The Calamari Project was conceived by the Destabilization division of Imperial Intelligence during the Galactic Civil War. Its purpose was to ignite conflict between the Mon Calamari and Quarren species. The ultimate goal was to prevent the planet Mon Calamari from providing starships to the Rebel Alliance.
To execute this scheme, operatives from the Destabilization Branch underwent surgical alterations to resemble Mon Calamari. This team then infiltrated a farium mining operation situated close to the city of Morjanssik on Mon Calamari. Once in place, the Imperials sabotaged the mine's activities, endangering the timely production of Mon Calamari Star Cruisers destined for the Alliance. Consequently, the Rebel Alliance deployed a team of their own agents to find the saboteurs. Seeking to foil the Rebel mission, the Imperials orchestrated an attack on the Rebel agents in a local bar by a group of Quarren criminals. The agents survived this assault, and the Imperials proceeded to murder Moren Chonk, the Chief Manager of Morjanssik, framing the Rebels for the crime. This resulted in an arrest warrant being issued for the Rebel agents. Despite being apprehended, the Rebels managed to break free and headed to the Morjanssik Mine. There, they faced and defeated the Imperial infiltrators, effectively shutting down the Calamari Project.