The Battle of Daluuj represents a small conflict that took place just before the Evacuation of Yavin during the year 0 ABY. It involved a limited engagement between a Rebel Alliance squad and Imperial troops commanded by Commander Orlok.
After the initial Imperial assault on Mon Calamari, Admiral Gial Ackbar and his devoted Mon Calamari contingent escaped in order to rendezvous with the Alliance Fleet. While traveling, Imperial ships ambushed them above Daluuj, compelling them to abandon ship and descend to the planet's surface using escape pods.
Subsequently, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa rescued the escape pods. Despite facing a significant numerical disadvantage, Admiral Ackbar devised a strategy to bait the Imperial ground-skimmers over a muddy lake inhabited by enormous worms. These worms had previously submerged the Millennium Falcon upon its arrival, and Ackbar theorized that they would also be drawn to the Imperial vehicles. The plan succeeded, resulting in all three ground-skimmers being pulled underwater. Furthermore, the Falcon was recovered, enabling the Rebel team to depart from Daluuj.