Legacy (2006) 27

title: Legacy 27: Into the Core

The twenty-seventh installment in the Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga is titled Legacy 27: Into the Core.

Synopsis from the Publisher

Within Darth Krayt's Sith organization, Darth Wyyrlok reigns supreme as the authority on Sith history and mystical practices. He has served as Krayt's trusted advisor, representative, and close companion. Observing his Master's continued decline due to the destructive effects of the Yuuzhan Vong organisms, Wyyrlok embarks on a perilous expedition to the Deep Core planets. His destination is the origin point of Lord Andeddu, a Sith Lord from ancient times, hoping to unearth knowledge that could potentially rescue Darth Krayt. Nevertheless, venturing into the Deep Core is inherently treacherous, demanding that Wyyrlok rely on his innermost resources—his fortitude, capabilities, and convictions—merely to endure.

