This research facility situated on Wayland was integral to the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming initiatives spearheaded by Jedi Master Kol Skywalker as a component of the Ossus Project. Nevertheless, subsequent to the project's undermining by Darth Maladi of the One Sith and her confederate, the renegade Yuuzhan Vong Shaper Zenoc Quah, it transitioned into the focal point of Maladi's and Quah's subsequent investigations involving Vong biots.
Maladi apprehended Deliah Blue and confined her within a Yuuzhan Vong Embrace of Pain. Furthermore, she orchestrated the implantation of a sinister Vong biot onto Deliah's back, intending it as a means to entice Cade Skywalker into an ambush. He was intended to be a subject for her experiments aimed at developing a novel weapon for the future Dark Lord of the Sith. During the subsequent conflict, Cade and his allies successfully breached the laboratory, prompting Quah to deploy his experimental biots.
Quah met his demise amidst the hostilities, and Maladi obliterated the complex, triggering the remote detonation mechanism in an effort to eliminate Skywalker and his associates. Despite Fionah Ti's perplexing inability to halt the countdown, despite her knowledge of Vong technology, Cade's companions evacuated, while he harnessed the light side of the Force to remedy Deliah from the biot's influence and to safeguard them from the resulting blast. The Sith endeavor to trap Skywalker was thwarted with the laboratory's obliteration.