Darth Wyyrlok, a Chagrian female, held the rank of Sith Master under the Sith Lord Darth Krayt. Sometime after 41 ABY, she rose to become Krayt's most trusted confidante, following in the footsteps of her father, who was also known as Darth Wyyrlok. In addition to her advisory role, she acted as Krayt's voice and served as the Regent of his Sith order while he was in stasis. Wyyrlok eventually had a son, who inherited her name and responsibilities prior to 130 ABY.
As a Sith Master within the One Sith order, the female Chagrian Darth Wyyrlok served the Sith Lord Darth Krayt. Her father, also named Darth Wyyrlok, served as Krayt's primary lieutenant and closest advisor as early as 41 ABY. These duties were eventually passed on to his daughter, who became Krayt's most trusted advisor and acted as the guardian of the One Sith while her Master was in stasis. For a century, the Sith remained hidden on the planet of Korriban. As Krayt's order and his ambitions to dominate the galaxy expanded, he frequently entered stasis for extended periods of years. Like her father, Wyyrlok became Krayt's voice and the regent of the One Sith during these times. At some point, she bore a son, who, after her death, assumed her name and duties. By 130 ABY, the third Darth Wyyrlok was serving Darth Krayt when Krayt seized galactic power.
Darth Wyyrlok held the rank of Sith Master within the One Sith, a group of Force-users deeply entrenched in the dark side of the Force. Darth Krayt had immense confidence in her ability to lead the Sith in his absence, entrusting her with the roles of his voice and regent of the order while he was in stasis.
John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, the creators of the Star Wars: Legacy and Star Wars: Legacy — War comic series, conceived Darth Wyyrlok. She was first mentioned indirectly in the preview comic Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0, published on June 7, 2006, which noted that her son was the third Sith to take the name Darth Wyyrlok. Her first appearance was in a flashback scene in the first issue of Legacy's followup miniseries, Star Wars: Legacy—War, illustrated by Jan Duursema and published on December 15, 2010. In designing the character's appearance, Duursema consulted with fellow artist Douglas Wheatley, who was also drawing female Chagrian characters for the comic series Star Wars: Dark Times.