Gial Gahan

Gial Gahan, a Mon Calamari being, held membership within the Galactic Alliance. Previously, he served as a Senator representing Dac in the Galactic Alliance Senate, and by the year 130 ABY, he became a member of the governing Triumvirate. Gahan was a strong advocate for the New Jedi Order, in contrast to his Triumvirate colleague, Nu Toreena, who blamed the Jedi for the Sith–Imperial War. He subsequently met his death at the hands of Darth Krayt during an Imperial assault on Dac.


Before his time as a member of the Triumvirate of the Galactic Alliance, Gial Gahan's roles included governor of the Hub, senator for Mon Calamari, and a liaison between the Mon Calamari defense forces and the New Jedi Order.

After the Alliance's defeat at the Battle of Caamas, Gial retreated to his home planet of Mon Calamari, which was then under Imperial control and governed by the Quarren. In secret, he provided spare parts, bacta, and other resources to Admiral Gar Stazi's Galactic Alliance Remnant. He was the uncle of Monia Gahan, a member of Rogue Squadron and a follower of Stazi.

He participated in the scheme to help Stazi seize the Advanced Star Destroyer named Imperious. However, after disabling the planetary defenses, he was captured by Imperial forces under the command of Admiral Dru Valan. This capture was a ruse, allowing Monia to infiltrate the station's computer and reprogram the gunnery to target Imperial vessels. Gar Stazi successfully commandeered the Imperious.

Gial Gahan is killed by Darth Krayt.

Darth Krayt, enraged by the theft of the Imperious and the escape of Cade Skywalker, made his way to Mon Calamari and appeared before the Mon Calamari Council. There, he announced via holonet that one-tenth of the Mon Calamari population would be eliminated. Subsequently, he ordered the slaughter of the entire Mon Calamari Council, including Calamari and any dissenting Quarren. Gahan vehemently protested this act, denouncing it as genocide, to which Krayt agreed and personally executed Gahan.

