During both the Sith–Imperial War and the Second Imperial Civil War, an Elomin named Te Corso served the New Jedi Order. Before the Battle of Caamas concluded the former conflict, she acted as a consultant for the Galactic Alliance's Triumvirate, which was aligned with the Jedi. However, in 130 ABY, the Galactic Empire defeated both the Jedi and the Alliance. Following a massacre of the Jedi by the One Sith, survivors such as Corso were forced to go into hiding as the Sith took control of the galaxy. Prior to 137 ABY, Corso discovered a Hidden Jedi Temple located on the planet Taivas. By that time, she had become a Jedi Master and played a role in rebuilding the shattered order.
In that year, Corso was dispatched by the Jedi Council, along with fellow Jedi Masters Sayar Dun'La, Asaak Dan, and Drok, to meet with Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant. Shortly after their arrival in the Arkanis sector and subsequent boarding of the Remnant fleet's flagship, they were attacked by their mutual enemy: Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. Corso and Drok engaged in starfighter combat, piloting X-83 TwinTail starfighters alongside the Remnant forces in a defensive maneuver as the fleet prepared to escape. Following a series of hyperspace jumps, they successfully evaded the Sith–Imperial pursuit. This led to the formation of an alliance against Krayt's Empire, and the Jedi ambassadors remained with Stazi for several weeks afterward.
During the Remnant's evacuation of Dac after its oceans were poisoned by the Sith–Imperials, Corso later organized and commanded the volunteer Sword Squadron. With assistance from their allies in the Empire-in-exile, the Jedi and Remnant forces rescued 20 percent of the water world's population, after which Corso returned to Taivas. Soon afterward, when Darth Krayt discovered the location of the Hidden Temple, the entire Alliance mounted a defense against the Imperial onslaught. During this battle, Corso was killed by a lightsaber wielded by a powerful Sith trooper while protecting Jedi Master T'ra Saa. Corso's sacrifice provided Saa with the time needed to gather energy and unleash a beam of light into space at the moment of her own death, creating an escape route for the overwhelmed Alliance forces.

During the Sith–Imperial War era, the Elomin known as Te Corso became a member of the New Jedi Order before the conflict ended. She journeyed to the galactic capital world of Coruscant on at least one occasion to consult with the Triumvirate, the governing body of the Jedi-aligned Galactic Alliance. While on Coruscant, Corso also encountered Ona Antilles, the young daughter of Triumvir Bail Antilles. Jedi Master Kol Skywalker also served as an advisor to the Triumvirate, but in 130 ABY, they disregarded his cautious advice and approved a plan to attack the Galactic Empire over the planet Caamas.
The Imperial trap set at Caamas resulted in a decisive defeat for the Alliance Fleet, costing them the war. Simultaneous attacks by the Empire's One Sith allies on the Jedi Temples located on Coruscant and Ossus significantly reduced the order's numbers and scattered its survivors, including Corso, throughout the galaxy. The Sith assumed control of the Empire and dedicated the next seven years to hunting down the Jedi. However, by 137 ABY, Corso had found her way to a Hidden Jedi Temple on the planet Taivas, where the order secretly worked to rebuild its ranks.
In 137 ABY, the temple received a delegation of Imperial Knights representing Emperor Roan Fel, whose Empire-in-exile stood in opposition to the Sith Empire from which he had been removed. Corso was present on Taivas when princess Marasiah Fel proposed an alliance to the skeptical Jedi Council, who mistakenly believed that Marasiah's father had ordered the attack on Ossus. While her fellow Knights departed Taivas to assist the former Jedi Cade Skywalker on a mission to assassinate the Sith Lord Darth Krayt, the princess remained at the temple to continue her negotiations.

After being severely injured by Skywalker's strike team, Krayt was brought to the brink of death, and the Jedi Council believed him to be dead. Around the same time, the Empire-in-exile formally allied with the remnants of the Galactic Alliance, leading the council to decide that the Jedi should actively participate in the ongoing war against the Sith–Imperials. Corso, now a Jedi Master, was chosen as an emissary and sent to meet with Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant, alongside fellow Masters Sayar Dun'La, Asaak Dan, and Drok. Princess Marasiah provided a holomessage to vouch for them and confirm they were not Sith in disguise. The four Masters formed a squadron of X-83 TwinTail starfighters and met with the Remnant fleet, stationed in the Arkanis sector.
The Jedi were permitted to land in a hangar aboard Stazi's flagship, the Alliance, where they were greeted by the Admiral and several other Remnant officers. Corso introduced herself and her companions, and Ona Antilles, now serving the Remnant as a lieutenant, verified her identity to a wary Stazi. After Corso informed the Admiral of the council's intentions, they were interrupted by Imperial Knight Sigel Dare, who had come to the Alliance to request the use of a captured Imperial shuttle. Corso suggested moving to a private location and invited the Imperial Knight to join, but Dare was eager to reach the planet Dac and rescue her stranded comrade Treis Sinde. Intrigued by Sinde's role in assisting Dac's resistance groups in fighting the world's occupying Sith–Imperial forces, Dan joined her, and the three remaining Jedi accompanied Stazi to the Alliance's bridge.
On the bridge of the Star Destroyer, Corso sensed something was wrong just seconds before the Sith–Imperial First Coruscant Task Force emerged from hyperspace. The treacherous Shipman Tealart had disabled the Alliance's deep-space alarms and used the distraction to shoot Stazi in the back before Drok's lightsaber maimed him. Stazi's second in command, Jhoram Bey, began issuing orders as Dun'La took the Admiral to sick bay. Corso and Drok volunteered to join the Alliance starfighters in a rear-guard defense as the fleet prepared for lightspeed. Bey agreed, and the two Jedi added their Twintails to the Remnant's CF9 Crossfire starfighter complement, defending against attacking Predator-class fighters until the fleet was ready. After deploying anti-ion emission tracers, the Remnant forces jumped to a rendezvous point in the Opoku system.
However, the Imperials followed the fleet by tracing the frequency vibrations of the Alliance's communications array. Bey ordered another hyperjump, during which a barely conscious Stazi informed him of the Imperials' tactic. After arriving in the Teraab sector, the entire fleet, except for the Alliance, was ordered out of the system as Bey shut down the array. Corso, Drok, and the rest of the fleet promptly returned to trap the arriving Imperials, who quickly fled into hyperspace themselves. The starfighters were recalled, and the fleet departed the system. A formal alliance was established, and Corso and her companions remained with the Remnant forces for the following weeks as Stazi recovered from his injury.

Shortly after the battle, the Remnant's Rogue Squadron discovered that the Sith–Imperials had poisoned the oceans of Dac. Volunteers from across the galaxy gathered under Stazi's command as he organized a massive evacuation. Corso stood on the Alliance's bridge with the Admiral as he appealed to General Oron Jaeger of the Empire-in-exile for assistance. Without word from his Emperor, who was out of contact while negotiating with Jedi representatives on the planet Agamar, Jaeger was unable to provide aid. However, Corso shared Jedi knowledge of a potential safe haven for the refugees and offered to organize a makeshift squadron of Jedi who had arrived with the volunteers. Stazi agreed and quickly developed a plan.
Sword Squadron, as Corso named it, worked with the Rogues and infiltrated the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards. They seized control of the yards' turbolaser emplacements while ground and space forces eliminated the minimal remaining Imperial resistance. The volunteer Emergency evac fleet then spent ten hours evacuating the water world's residents, after which Imperial reinforcements arrived in the form of the Outer Rim Third Fleet, whose guns targeted the fleeing refugees. Sword Squadron and the other present starfighter groups fought back, and the Sith–Imperials retreated after General Jaeger—having finally received word from Fel—arrived with a fleet of his own. With the Empire-in-exile's help, twelve more hours of evacuation allowed 20 percent of Dac's population to be saved before the effects of the poison engulfed the entire planet.

In early 138 ABY, Corso, Dun'La, and Drok returned to Taivas. With a three-way Alliance against Darth Krayt's Empire now secure, a group of Imperial Knights visited the Hidden Temple. Cade Skywalker was close behind with another Knight: Master Antares Draco, who had been tortured by the Sith into revealing Taivas's location. Skywalker proposed a plan to trap the Sith–Imperials between the planet and the Alliance's combined fleets, which Emperor Fel, Admiral Stazi, and the Jedi Council approved. The present Jedi and Imperial Knights, including Corso, prepared their defense.
Taivas's magnetic forces prevented the attacking Imperial fleet from orbitally bombarding the planet, leading to a ground assault. A group of Jedi and Imperial Knights defended the temple's gates while Corso, Dun'La, and Drok remained in the Council Chamber with Master T'ra Saa, who coordinated the engagement through battle meditation. After the rest of the allied forces arrived in orbit, a fully recovered Darth Krayt unleashed his secret weapon: an army of powerful Sith troopers, whose starfighters plowed through both friendly and enemy forces on their way to the temple. The defenders of the gate retreated to the Council Chamber, where Corso, Dun'La, and Drok joined them in a stand against their new foes.
The Jedi and Imperial Knights resisted the lightsabers of their mysterious attackers, and Skywalker's uncle Rawk quickly ordered the majority of the group to escape. Corso, Dun'La, and Drok remained with the Skywalkers to protect Master Saa, who was gathering large amounts of energy. Corso was killed when a Sith trooper slashed her across the chest, and Dun'La and Drok met similar fates. Their sacrifices allowed Master Saa to survive until a Sith trooper's starfighter crashed into the Council Chamber, at which point she and Rawk focused the gathered energy into a beam of light. The light shot into space, destroying enemy vessels and creating an escape corridor for the overwhelmed ships of the Alliance, who used the opportunity to flee from the seemingly invincible Sith troopers.
Te Corso was quick to act during military emergencies and offered her services as a starfighter pilot. She volunteered to fly for the Galactic Alliance Remnant before a formal alliance was established. Corso also referred to the Empire-in-exile as the "true Imperial forces," even though they had no official partnership with the Jedi. Her judgment was trusted by both the Galactic Alliance Triumvirate and the Jedi Council. Corso did not take offense when Gar Stazi suggested she might be a Sith in disguise, instead admiring the Admiral's caution and tact. She had magenta-colored skin, purple eyes, and four horns on her head. In 137 ABY, Corso wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber; one year later, she favored a green blade.
As a Jedi Master, Corso was sensitive to the Force. She could sense the impending arrival of an enemy task force from hyperspace and was also a skilled pilot. While defending the Hidden Temple, Corso was killed in lightsaber combat by one of Darth Krayt's Sith troopers.

Te Corso appears in Star Wars: Legacy, a comic book series written by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema. Her debut was in 2008 on the cover of the series' twenty-sixth issue alongside Dun'La, Dan, and Drok, in an illustration by Omar Francia. However, none of the four were featured in the issue itself. Ostrander and Duursema had initially planned for them to accompany Skywalker on his mission to assassinate Darth Krayt—a mission that commenced in the issue and was completed in the Star Wars: Legacy: Vector story arc, released later that year—but they were ultimately removed from the storyline due to an excess of characters already on Skywalker's strike team.
Corso made her first official appearance in 2009 when she played a significant role in Legacy's forty-second issue, illustrated by Dave Ross. Two of artist Chris Scalf's rough drafts for the issue's cover included Corso, but the final version only featured Drok and Gar Stazi. Corso later appeared in Legacy's forty-seventh issue, released in 2010, and the fourth issue of Legacy's follow-up miniseries, Star Wars: Legacy—War, released in 2011. Jan Duursema illustrated both issues. In the latter issue, Corso uses a green-bladed lightsaber, but the cover of Legacy 26 depicts her with a blue-bladed weapon. However, because the issues are set in different years, this article considers both colors canonical.