock headed for Bastion, Cade was tended to by Deliah Blue, who also comforted him as he mourned the loss of his uncle.

