Asaak Dan

Asaak Dan, a Togruta Jedi Master, lived through the era of the Second Imperial Civil War. In 137 ABY, he was present at the Jedi Order's Hidden Temple when the bounty hunter Cade Skywalker arrived. Skywalker sought the assistance of the Jedi Council to assassinate Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor leading his faction within the Galactic Empire. Instead of helping Skywalker, the Council chose to oppose Krayt by forming an alliance with the remnants of the Galactic Alliance and the forces of the deposed Emperor Roan Fel. The Council dispatched Dan, along with fellow Jedi Masters Sayar Dun'La, Te Corso, and Drok, to meet with Admiral Gar Stazi, who commanded the Galactic Alliance Remnant. After Dan and the other Jedi boarded Stazi's flagship, the Alliance, he volunteered to join the Imperial Knight Sigel Dare on a mission to rescue her Imperial Knight colleague, Treis Sinde, from the planet of Dac, which was under siege by Sith-Imperial forces.

Upon finding Sinde, Dan and Dare learned that the Imperial Knight was unwilling to leave Dac, as he was aiding the Mon Calamari Rangers in their fight against the Sith-Imperials. When Dare and Sinde began to duel each other, Dan stepped in to stop the conflict. He offered to take Sinde's place with the Mon Calamari Rangers and said goodbye to the two Imperial Knights. Shortly after, Darth Wyyrlok, a Sith Lord who had seized control of Krayt's Empire, commanded the implementation of the Final Protocol. As a result, Sith forces on Dac contaminated the planet's oceans with Viral spores that would eradicate all life on Dac within a week. Dan and the Rangers seized control of the docks in the city of Heurkea's and assisted the Galactic Alliance fleet in their evacuation efforts, managing to save twenty percent of the surviving population of Dac. The Jedi Master left the planet on the last shuttle alongside Captain Tanquar of the Mon Calamari Rangers.


The Hidden Temple

Dan and Imperial Knight Sigel Dare prepare to land on Dac

Asaak Dan, a Jedi Master of the Togruta species, served within the Jedi Order during the time of the Second Imperial Civil War in 137 ABY. Dan resided at the Hidden Temple located on the planet Taivas, which served as a refuge for the surviving Jedi after the One Sith and Imperial armies massacred the Order on Ossus seven years prior. It was during this time that Cade Skywalker, a former Jedi Padawan and the son of the deceased Jedi Council member Kol Skywalker, arrived at the Temple. He sought the Jedi's assistance in assassinating Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor. The Council declined to aid Skywalker, choosing instead to oppose Krayt by pursuing an alliance with both the Galactic Alliance Remnant and the forces of the deposed Emperor Roan Fel.

Mission to Dac

Following Skywalker's successful assassination of Krayt, the Jedi Council dispatched Dan, along with Jedi Masters Te Corso, Sayar Dun'La, and Drok, to meet with Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance. The purpose of this meeting was to explore the possibility of the Jedi joining forces with Stazi's forces and Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile against the Sith. Dan and his companions traveled to Stazi's flagship, the Alliance, arriving in their X-83 TwinTail starfighters. Upon disembarking, they were greeted by Stazi and several Alliance officers. During the conversation between Stazi and Corso, Sigel Dare, an Imperial Knight representing Fel's Empire, interrupted Stazi. She requested permission to use one of his shuttles to travel to the planet Dac in order to retrieve Treis Sinde, a fellow Imperial Knight who was collaborating with the Mon Calamari Rangers in their fight against the Sith-Imperial forces on Dac. Dan, expressing interest in meeting Sinde, asked Dare if he could accompany her. Initially, she objected, but Stazi overruled her.

During the journey to Dac, Dare reiterated the plan to meet with Sinde on five separate occasions to Dan. To blend in with the local Imperials, they disguised themselves as Imperial Intelligence officers. As their shuttle approached Dac, Dare provided Dan with instructions once more, prompting him to remind her that he was already familiar with the plan. After landing in New Coral City, Dare used the Force to persuade an Imperial officer that she and Dan were never officially on Dac. Upon meeting Sinde and Tanquar, a Captain of the Mon Calamari, Sinde informed Dare that he would not be returning with her to Bastion, Emperor Fel's stronghold.

Dan is attacked as he attempts to stop Sigel Dare and Treis Sinde from fighting each other.

Following a brief disagreement, Dare and Sinde attacked each other. Dan ignited his lightsaber and engaged the Imperial Knights, arguing that their conflict was wrong. This led both Sinde and Dare to turn their attacks on Dan, who believed it was better for them to fight him instead. Dan used the Force to push Dare away and inquired if he could propose an alternative solution, but Dare persisted in attacking the Jedi. During the skirmish, Dan told Sinde that he agreed with Dare about him returning to Bastion, stating that if Sinde truly felt that the Imperial Knights were losing their focus, the Force needed Sinde to return to instruct the Imperial Knights. The Jedi Master blocked Dare's attack while Force-pushing Sinde and gained the upper hand by pushing the Imperials into each other. After deactivating his lightsaber, Dan volunteered to take Sinde's place with the Mon Calamari Rangers, and Sinde agreed with Dan. Dan then bid farewell to both Sinde and Dare and left with Tanquar to help the Mon Calamari Rangers.

Evacuation of Dac

Dan fights Imperial stormtroopers alongside his Mon Calamari comrades

Shortly thereafter, Darth Wyyrlok, the Sith Lord who had assumed control of the Empire, gave the order to initiate the Final Protocol. Vul Isen, a Sith scientist, contaminated the oceans of Dac with Viral spores that would eliminate all life on the planet within seven days. Three days after the implementation of the Final Protocol, Rogue Squadron, a starfighter squadron of the Galactic Alliance, discovered that millions had perished, prompting Admiral Stazi to commence a large-scale evacuation of the planet. Dan joined Captain Tanquar and the Mon Calamari Rangers in seizing control of the docks in the city of Heurkea's, which served as the base for the evacuation efforts. The Galactic Alliance fleet, along with numerous civilian volunteers, managed to evacuate approximately twenty percent of the planet's population. As the last available shuttle prepared to depart, Dan convinced Tanquar that as a leader, the Captain had a duty to survive, and the two subsequently departed Dac aboard the shuttle.

Personality and traits

Asaak Dan, a Togruta, typically wore brown Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber powered by a blue crystal. He enjoyed the confidence of the Jedi Council, demonstrated by his selection as one of four Jedi to explore the potential for collaboration with the Galactic Alliance Remnant and the Empire-in-exile against the Sith-Imperials. Dan displayed a distinct interest in meeting Imperial Knight Treis Sinde, who had been assisting the Mon Calamari Rangers against the Sith on Dac. This curiosity motivated Dan to request permission from Imperial Knight Sigel Dare to accompany her on her mission to retrieve Sinde from Dac.

As their shuttle neared the planet, Dare started briefing him on their strategy to quickly extract Sinde from Dac, but Dan reminded Dare that he was already familiar with the plan, as she had reviewed it five times previously. Following her retort, Dan apologized and expressed that he was enjoying her company. Later, after Dare employed a mind trick on an Imperial officer, Dan playfully criticized her use of the Force, observing that the Imperial mindset was particularly susceptible to mind control. When Sinde and Dare engaged in a dispute and began fighting, Dan intervened with his lightsaber to prevent them from harming each other. He willingly offered to take Sinde's place among the Mon Calamari Rangers.

Powers and abilities

A cover concept sketch by Chris Calf, featuring Dan, Te Corso, Sayar Dun'La, and Drok

Asaak Dan possessed considerable skill in lightsaber combat, capable of holding his own against two highly trained Imperial Knights. After he departed to assist the Mon Calamari Rangers, Sigel Dare acknowledged to Treis Sinde that Dan's abilities were impressive. Dan demonstrated proficiency in telekinetic Force powers, employing these skills against both Sinde and Dare.

Behind the scenes

Dan's initial appearance was on the cover of the second issue of the The Hidden Temple story arc, with artwork by Omar Francia. The issue was authored by John Ostrander. Due to an abundance of characters in the The Hidden Temple story arc, Dan, Corso, Dun'La, and Drok were not featured in the comic itself. Originally, Dan and the other three Jedi were intended to accompany Cade Skywalker on his assassination mission against Darth Krayt, against the wishes of the Jedi Council.

Dan's identity was first revealed in Divided Loyalties, the series' forty-second issue, with artwork by Dave Ross. He was later pencilled by Jan Duursema in issue forty-seven, The Fate of Dac.

