Zenoc Quah, an individual of the Yuuzhan Vong shaper caste, existed through the period of the Yuuzhan Vong War and even after the death of Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane, surviving into both the Sith–Imperial War and the Second Imperial Civil War. Quah played a role in the sabotage of the Ossus Project.
In contrast to many Yuuzhan Vong individuals, Zenoc Quah considered surrender to the "Jeedai" and their allies an act of profound treachery. Identifying himself as a "true Yuuzhan Vong," Quah managed to escape the failing Yuuzhan Vong fleet near Wayland to establish himself on that planet, and he regarded those who departed for Zonama Sekot as traitors and heretics. He collaborated with Darth Maladi of the One Sith to sabotage the Ossus Project, preventing Yuuzhan Vong techniques from being utilized by the inhabitants of the galaxy.

While war devastated the galaxy, Quah remained on Wayland, which was infested with Vongspawn, and continued his experiments on the indigenous life within a laboratory previously used by the Ossus Project. By 137 ABY, the shaper was engaged in bioengineering a weapon with the intention of inflicting even greater destruction across the galaxy. Quah joined forces with the Sith Lords Darth Maladi and Darth Nihl in order to trap Cade Skywalker and those traveling with him.
After the capture of Deliah Blue, Quah subjected her to torment utilizing the Embrace of Pain, while Maladi proceeded to implant a malicious Vongform onto Blue's back. Maladi's objective was to transform Skywalker into a weapon that the Dark Lord of the Sith could employ to maintain control over the other Sith.
When Jariah Syn arrived accompanied by Wolf Sazen and Fionah Ti, Maladi gave Quah the order to release their experiments, defend the laboratory, and eliminate the intruders. During the battle that ensued, Skywalker's companions managed to subdue Quah's experimental Vongforms. After Quah refused Ti's command to surrender, Jariah Syn used his amphistaff to kill Quah.
Unable to defeat Skywalker, Maladi fled, but not before activating the remote detonation that destroyed the laboratory within a matter of minutes. With his companions having been safely evacuated, Skywalker successfully freed Blue from the bioweapon that Quah and Maladi had implanted on her back, accomplishing this by utilizing the light side of the Force to heal her.