Sigel Dare

Sigel Dare, a female Human from the Legends continuity, held the esteemed rank of Imperial Knight Master. She loyally served Emperor Roan Fel of the Empire-in-exile during the tumultuous era of the Second Imperial Civil War. Her devotion to Fel was absolute, and her cold, unwavering belief in the Emperor's authority led her to prioritize his commands above all else, even surpassing the guidance of the Force. Prior to 137 ABY, Dare received her Imperial Knight training from Master Treis Sinde. In that year, she stood by the Emperor's side as he retook Bastion, a strategic fortress world, wresting it from the control of Darth Krayt, the Sith Lord commanding the Imperial forces. Later, Fel dispatched Dare and Sinde to Dac, a planet, with a mission to undermine the construction of a new Star Destroyer for Krayt's Empire. They successfully planted three explosive devices on the almost-finished Imperious.

Subsequently, Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant seized the Destroyer. In response, Dare and Sinde infiltrated Dac, which was under the control of the Sith and Imperial forces. Their objective was to rescue several Alliance pilots from Krayt's grasp, hoping to warn Stazi about the planted explosives. Although Sinde was left behind on the planet, their actions ultimately paved the way for a future alliance between Stazi's fleet and Fel's Empire. Dare was later dispatched back to Dac to retrieve Sinde, accompanied by Jedi Master Asaak Dan at the urging of both Dan and Stazi. When Sinde declared his intention to remain on-planet, assisting the Mon Calamari Rangers in their struggle against Krayt's forces, Dare, enraged, engaged her former Master in a duel. Dan intervened, halting the conflict, and offered to take Sinde's place with the rangers, allowing both Knights to return to Bastion.

Soon after, Dare and Sinde joined a group of Imperial Knights accompanying the Emperor to Agamar for peace talks with the Jedi Order. The meeting was interrupted by the One Sith, but the Emperor and most of the Imperial Knights managed to escape the planet. Later, the Empire-in-exile, the Galactic Alliance, and the Jedi formed a strong three-way alliance and attacked Coruscant, Krayt's throneworld. Dare was part of an advanced strike team that infiltrated the planet to sabotage its orbital defenses. During the battle, she was stabbed by a Sith, but not fatally. Krayt was ultimately slain, leading to the fragmentation of his Sith Order and securing victory for the allies. However, the Emperor also perished after succumbing to the dark side of the Force, and Dare attended his funeral in the aftermath of the battle.


Early service

Sigel Dare, a female Human, received training as an Imperial Knight under the tutelage of Master Treis Sinde. Upon achieving Knighthood, she became fully qualified to serve Emperor Roan Fel in the roles of bodyguard and agent. Sometime before 137 ABY, Dare was promoted to the rank of Master, a distinction reserved for the most accomplished Imperial Knights. In sparring matches with Sinde, she eventually surpassed her mentor's skills in lightsaber combat.

Second Imperial Civil War

Sabotaging the Imperious

Dare accompanies Roan Fel to Bastion, along with Masters Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg.

After conducting hit-and-run operations against the fleets of Darth Krayt, the Sith Lord leading the Galactic Empire, for a period of seven years, Roan Fel returned in 137 ABY to Bastion, the Imperial stronghold. Krayt had deposed Fel as Emperor of the Galactic Empire and claimed Bastion shortly after the Sith–Imperial War's conclusion seven years prior. Dare, along with fellow Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg, accompanied Fel as he arrived on the planet. After securing the allegiance of the Imperial forces stationed on the fortress world, Fel believed that his Empire could now become a more formidable adversary to Krayt.

Weeks later, Fel tasked Dare and Sinde with sabotaging the Imperious, an Advanced Star Destroyer nearing completion at the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards. Destroying the vessel would prevent Darth Krayt's Empire from utilizing it. Disguised in plainclothes, Sinde and Dare were sent to Dac to infiltrate and destroy the ship. They planted three sets of explosives, expecting the first two to be discovered, while the third was intended to remain hidden. The explosives were timed to detonate when the Imperious's weapon systems were activated during its shakedown cruise. The intention was to ensure the ship was far enough from Dac to avoid blaming the native Mon Calamari for its destruction.

However, their plan encountered an obstacle when Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant launched his own mission to seize the Imperious from Krayt's Empire, intending to add the ship to his fleet's arsenal. Stazi's plan was successful, and Sinde realized that the explosives would not be discovered by the Alliance. He decided that he and Dare needed to warn Stazi about the sabotage, but Dare disagreed, viewing the Duros admiral as an enemy of Roan Fel's Empire, just like Darth Krayt. However, Sinde believed that Fel hoped to ally with Stazi against Krayt and that they could convince him of their good intentions by warning him about the explosives.

Escape from Dac

Enraged by the loss of the Imperious, Darth Krayt deployed a legion of Sith and stormtroopers to Dac and ordered the execution of ten percent of the Mon Calamari population, beginning with the members of the Mon Calamari Council. As Sith and stormtroopers invaded New Coral City, Dare and Sinde, still in plainclothes, activated their lightsabers and fought through Krayt's forces to find Monia Gahan, a member of Rogue Squadron and the niece of former senator and Galactic Alliance Triumvirate member Gial Gahan. The two Imperial Knights believed she could help them locate Stazi. Upon finding Gahan, Dare and Sinde rescued her from execution by a squad of stormtroopers. Sinde informed her of the situation and explained that she would be taken off-planet to allow him and Dare to reach the admiral. Still skeptical of their plan, Dare taunted Gahan, claiming that Stazi had been outsmarted, but Sinde reprimanded her.

Dare and Master Treis Sinde help rescue Galactic Alliance pilots held prisoner on Dac.

Gahan agreed to assist them, provided they helped rescue Alliance pilots captured during the battle. Dare considered it an unnecessary risk but deferred to Sinde's judgment. With Gahan, Dare and Sinde fought through legions of stormtroopers as the Mon Calamari rescued her fellow pilots from a prison cell. Sinde quickly devised a plan: those who could fit into stormtrooper [armor](/article/armor-legends] would wear it as a disguise, and Dare would pose as an Imperial lieutenant. With the plan in motion, the group proceeded to the hangar levels. Dare used a mind trick to convince the captain on duty that they were authorized to load prisoners aboard the personal shuttle of Darth Azard, a Quarren Sith Lord. After boarding the shuttle, Sinde and Dare incapacitated the crew. Before they could take off, Sinde noticed Azard approaching; the Sith Lord had sensed a disturbance in the Force. Sinde instructed Dare to take the shuttle to a rendezvous with Stazi, then jumped down into the hangar to confront Azard.

Unconcerned by Gahan's dismay at leaving her partner behind, Dare prepared to follow Sinde's instructions. As her former Master dueled Azard to buy time, Dare used the Force to jettison a fuel tank into the path of the shuttle's rear guns and instructed one of the pilots to fire on it. A massive explosion engulfed the hangar, covering the shuttle's escape and distracting Azard long enough for Sinde to dive off the hangar level and escape.

After taking the shuttle to the Imperious, now under Stazi's control and renamed the Alliance, the pilots brought Dare to meet with the Duros admiral. Dare informed him of the third set of explosives, which were quickly disarmed. Tensions rose between Stazi and the disrespectful Dare, but Gahan intervened, asserting that Master Sinde was correct: the Sith were the common enemy of both Stazi and Emperor Fel, and an alliance would be beneficial. Dare and Gahan agreed that Sinde had been willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, and Stazi recognized the need to defeat Krayt. He instructed Dare to contact Roan Fel and inform him of his willingness to form an alliance, and Dare respectfully complied.

Retrieving Sinde

Admiral Gar Stazi issues an order to Dare aboard the Alliance.

The resulting alliance between the Empire-in-exile and the Galactic Alliance Remnant proceeded to decimate Krayt's Coruscant Third Fleet at Ralltiir. Meanwhile, on Dac, Sinde fought alongside the Mon Calamari Rangers to protect Mon Calamari refugees stranded on the planet. After finally contacting Sinde, Fel summoned Dare to a meeting with Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg, who had just returned from a mission that seemingly resulted in the death of Darth Krayt. Following the Sith Lord's apparent demise, the Emperor issued orders to all three Knights; Dare was to retrieve Sinde from Dac, as he was needed to train more Imperial Knights.

Dare traveled to the Arkanis sector and met with Admiral Gar Stazi aboard the Alliance once more. During Dare's visit, the admiral was also hosting four Jedi Masters, dispatched by the Jedi Council to support Stazi's alliance with Roan Fel. When Dare requested the use of an Alliance Imperial shuttle to covertly enter Dac, Jedi Master Asaak Dan asked to accompany her. Dan was intrigued by Sinde's work with the Mon Calamari Rangers, but Dare firmly refused. However, the admiral overruled Dare, reminding her that the shuttle, and therefore the decision, was his.

During the journey to Dac, Dare devised a plan to disguise herself as an Imperial Intelligence officer and Dan as one of her agents. Annoyed by Master Dan's presence, she repeatedly reiterated the plan and its details, creating a tense relationship between them, although it was largely playful on Dan's part. After landing on Dac, they bypassed security with a mind trick from Dare and met with Sinde and the Mon Calamari Ranger Tanquar. Eager to leave the planet, Dare informed her former Master of the awaiting ship, but was shocked to hear that he intended to stay on Dac. Sinde believed that the Force was guiding him to remain with the Rangers, but Dare, angrily igniting her lightsaber, insisted that an Imperial Knight's loyalty to the Emperor superseded the Force. Sinde did not want to fight, but Dare was determined: he would return with her, or he would die on Dac. Disheartened that Dare, and younger Imperial Knights in general, were losing sight of the true purpose of their order, Sinde reluctantly engaged his former student in a lightsaber duel.

Jedi Master Asaak Dan halts Dare's attempt to kill her former Master.

As they fought, Master Dan activated his own lightsaber and intervened, infuriating Dare. He halted the duel by Force-pushing Dare into Sinde and suggested that Sinde return to Bastion to train young Imperial Knights correctly, offering to stay on Dac and assist the Rangers in his place. After the elder Imperial Knight agreed, he and Dare prepared to leave the planet, and Dare grudgingly acknowledged the Jedi Master's skill and bravery.

Peace talks on Agamar

Back on Bastion, Dare, along with Masters Draco, Hogrum Chalk, and Emperor Fel, observed a sparring match between Masters Krieg and Azlyn Rae under Master Sinde's supervision. Dare took notes during the session. Later, she joined a group of Imperial Knights accompanying the Emperor and his daughter, Princess Marasiah Fel, to Agamar for peace talks with the Jedi Order. On the planet's surface, the Imperial Knights established a camp for the night on Agamar's grassy plains. The next morning, they met with Jedi representatives, led by Master K'Kruhk. Everyone disguised themselves as Agamarian farmers, and several Imperial Knights positioned themselves away from the meeting, pretending to work in a nearby field.

Krieg, Dare, and Jedi Master Rasi Tuum prepare to defend the Emperor from a group of Sith on Agamar.

A formal alliance was established, and Fel declared Bastion a safe haven for both the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. However, the negotiations were interrupted by an intruder riding a local animal. Master Sinde ordered Dare and Master Krieg to open fire, and they shot the beast with blaster rifles until Fel recognized the rider as Nyna Calixte, the Director of Imperial Intelligence for Krayt's Empire, who had held the same position under Fel before the Sith–Imperial War. Calixte urgently informed the group that the Sith knew about the meeting and had sent a task force under Moff Rulf Yage to capture or kill the Emperor. As the task force, led by the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer War Hammer, engaged Fel's Dauntless in orbit, she suggested the Imperial Knights and Jedi flee to survive.

A group of Sith emerged from nearby swamps and quickly advanced on the Imperial Knights and Jedi. Dare activated her lightsaber when Draco and K'Kruhk called on their respective groups to defend Emperor Fel, and all disguises were abandoned as a battle erupted. At least ten Sith fell to the blades of the Imperial Knights and Jedi, as well as Calixte's blaster, but several Imperial Knights and Jedi also perished. Draco hailed the Imperial Knights' escape shuttle, Defender One, which landed near the melee to evacuate the Emperor. As Sinde and K'Kruhk cleared a path to the shuttle, the surviving Imperial Knights and Jedi boarded, except for Marasiah, Rae, and the Jedi Rasi Tuum, who were too far away. Draco ordered the shuttle to lift off, and Defender One escaped the planet as the Dauntless held a corridor of space open for them, absorbing the brunt of the War Hammer's attack and being destroyed in the process.

Into the fire

The Emperor, along with the surviving Imperial Knights and Jedi, returned to Bastion to recover. Rae and Tuum arrived several days later, having escaped Agamar in a stolen Sith–Imperial attack ship, but Fel's spy on Krayt's throneworld of Coruscant reported that Marasiah had been taken to the Sith world of Korriban. Draco led a successful extraction mission and rescued her, but he was captured in the process. Under torture, Draco revealed the location of the Jedi Order's Hidden Temple, and both Fel and Gar Stazi dispatched fleets to aid their allies in defending the temple when Krayt's Empire attacked. During the battle, Krayt, alive and well, revealed his formidable Sith trooper army and inflicted significant damage on the allied forces. Nevertheless, the Jedi were evacuated, and the allies retreated to Bastion. An immediate counterstrike on Coruscant was planned, and Dare joined an advanced strike team tasked with infiltrating the planet and sabotaging its orbital defenses.

Dare and Shado Vao battle Sith troopers on Coruscant.

Aboard the Mynock, the former Jedi Cade Skywalker's starship, the infiltration team executed a clandestine landing at a concealed location on Coruscant. From there, they proceeded towards the central computers responsible for managing the orbital defenses. Masters Krieg and Rae, Skywalker, Tuum, the Jedi Knights Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao, and Morrigan Corde, Krayt's Empire's recent defector, formerly known as Nyna Calixte, the Director of Imperial Intelligence, all accompanied Dare. Corde spearheaded the group to their objective, arriving a mere two minutes prior to the allied fleets' scheduled arrival within the system. After Tuum and Rae employed telekinesis to forcefully remove several technicians obstructing their path, Dare and the others engaged in combat with stormtroopers and Sith troopers. Both Dare and Vao demonstrated their combat prowess by severing the hands of Sith troopers amidst the chaotic melee. Simultaneously, Krieg, Sazen, and Skywalker successfully disabled the computers, resulting in the collapse of the planet's defensive systems.

Subsequently, the strike force advanced toward the Temple of the Sith, aiming to confront Krayt and instigate a final showdown with Skywalker, his avowed adversary. They gained entry to the structure through concealed tunnels previously discovered by Skywalker and Vao when it was still the Jedi Temple. Awaiting them was a contingent of Sith, and the ensuing conflict resulted in Dare sustaining a non-fatal stab wound to the chest. Sazen and the Sith Lord Darth Stryfe met their demise by mortally wounding one another, and as the remaining combatants continued to fight, Skywalker departed to locate Krayt. Upon finding him, Skywalker vanquished Krayt, causing the Sith troopers, whose wills were linked to Krayt through the dark side of the Force, to descend into madness. The strike team eliminated their remaining foes, and the Sith troopers piloting Annihilator-class starfighters in the space battle above plunged their vessels into Coruscant's surface. Krayt's fleet retreated into hyperspace; with the Dark Lord's death and the galactic capital secured, the war concluded, and the allies emerged victorious.

Emperor Fel was among those who perished in the conflict, having been killed by Draco after attempting to unleash a Sith-engineered pathogen upon Coruscant, intended to eradicate all life on the planet. In accordance with every Imperial Knight's oath to eliminate the Emperor should he ever succumb to the dark side, Draco fulfilled his obligation. Following the battle, a funeral was conducted for Fel, with Dare present among the attendees as Master Chalk delivered a eulogy. Furthermore, the Master Armorer declared the establishment of a Galactic Federation Triumvirate: Admiral Stazi, Jedi Master K'Kruhk, and the newly-crowned Empress Marasiah, who would unite the galaxy.

Personality and traits

Dare was critical of and smug towards members of the Galactic Alliance, believing them to be enemies of her Emperor.

Sigel Dare possessed fair skin, brown hair, and eyes, distinguished by a mole situated near the outer corner of her left eye. As of the year 137 ABY, Dare held the rank of Master within the Imperial Knights, signifying her status as one of the organization's highest-ranking members. She exhibited unwavering dedication to Emperor Roan Fel's cause, displaying a steadfast and inflexible approach to her duties. This rigidity, as perceived by her former Master, Treis Sinde, obscured her understanding of the broader context. During their time together on Dac, Dare hesitated to alert Admiral Gar Stazi regarding the explosives concealed aboard his new flagship, viewing him as an adversary to her Emperor akin to the Sith. Despite participating in the effort to warn Stazi, Dare maintained a smug demeanor, mocking several Galactic Alliance pilots and asserting that she and Sinde had outmaneuvered the admiral. In Stazi's presence, she sarcastically emphasized her pivotal role in disarming the explosives; had the decision rested solely with her, Dare would have willingly allowed the Galactic Alliance pilots on Dac to perish and Stazi to meet his end aboard the Alliance.

Dare firmly believed that an Imperial Knight's allegiance lay ultimately with the Emperor, rather than the Force as embodied by the Emperor. Upon retrieving Sinde from Dac, she insisted that he adhere to their Emperor's directives rather than heed the guidance of the Force. Her unwavering adherence to this principle led her to draw her lightsaber and confront her former Master, who demonstrated reluctance to return to Bastion. Dare attempted to kill him until Asaak Dan intervened.

Displaying severe criticism towards both the Jedi and the Sith, Dare expressed considerable annoyance when Jedi Master Asaak Dan was permitted to accompany her on a retrieval mission to Dac, feeling compelled to repeatedly explain her plan to him for comprehension. Despite her overt disdain for individuals outside Fel's Empire, she occasionally exhibited humility, such as acknowledging Master Dan's skills and bravery, bowing to Gar Stazi upon learning of his decision to initiate discussions with Fel regarding a potential alliance, and willingly deferring to Treis Sinde's wisdom on Dac. As cold as ice, Dare was unwilling to accept that the galaxy was collapsing around her.

Powers and abilities

Dare disposes of a stormtrooper.

As a member of the Imperial Knights, Dare belonged to an organization renowned for its members being among the most exceptionally skilled and formidable Force-users throughout the galaxy. She demonstrated proficiency with a lightsaber, surpassing her Master Treis Sinde's abilities with the weapon during her training. Furthermore, she exhibited competence in various applications of the Force, including mind tricks and telekinesis. During her time on Agamar, Dare played a role in repelling a large group of Sith, and on Coruscant, she endured being stabbed in the chest while engaged in combat against Sith and Sith troopers.

Behind the scenes

Sigel Dare was brought to life by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema for the comic book series Star Wars: Legacy. She, along with the Imperial Knights in general, was initially revealed in Legacy's pre-release supplement, Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0, which was released in June of 2006. Dare then made her first appearance in a brief scene in the third issue of the series, where her hair was erroneously depicted as blonde. Despite not appearing within its pages, she was featured on the cover of its sixth issue.

Dare's first substantial role occurred in Legacy (2006) 22, penned by Ostrander and illustrated by Alan Robinson. Subsequently, she played a significant part in the series' forty-second issue, also written by Ostrander but illustrated by Dave Ross. While creating the cover for that particular issue, artist Chris Scalf initially included Dare in one of his preliminary sketches but ultimately opted to depict Admiral Stazi and the Jedi Drok. Dare went on to make minor appearances in several subsequent issues of Legacy, as well as its follow-up miniseries, Star Wars: Legacy—War.

In 2008, Dare was honored with her own miniature figurine as part of the Legacy of the Force set within the Star Wars Miniatures collection. Although Dare's likeness was employed, the figurine was simply designated as "Imperial Knight". The following year, Dare also received her own action figure. Hasbro, as part of its Legacy Collection comic packs, released Dare and Darth Krayt as 3 ¾ inch action figures, packaged with Legacy 22.

