Darth Wyyrlok (III)

Darth Wyyrlok, a Chagrian male, held the esteemed position of Sith Lord and served as the principal loremaster within the One Sith order. He was granted a hereditary title, signifying his role as the most trusted servant to the Dark Lord, Darth Krayt, surpassed only by Krayt himself in both knowledge and power. After the Dark Lord usurped the Imperial throne and declared himself Galactic Emperor, Darth Wyyrlok acted as steward of the new Sith Empire whenever his Lord's presence was required elsewhere.

For more than seven years, Wyyrlok stood by Krayt as he solidified his dominion. However, the Emperor's physical condition deteriorated due to the Yorik-Kul organisms within his body. Despite Wyyrlok's efforts to discover a solution, he failed to find a cure for his Master's ailment. Krayt's attempt to recruit Cade Skywalker, who possessed extraordinary healing abilities, into the Sith Order proved unsuccessful. Dissatisfied with Krayt's optimistic outlook, Wyyrlok embarked on a perilous journey into the Deep Core in search of a remedy for his ailing Master. After failing to find a cure, Wyyrlok ultimately killed his Master on Had Abbadon following a battle where Krayt sustained severe injuries fighting Imperial Knights and criminals under Skywalker's command. Wyyrlok concealed Krayt's death from the rest of the One Sith, placing the Dark Lord's body in a stasis chamber within XoXaan's Temple on Korriban. While feigning that Krayt was undergoing one of his periodic regenerative hibernations, Wyyrlok journeyed to Coruscant, assuming the Dark Lord's mantle as Galactic Emperor, and advanced Krayt's vision of inducting every sentient being in the galaxy into the One Sith Order. However, upon Krayt's resurrection, Wyyrlok faced punishment for his betrayal. Following Krayt's attack on the Temple of the Sith on Coruscant, he and Wyyrlok engaged in a duel that ended with Wyyrlok's death at the hands of his former master.



The third Darth Wyyrlok

Darth Wyyrlok, the Sith Lord who was a Chagrian male, was the third to bear the name. As the grandson of the first Darth Wyyrlok and the son of the second, his responsibility was to serve Darth Krayt, the leader of the One Sith. The first Wyyrlok had attended to Krayt around the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. Before the Yuuzhan Vong War, Krayt had been implanted with Yorik-Kul by the Yuuzhan Vong themselves. While the implants allowed him to use Vong technology, they grew continuously, and Krayt worried that they would eventually consume his whole body. Over time, Krayt needed to spend years in stasis to heal and slow the growth of the Yorik-Kul. Even by the time of the third Wyyrlok, he was not completely healed, and the Chagrian was responsible for caring for his Master's health.

At some point, Wyyrlok fathered a daughter, who was sent to Korriban to be trained in the ways of the Sith. Wyyrlok was Krayt's most trusted lieutenant and confidant, acting as the Dark Lord's closest advisor. Eventually, he served Krayt not only as an attendant and servant but also as a spokesman and friend.

Krayt's rise to power

Krayt initiated his quest for galactic supremacy by aligning his order with the Fel Empire, then engaged in a conflict with the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The Sith–Imperial War lasted for three years, culminating in the Battle of Caamas, which severely weakened the Alliance's naval forces, and the Massacre at Ossus, which decimated the ranks of the New Jedi Order. Shortly after the Massacre at Ossus, Wyyrlok, along with his Master, Darth Nihl, and Darth Maladi, traveled to Coruscant, the new throneworld of the Fel Empire. While Grand Admiral Morlish Veed informed a man who appeared to be Emperor Roan Fel that the Sith-Imperial War had concluded following Ossus and Caamas, Krayt and his companions entered Fel's throne room.

Wyyrlok aids his Master

Without hesitation, Krayt attacked and eliminated Fel's Imperial Knight bodyguards before killing the apparent "Emperor" while Wyyrlok observed. Krayt then seated himself on the throne and intimidated the present Moffs, compelling them to pledge their allegiance. He dismissed the Moffs before openly revealing that the "Fel" he had just killed was a double. After scolding Darth Maladi, his head of intelligence, for failing to detect the deception, he dismissed everyone except Wyyrlok. Alone with his trusted lieutenant, Krayt lamented that his body was failing him due to his affliction, though Wyyrlok attributed it to exhaustion. He proposed that Krayt, now Emperor, should enter a healing trance or even return to stasis, but Krayt resisted.

The new Emperor considered a healing trance but dismissed stasis because the galaxy's citizens needed to see him as strong. Wyyrlok tried to reason with his Master again, but Krayt insisted that without treatment, he might succumb to the ailment within two decades. He also told Wyyrlok that during the Massacre at Ossus, he had sensed a murmur in the Force that drew life back from death. The source was a Jedi, and while Krayt admitted to his lieutenant that his vision for the galaxy was incomplete, he insisted it would be realized in time. Shortly after Krayt became Emperor, fugitive Padawan Ellu Viss mentioned Wyyrlok in passing, adding her knowledge of Krayt's order to histories written by Jedi Tionne Solusar during the Second Galactic Civil War.

An alternative

Wyyrlok bars Nihl from entering Krayt's quarters.

Seven years later, with the Temple of the Sith fully operational, Emperor Krayt was once again placed in stasis for preservation. Wyyrlok realized that his Master was dying and began to fear for Krayt's life. His knowledge of Sith lore provided no help; even the teachings of ancient Sith Lord XoXaan offered no solution. The captured Jedi healer Hosk Trey'lis failed to cure Krayt, but Darth Talon reported the existence of Cade Skywalker, who, according to Moff Konrad Rus, possessed extraordinary healing skills. Skywalker was the source of the murmur in the Force that Krayt had detected seven years earlier, but Wyyrlok was concerned that the Skywalker bloodline still existed.

Soon, Skywalker arrived at the temple to rescue Trey'lis but was captured by Nihl. After repeated torture, Krayt prepared to bring Skywalker into his personal quarters to break him and bend him to his will. Krayt hoped that Skywalker's healing powers would cure his affliction. Skywalker was brought to the quarters by Nihl, Talon, and Maladi, but Wyyrlok insisted that only Talon be allowed inside. Nihl objected, arguing that as one of Krayt's Hands, he should be admitted and that his presence was necessary. Wyyrlok retorted that barring Nihl was a direct order from Krayt before taking Skywalker into the chambers alone.

In Krayt's chambers, Skywalker was treated to a feast before the Emperor revealed that he had been known as "A'Sharad Hett," a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic who had served in the Clone Wars. Krayt told Skywalker about surviving Order 66 and his humiliation at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, inspiring a brief confrontation between the captive and Talon. Wyyrlok watched as Skywalker wounded Talon, but Krayt forced Skywalker to heal her. Krayt then offered to teach Skywalker the ways of the Sith, and the former Jedi seemed to accept.

Indoctrinating Skywalker

Within a week, Skywalker's training had begun. Wyyrlok disapproved of Krayt's revelations to the newcomer, and rumors spread throughout the temple about the Emperor's obsession with Skywalker. While watching Talon and Skywalker train, Wyyrlok raised the issue with his Master, as questioning Krayt's actions was one of his duties. The Emperor believed he could form a bond with Skywalker and lure him into the order. With a Skywalker in his order, Krayt would demoralize his enemies. Furthermore, Krayt still believed that Skywalker could heal him with his unique talents. Wyyrlok remained reluctant, as they had never taught someone who did not fully embrace their ways, but Krayt was unconcerned.

Wyyrlok watched as Krayt accelerated the newcomer's training by placing Skywalker in an Embrace of Pain, a Yuuzhan Vong torture device. After recounting his capture by the Yuuzhan Vong and his subsequent training under former Jedi and apparent Sith Vergere, Krayt revealed his intent by asking Skywalker to heal him. Wyyrlok helped Krayt remove his armor as he made the request, but Skywalker said he could not perform the task properly in his current state. Krayt believed Skywalker lacked focus and left him in the Embrace of Pain.

Krayt bellows orders at Wyyrlok.

Krayt's plan to lure Skywalker into the Sith Order failed when the captive tried to escape the temple. He was caught and brought before Krayt, leading to an extended duel. Nihl and Talon were wounded, and Krayt was shot in the back by Morrigan Corde, who arrived in Skywalker's ship, the Mynock, to rescue him. Skywalker escaped the temple alive, infuriating Krayt. When Wyyrlok arrived, Krayt ordered him to find Skywalker. The Chagrian protested, arguing that if the Mynock had entered hyperspace, locating the fugitive would be impossible. Krayt was unmoved and began shouting at his lieutenant, but Wyyrlok remained calm. The Emperor demanded that Skywalker be brought to him alive and in chains.

Krayt then turned his anger towards the injured Nihl, who had lost an arm to Skywalker. Maladi noted that the cut was clean, making reattachment easy. However, the Emperor was furious at Nihl's incompetence and was about to strike him down when Wyyrlok suggested he might still be useful. The Emperor reconsidered and ordered Maladi to give Nihl a new arm made from Yuuzhan Vong bioforms. Talon, more severely injured, was to undergo healing meditation. Krayt then ordered Wyyrlok to recall Darth Stryfe to serve as his new Hand. As the Emperor walked away from the duel, he recoiled in pain, his duel having taken a great toll on his health.

The secret of Lord Andeddu

Wyyrlok quickly placed his Master back in a stasis chamber and began searching for a way to prevent Krayt's death. Finding nothing useful in his Sith texts, he turned to one of the few ancient Sith holocrons: that of Darth Andeddu. Andeddu had been able to animate his body and mind after death, and Wyyrlok believed the answer to the Emperor's problems lay with him. However, the holocron only mocked Wyyrlok and Krayt's Sith, refusing to share its knowledge with anyone it deemed unworthy. Wyyrlok suggested that a being able to resurrect Andeddu might be worthy, a prospect the holocron neither agreed nor disagreed with.

Through his research, the Sith Master learned that Andeddu's tomb on Korriban was a fake, but the holocron confirmed that the true tomb was on Prakith, a world in the Deep Core. Flying to Prakith, Wyyrlok found Andeddu's Keep, a lone structure at the foot of a mountain. Entering the tomb, the Sith Master was confronted by a large group of lightsaber-wielding Force adepts calling themselves the "Malevolence." Undaunted, Wyyrlok used the Force to project images into their minds, making them all appear to be him, causing the adepts to strike each other down.

Wyyrlok prepares to battle Darth Andeddu.

The sole survivor, Gerlun, knelt before Wyyrlok in servitude. Seeing some use in the adept, the Sith Master had Gerlun lead him to the lowest level of the tomb, where they found an empty room. Placing Andeddu's holocron on the ground, Wyyrlok ordered it to reveal the hidden entrance to the room holding the ancient Sith Lord's body. The holocron did so, and hidden gates opened. Entering the room, Wyyrlok instructed Gerlun to light the sconces while he opened Andeddu's coffin. Inside were the Sith Lord's remains, prompting the holocron to goad Wyyrlok into placing the device on the body's chest. The Sith Master refused, choosing to examine the books and scrolls around the tomb.

Gerlun, angered by the Malevolence's defeat, placed the holocron on Andeddu's chest. As a result, Gerlun's life force was drained into the ancient Sith Lord, who was instantly resurrected. Before Wyyrlok could intervene, Darth Andeddu stood before him. The Sith Master realized that the holocron had been a shell containing Andeddu's spirit, just as his remains had been a shell. When connected, they had brought Andeddu back to life. Despite his return, Andeddu refused to share his knowledge with Wyyrlok, instead launching bolts of Force lightning at him. Wyyrlok deflected the bolts with his open hand.

Andeddu began taunting his opponent while attacking with a Force Push. He pummeled Wyyrlok with shattered rock shards sent flying with the Force. Wyyrlok realized the shards were not real but a Force Illusion like the one he had used to trick the Malevolence. The danger was real; if Andeddu could make Wyyrlok believe he was dead in the illusion, he would die in reality. The two Sith Lords matched wits, their minds serving as the battlefield. They battled with fictional lava flows, but neither gained the upper hand. To break the stalemate, Wyyrlok made it appear as though he was destroying all of Andeddu's books and scrolls, destroying all trace of Andeddu himself. In doing so, Wyyrlok ended the battle; the books and tomes remained, but Andeddu was once again a lifeless corpse. Recovering several of the ancient Sith's books and documents, Wyyrlok left the tomb and departed Prakith, confident he could find a solution to his Master's problem.

Genocide at Dac

Krayt and Wyyrlok stride away from the massacre.

Krayt was displeased when the Advanced Star Destroyer Imperious was stolen from the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards over Dac. Former Senator Gial Gahan was implicated in aiding the Galactic Alliance with the theft and was arrested. Wyyrlok accompanied Krayt and other Sith Lords, including Darth Azard, to Dac, where Gahan was presented before the Mon Calamari Council. With a Holovid of the events on Dac being recorded, Krayt declared that ten percent of the Mon Calamari population would be executed, starting with the Mon Calamari Council. Krayt's Sith and stormtroopers attacked the councilmen with lightsabers and blasters, not distinguishing between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren.

To further his demonstration, Krayt declared that all surviving Mon Calamari would be placed in work camps and those who tried to evade the Sith would be hunted down and destroyed. Gahan protested, prompting the Emperor to strike him down. Krayt ordered that all sympathetic to the Galactic Alliance who were taking refuge on Dac be killed. Wyyrlok was concerned that the loss of so many Mon Calamari would render Dac's shipyards useless, but Krayt argued that the loss of a shipyard was easier to endure than the loss of control over a galaxy. As usual, Wyyrlok was concerned for his Master's health, especially after the loss of Skywalker and the demonstration he had just performed. He suggested another period in stasis, but Krayt was feeding off the fear he had instilled in the galaxy's denizens. He swore he would find a way to overcome his ailment until his vision was complete. Wyyrlok later suggested to Vul Isen, one of the Sith tasked with the extermination, to look into ancient Sith lore and adapt the ancient Leviathans for underwater use. Isen appreciated the advice and later implemented the plan, creating the Sea Leviathan.


Back on Coruscant, Wyyrlok joined Krayt, Maladi, Talon, and Stryfe in hearing a report from a wounded Darth Reave. He reported seeing Cade Skywalker at the Sith base on Had Abbadon and claimed that a Jedi woman helping him had turned his troops into monsters. The monsters had attacked him, inflicting severe wounds. Reave then transformed into one of the monsters, prompting Stryfe to kill him. Maladi, inspecting the corpse, suspected he had been turned into a rakghoul from ancient Taris, though she did not know how, as the creatures had been extinct for some time. Wyyrlok then received an urgent message for Krayt from Had Abbadon, which his Master turned his attention to.

Krayt's death, at the hands of Darth Wyyrlok.

The holographic projection depicted Celeste Morne, a Jedi, surrounded by rakghouls. However, the Muur Talisman adorned her neck, signifying her possession by the ancient Sith Lord, Karness Muur. Through Morne, Muur beckoned Krayt to Had Abbadon, claiming Skywalker's capture. Krayt was presented with Skywalker bound, yet remained hesitant, which provoked Muur to assault his captive with Sith lightning. The Emperor then yielded, and Muur asserted his ability to cure Krayt's affliction using his mystical powers. En route to Had Abbadon, Wyyrlok shared with Krayt the knowledge gleaned from Andeddu's scrolls regarding Muur. This included the possibility of Muur's involvement in the Hundred-Year Darkness, and his choice to preserve his essence within the Talisman rather than his physical form, granting him access to the wearer's Force abilities.

Krayt's impending demise sparked concern in Wyyrlok's Master about the survival of his Sith Order. Wyyrlok, however, reassured Emperor Krayt that his vision would endure. Furthermore, Wyyrlok was instructed to remain aboard the ship, continuing his research on Muur, while Krayt, accompanied by several other Sith Lords, descended to Had Abbadon. Upon arrival, Krayt encountered Muur, unknowingly stepping into a trap. Skywalker's captivity was a ruse, and Imperial Knights Antares Draco, Azlyn Rae, and Ganner Krieg, alongside Jedi Knight Shado Vao, lay in wait. A battle erupted, with Talon, Maladi, and Stryfe engaging rakghouls and criminals alike.

Sensing his master's imminent need, Wyyrlok descended to Had Abbadon's surface in his shuttle amidst the ongoing conflict. During the chaos, Rae stabbed Krayt in the back, and Morne subsequently blasted him off a cliff. In the aftermath, Wyyrlok located his master's fallen body and retrieved Krayt's mask. To the Chagrian's astonishment, Krayt revived, revealing his discovery of a self-healing method. However, Wyyrlok harbored different intentions, unleashing Sith lightning upon his master, ending the Emperor's life. Employing the Force, the Chagrian levitated his deceased Master's body and transported it to the shuttle.

Galactic Ruler

Following the Had Abbadon conflict, Wyyrlok transported his defeated comrades to the Sith temple on Korriban. The injured Sith Lords were placed in bacta tanks within the Temple's healing chambers, while Krayt's body was secured in a stasis chamber. This was done to fabricate the Dark Lord's survival and mislead the remaining Sith into believing Krayt had entered another period of hibernation.

Wyyrlok, his daughter Saarai and Darth Stryfe in front of Darth Krayt's tomb.

While Wyyrlok finalized the preparations for Krayt's tomb, he tasked his daughter, Saarai, with guarding the stasis chamber and denying entry to anyone seeking it. As Wyyrlok worked inside, Darth Stryfe emerged from his bacta tank, immediately sensing the absence of Darth Krayt's presence in the Force. Confronting Saarai before the chamber, he engaged her in combat when she refused him entry, a fight that Wyyrlok swiftly halted. The Chagrian Sith then invited Stryfe into the tomb, explaining that the Dark Lord had sustained severe battle injuries, necessitating another period of stasis healing. To further his deception, Wyyrlok claimed that disturbing or awakening Krayt would prove fatal, erecting shields to conceal Krayt's presence from both allies and enemies. Convinced by Wyyrlok's fabrications, Stryfe pledged his support to the self-proclaimed Regent of the Sith, who then unveiled his plan to seize the Imperial seat of power in Krayt's name, continuing the execution of Lord Krayt's vision for a unified and peaceful galaxy by enlisting every living being into the One Sith Order.

Subsequently, Wyyrlok returned to Coruscant, informing the Moffs that Emperor Krayt had been gravely wounded and that he would assume control of the Empire as Regent.

Wyyrlok later requested a private meeting with High Moff Morlish Veed, who was wary of accepting such a discreet encounter, given the past fates of those who had. Wyyrlok acknowledged the speculation among the Imperials regarding Krayt's survival, and as he had done with Darth Stryfe, he misled Veed on the matter. Wyyrlok also recognized the uncertainty among Veed's peers regarding the Chagrian's position within Krayt's order, although Veed assured him that his authority remained unquestioned. He then offered the Grand Admiral the position of Imperial Regent, a figurehead on the throne who would enact Darth Krayt's will as dictated by Wyyrlok—an offer Veed accepted.

Later, in his private office, Wyyrlok held another audience, this time with Konrad Rus, leader of the Imperial Mission. Wyyrlok announced a modification to the Mission; to unify the galaxy under Krayt's vision of the One Sith, missionaries would now instill Sith values and the Sith Code in the galaxy's inhabitants, abandoning the Victory Without War program. Rus was taken aback by this news, as he had an agreement with Darth Krayt to maintain the mission's original purpose. He attempted to request an audience with Krayt, but Wyyrlok abruptly stated that such a meeting would be impossible for the foreseeable future. Wyyrlok then promised to personally provide Rus with Sith instructions before dismissing him.

Despite Wyyrlok's claims of Darth Krayt's survival on Had Abbadon, Darth Maladi held a different belief. She suspected Wyyrlok was merely consolidating his power, intending to eliminate any Sith he deemed a threat to his plans. In her view, Wyyrlok was a coward unfit to lead the One Sith. She returned to Wayland, the site of her Ossus Project sabotage, and invited Darth Nihl to her laboratory, sharing her concerns. Initially suspicious of Maladi's motives, Nihl was eventually persuaded to travel to Korriban to verify the Dark Lord's survival. Once he discovered the truth, he would use it as he saw fit.

Maladi believed Darth Krayt's successor needed to be someone with leadership experience and the power to bend the Sith to their will. She began engineering a new bioweapon that would stabilize the One Sith through fear of the new Dark Lord's power.

Final Protocol

Wyyrlok learns that Lord Krayt's body is missing.

Shortly after, Lord Wyyrlok contacted Darth Azard and Vul Isen on Dac, informing them that Emperor Krayt no longer wished to divert Sith Imperial resources to the genocide on Dac and ordered Vul Isen to implement the Final Protocol: the extermination of all life on the planet. Lord Azard questioned Wyyrlok about the Quarren, allies of the Empire, as well as other neutral species on the planet. The Chagrian ordered that they would be allowed to leave the planet, but would receive no aid from the Empire. Later, while working at the Temple of the Sith, Wyyrlok was confronted by Regent Veed, who was livid after learning that the Sith Lord had autonomously decided to accelerate the complete and utter devastation of Dac without first consulting him. Wyyrlok merely responded by strangling Veed through the Force, reminding him that since the extermination on Dac was Lord Krayt's will, it did not require the consent of the regent. The Chagrian also reminded Veed that there was another advantage to the genocide on Dac—it would likely lure Admiral Gar Stazi and the Galactic Alliance Remnant out of hiding, and into a Sith Imperial trap. Veed reminded Krayt that, as Regent, he would be assumed to have given the order; a fact Wyyrlok had intended from the beginning.

Lord Stryfe, who was in charge of the operation, later reported to Wyyrlok that the Remnant, with the aid of the Empire-in-exile, had been able to evacuate a portion of Dac's population. Wyyrlok reminded him that it was only a portion that had survived, and he was satisfied that the Final Protocol would serve as an effective message to the rest of the galaxy. He then ordered Stryfe to return to Coruscant. Immediately afterward, Wyyrlok received a priority signal from Korriban—Darth Nihl had an urgent report for the Chagrian. Wyyrlok was not aware that Nihl was on Korriban, and inquired as to why the Nagai had utilized the priority channel. The response caused a great degree of shock to Wyyrlok—Lord Krayt was missing.

Returning to Korriban, Wyyrlok inspected the sanctum in which he had kept Krayt's body with Nihl. The armor remained, but the Chagrian was perplexed by the disappearance of his master's body. Masking his confusion, he suggested to Nihl that someone else had killed Krayt, and taken the body. For the good of the One Sith, Wyyrlok told Nihl that they would have to keep the Emperor's death a secret, and the Chagrian would rule in his stead. Nihl would take Wyyrlok's role as advisor. The Nagai then informed Wyyrlok that Talon had been with him when Krayt's disappearance had been discovered—the Twi'lek had mysteriously vanished in the aftermath. Wyyrlok suggested to Nihl that Talon had betrayed Krayt, and that she was in fact the murderer. He instructed his new adviser to hunt down and question Talon, while he would return to Coruscant to oversee the progress of the Empire. Before departing, once Nihl had left the sanctum, Wyyrlok, in a confused rage, obliterated Krayt's armor with Sith lightning. He then ordered Darth Havok to have the newly captured Princess Marasiah Fel, daughter of former Emperor Roan Fel, brought to Korriban. When Krayt revealed his will and presence to all those in the Galaxy that had ever touched the dark side, Darth Wyyrlok knew that the Dark Lord was alive.


Upon learning of Krayt's impending return to Coruscant, Wyyrlok resolved to inform his fellow Sith that he had, in fact, murdered Lord Krayt. He then attempted to mislead the Sith by asserting that the presence they sensed was not Krayt, but an imposter. He claimed he had killed the Dark Lord because his mind had succumbed to his illness, rendering him unfit to lead the One Sith. He then proclaimed himself their leader and vowed to kill the "pretender."

Following the address, he urged Saarai, his daughter and heir apparent to the Wyyrlok title, to leave Coruscant and seek refuge during the coming battle, as her power was not yet fully developed. As she departed his quarters, Wyyrlok conferred with Darth Stryfe, openly discussing Krayt's inevitable arrival. Wyyrlok stated that he had fractured the Order and the upcoming battle would determine its fate. When Wyyrlok asked Stryfe who he would side with, Stryfe remarked that he would side with whomever proved to be the strongest, as was the Sith way.

Wyyrlok is slain by his former master.

Darth Krayt arrived at the Temple of the Sith shortly thereafter, accompanied by his two Hands, Darth Talon and Darth Nihl, as well as two masked Sith troopers. They proceeded to carve their way through Wyyrlok's followers to the throne room, intent on the usurper's death. Wyyrlok, sensing the Dark Lord's cold rage as he approached, confronted his former master unapologetically on the stairs of the throne room, preparing to engage his former mentor in mortal combat. Before the two Sith stood Lord Stryfe, as well as Imperial Regent Veed and Moff Nyna Calixte.

The duel between the Dark Lord of the Sith and the Sith Regent was an impressive display of Force ability and lightsaber prowess, both combatants unleashing the full fury of the dark side to kill the other. Wyyrlok then attacked Krayt's mind with his powerful Sith sorcery, showing him the torments of his long life. As Wyyrlok forced the Dark Lord to relive his painful past, he chided Krayt for clinging to his pain and let himself be defined by it. He boasted that it was he and his ancestors, the late Wyyrloks, that kept the One Sith functioning while their Master suffered under his own weaknesses. Believing himself victorious, he stood poised to deliver the killing blow to the Dark Lord of the Sith, thus claiming the title for himself. It was at this moment that Krayt revealed that it was indeed he, and not his former second-in-command, that was victorious, and plunged his lightsabers into Wyyrlok's chest. Wyyrlok collapsed to the floor, trying to cling to the arms of Lord Stryfe, who left him to die to take his place by the side of the winner.

Personality and traits

Wyyrlok at his Master's side.

Being born into the Sith and acting as Krayt's personal regent, he enjoyed privileges others did not, such as access to Krayt's private quarters. He also strictly adhered to his Master's orders, allowing no exceptions. Like most of Krayt's followers, Wyyrlok's Sith tattoos covering his face demonstrated his complete loyalty to Darth Krayt's new Order. A pragmatist, Wyyrlok often questioned his Master's decisions without direct opposition, as Krayt defined it as part of his role.

Wyyrlok was cautious and constantly concerned for his Master's well-being. He readily suggested ways for Krayt to extend his life and respected his Master's resolve. He seemed to disregard his own life, prioritizing his Master's health, understanding and dedicating himself to his duty.

Wyyrlok had high hopes for his daughter, Saarai, believing she would succeed him and claim the title of "Darth Wyyrlok." Despite being a Sith Lord, Wyyrlok seemed to genuinely care for Saarai, ordering her to flee when Darth Krayt attacked the Temple of the Sith.

However, Wyyrlok's loyalty was to Darth Krayt's vision, not Krayt himself, and he seized the opportunity of his master's weakness on Had Abbadon to eliminate him. He was cunning and manipulative, as shown when he fabricated Krayt's survival to ensure Darth Stryfe's continued loyalty to what Wyyrlok claimed was Darth Krayt's will. Despite being Regent of the One Sith, Darth Maladi believed Wyyrlok was unfit to lead in Lord Krayt's place. She was convinced he was lying about Krayt's survival after Had Abbadon, doing so only to amass enough power to eliminate his Sith rivals.

Once in control of the Sith Empire, Wyyrlok showed his ruthlessness by ordering the extermination of Dac's population. When Lord Azard reminded him that the Quarren had aided the Sith, the Chagrian disregarded them, refusing aid and merely allowing them to flee. When Regent Veed questioned his authority, Wyyrlok maintained the facade of "Lord Krayt's will" and attacked him through the Force. Wyyrlok was calm and collected, maintaining a stoic demeanor and rarely losing his composure.

Powers and abilities

Wyyrlok harnesses the power of Sith sorcery.

Wyyrlok wielded dual lightsabers, but was also skilled with a single blade. His lightsaber mastery allowed him to hold his own against Darth Krayt, the most powerful Sith after his resurrection and healing from the Vong seeds. In battle, he combined his lightsabers with Force powers, suggesting he practiced Niman.

Lord Wyyrlok was a master of the dark side of the Force, allowing him to sense when Darth Krayt was in danger. His dark side powers were second only to Krayt. Like many Sith in Krayt's Order, Wyyrlok could project torrents of Force lightning. He could also deflect and absorb lightning attacks and kill via electrocution, as when he murdered Darth Krayt. His Force lightning proficiency rivaled Darth Krayt's, evidenced by their equal torrents. The Chagrian Sith also possessed telekinesis, using a Force choke on Regent Veed for questioning his Final Protocol order on Dac. Wyyrlok used telekinesis to hurl large stones at Darth Krayt during their duel, though this was countered. He was also adept at creating a barrier of Force energy, defending himself from large rocks launched by Darth Krayt.

Additionally, Wyyrlok was knowledgeable in Sith rituals, magics, and lore. He demonstrated his Sith sorcery skills on Prakith, creating complex illusions to confuse and defeat the Malevolence cultists and the reanimated husk of Darth Andeddu. While his mindforms were considered powerful by the cultist Gerlun, Wyyrlok himself said their creation was only a fraction of his Sith sorcery potential. This demonstration was enough to compel Gerlun to do Wyyrlok's bidding. Wyyrlok had also mastered the ability to torture his opponents mentally as he had shown during his duel with Darth Krayt.

Despite being a Sith Lord, he was trained in using the light side of the Force to heal others.

Behind the scenes

Darth Wyyrlok debuted in the Star Wars: Legacy preview issue, Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0. He was then a supporting character in Legacy (2006) 1, written by John Ostrander. Wyyrlok's supporting role continued through the next major Legacy arc, Star Wars: Legacy: Claws of the Dragon. Until the end of Claws of the Dragon, Wyyrlok was drawn exclusively by Jan Duursema, but for his next appearance, in Legacy (2006) 22, he was illustrated by Alan Robinson. Wyyrlok was drawn by Omar Francia for Legacy (2006) 27, an issue which revolved around the character.

