The CF9 Crossfire starfighter represents a starfighter model manufactured by the Incom Corporation circa 130 ABY. It saw service within both the Galactic Alliance and its splinter faction, the Galactic Alliance Remnant.

This compact yet robust fighter, known as the Crossfire, possessed a shorter overall length when compared to previous fighter designs originating from Incom, such as the Z-95 Headhunter, the T-65 X-wing starfighter, and the more contemporary X-83 TwinTail starfighter. Despite sharing a distant design heritage with the renowned X-wing, the Crossfire exhibited a markedly different configuration. Its four S-foils were positioned at the front of a substantial fuselage, rather than on its sides. The rearmost S-foil had the ability to rotate, retracting for landing and deploying downwards for combat, creating a distinctive cross-shaped arrangement. This particular wing was intentionally designed to be exceptionally thin to prevent any obstruction of the pilot's forward line of sight. When in attack mode, the laser cannons mounted on the wing fired in an intersecting cross pattern, resulting in an extended range compared to the majority of starfighter-based weaponry.
The pilot operated the fighter from an isolated cockpit module located at the rear of the craft. This cockpit was completely sealed off from the remainder of the vessel and also housed its sublight drive system. In the event of a crash or other critical situation, the pilot could initiate an ejection sequence, detaching the module from the rest of the fighter and utilizing the sublight drive to navigate towards safety. While somewhat confined, the cockpit module provided enough space for two individuals, featuring a second seat oriented towards the rear of the module for a potential gunner. This gunner would be responsible for controlling the rear-mounted laser cannons, similar to the configuration found in the snowspeeders employed by the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Hoth. Nevertheless, due to the limited firing arc of the rear guns, coupled with the craft's propensity for executing high-speed maneuvers during combat, which restricted the gunner's opportunities to engage pursuing vessels, Crossfires were seldom assigned gunners.
The Crossfire was conceived with the primary objective of undertaking long-range missions to reach designated targets, delivering maximum damage, and ensuring a safe return. To achieve this, it embodied the Incom philosophy of achieving a perfect equilibrium between speed, maneuverability, durability, and firepower. In comparison to its counterpart, the Predator-class fighter, it exhibited slightly reduced maneuverability but possessed superior shields and armor. Consequently, it garnered both notoriety and affection among Galactic Alliance pilots for its capacity to withstand significant damage while remaining operational. Its inherent capabilities also rendered it an effective interceptor, frequently deployed to defend friendly capital ships or bases from enemy fighter incursions.

Until its disbandment following the Battle of Caamas, the Crossfire served as the principal starfighter of the Galactic Alliance. Seven years later, Admiral Gar Stazi's Galactic Alliance Remnant continued its utilization in hit-and-run tactics against the Sith-controlled Galactic Empire. It holds particular significance as the preferred starfighter of the renowned Rogue Squadron, assuming the role previously held by its predecessor, the X-wing. The Rogues effectively employed the Crossfire during the Battle of Mon Calamari, successfully repelling Imperial fighters for a sufficient duration to allow the GA forces to withdraw after capturing the Star Destroyer Imperious.