Darth Reave, a Devaronian Sith Lord, was a member of Darth Krayt's One Sith during the era of 137 ABY. During the Second Imperial Civil War, Reave found himself stationed on the Deep Core planet of Had Abbadon. It was on this world that Reave encountered Cade Skywalker, a former Jedi Padawan, whose healing abilities were sought by Darth Krayt to combat his Yuuzhan Vong biot infestation. On Had Abbadon, Reave confronted Skywalker and his allies in combat. During the battle, Reave suffered a bite from a rakghoul, an ancient Sithspawn species thought to be extinct. Upon his return to Coruscant, the galactic capital, to deliver his report to Lord Krayt, it was discovered that he had contracted the rakghoul's plague. Unable to resist its effects, Reave transformed into a rakghoul mutant, and was promptly killed via decapitation by Darth Stryfe, one of Krayt's Hands.

Darth Reave, a Devaronian, held the title of Sith Lord within Darth Krayt's One Sith, and also served as a commander in the Imperial Navy of Krayt's Sith Empire. Wielding a pair of red-bladed lightsabers in service to the Emperor, Reave utilized them during the Second Imperial Civil War while stationed on the Deep Core world of Had Abbadon. Furthermore, he commanded a garrison of Imperial stormtroopers.
In the year 137 ABY, Reave detected the presence of Jedi on the planet. Before any investigation or preparation could occur, his location was ambushed by two Jedi and Azlyn Rae, an Imperial Knight, who had come to fight. Reave recognized one of the attackers as Cade Skywalker, Krayt's escaped prisoner, whose Force-derived healing abilities were desired by the Emperor to cure himself of the Yuuzhan Vong biots threatening to consume him. Reave engaged in a duel with Skywalker as his stormtroopers opened fire on the other intruders. Celeste Morne, the female Jedi, then employed ancient Sith magic to transform Reave's stormtroopers into mutated beings known as rakghouls, who obeyed only her. Reave immediately recognized Morne's mastery of the dark side, surprised to learn that she was a Jedi, not a Sith. Upon Morne's command, Reave's mutated troopers attacked him. Terrified, Darth Reave attempted to defend himself, killing three of the creatures with a single attack as they swarmed him. However, before escaping through a window, he was bitten by one. Unbeknownst to Reave, the rakghoul's bite transmitted a deadly plague that transformed its victims into rakghouls. Content to let the Devaronian reveal their presence to Darth Krayt, the Jedi and Imperial Knight did not pursue him, planning to set a trap for Krayt. Despite his severe wounds, Darth Reave returned to the Temple of the Sith on Coruscant to inform Emperor Krayt that Skywalker and his companions were responsible for the attack on Had Abbadon.

Bleeding heavily from his bites and wounds, Reave reported his failure to Darth Krayt. He did, however, inform Krayt that Skywalker was the one who fought him in the Deep Core, and that another, unfamiliar Jedi was present—one who used the dark side to transform Reave's stormtroopers into monsters. Before he could finish his report, Reave himself began to transform into one of the creatures he had encountered on Had Abbadon. Once the transformation was complete, the Devaronian Sith was gone, replaced by a mindless Sithspawn. He charged at Darth Krayt, but was intercepted by Darth Stryfe, Krayt's Hand, who decapitated the creature. Lord Krayt then questioned Darth Maladi, an expert in Sith alchemy, who identified the creature as a rakghoul, a product of ancient Sith alchemy, and confirmed that Reave had been infected with the creature's plague.
As a loyal member of the One Sith, Darth Reave was devoted to Darth Krayt. Like almost all his Sith counterparts, Reave was covered in red and black Sith tattoos on his face and visible skin. Aware of Cade Skywalker's importance to Lord Krayt, informing the Emperor of his whereabouts became his top priority. His unwavering obedience caused Reave to report his knowledge of Skywalker directly to the Emperor before seeking medical attention for his battle wounds.

Like many of the One Sith, Darth Reave was skilled in the Jar'Kai form of lightsaber combat, wielding two red-bladed lightsabers. He was also a military commander, overseeing the garrison stationed on Had Abbadon. Strong in the Force, Reave possessed telekinesis, which he used to repel the swarming rakghouls. He could also sense the presence of Jedi on Had Abbadon through the Force before they appeared. Familiar with Sith magic, he recognized its power when the rakghouls were transformed. He also recognized the female Jedi's command of the dark side. However, Reave's power was insufficient to purge the plague from his body. It consumed him, just as it had his garrison, and he was killed because there was no cure for the affliction.
Darth Reave made his first appearance, though unnamed, in the tenth installment of the Star Wars: Legacy Vector series, titled Vector, Part 10, created by artist Jan Duursema and writer John Ostrander. He reappeared in the following issue, Vector, Part 11, where he was formally identified as "Darth Reave."