The governing body of the planet Dac, known as the Mon Calamari Council (also referred to as Dac Council or Calamarian Council), consisted of representatives from both the Mon Calamari and Quarren species, each representing their respective cities. A notable example is Gial Ackbar, who served as the representative for Coral City.
Following the emergence of the Separatist Movement, Count Dooku paid a visit to Mon Calamari. Impressed by their advanced civilization, Dooku extended an offer for the world to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which the Council formally declined. In response, Dooku sought to eliminate this potential threat by forming an alliance with Tikkes with the goal of seizing power from the Council.
During the Clone Wars, the Quarren Isolation League briefly overthrew the Council. Nevertheless, the Mon Calamari Knights, aided by the Jedi Council, enabled the Calamarian Council to maintain control.
However, they were unable to resist Emperor Palpatine, and soon after, they became part of the Galactic Empire.
Early in the Galactic Civil War, Mon Calamari was liberated. The Mon Calamari Council, however, did not vote to fully integrate into the Alliance to Restore the Republic, partially due to Quarren concerns about allying with another Human-dominated faction. They also feared Imperial retaliation, especially after Administrator Seegree vanished. The Council, suspecting he had been abducted by Imperial forces, formed a task force to find him.
Imperial infiltrators were deployed to sabotage the planet's supply of starships to the Rebel Alliance. The team successfully orchestrated a series of suspicious incidents within the farium mining operation located in Morjanssik on Mon Calamari. The Mon Calamari Council fractured along species lines regarding the cause of these accidents, resulting in political paralysis. The Mon Calamari members of the Council suspected Imperial involvement, while the Quarren members dismissed these claims, viewing them as an attack on the competence of the Quarren miners who managed the mine.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Admiral Ackbar and several members of the Mon Calamari Council were rescued on Daluuj by the Heroes of Yavin. Consequently, in 1 ABY, the Mon Calamari Council ultimately decided to make the planet a full member of the Rebel Alliance.
After the Battle of Endor and the reborn Emperor's attacks on their world, one of the World Devastators, specifically the Nullifier-5, sank in the Algae Sward. The Council deemed salvaging it too costly and opted only to deactivate it. However, some time later, the Nullifier-5 began to leak, threatening to contaminate the Algae Sward, prompting the Council to commission an independent team to address the issue.
In 137 ABY, Darth Krayt, accompanied by Sith and Imperial stormtroopers, executed the entire Council, including Gial Gahan, for their alliance with Gar Stazi.