Saarai (Chagrian)

Saarai, a female Chagrian, was not only a Sith apprentice but also the daughter of Darth Wyyrlok, the Sith Lord who served as the Voice of Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord. Wyyrlok was also the second-in-command of both the Empire and the One Sith. Furthermore, she was in line to be the fourth Chagrian to bear the name Wyyrlok. Following Darth Krayt's apparent death on Had Abbadon in 137 ABY—Krayt was actually murdered by Saarai's father after sustaining serious injuries in a fight against a group led by former Jedi Cade Skywalker—Saarai was tasked by her father with guarding Krayt's stasis chamber located within the temple of ancient Sith Lord XoXaan on the planet Korriban, with strict instructions to deny access to everyone. When Darth Stryfe, one of Krayt's Hands who had been involved in the battle where Krayt seemingly perished, confronted Saarai, she successfully prevented him from entering the chamber. Before Saarai could kill Stryfe, her father intervened.

A few months later, in 138 ABY, Saarai and the One Sith sensed Darth Krayt's presence through the Force, revealing that he was alive and not in stasis, contrary to Wyyrlok's claims. After her father confessed to usurping Krayt, Saarai, following his orders, departed from the galactic capital of Coruscant because her powers were not yet fully developed. Even after Krayt slew her father during their confrontation, Saarai persisted in her service to the Sith Order. This continued even after Cade Skywalker killed Krayt himself, and the Sith were defeated by the combined forces of deposed Emperor Roan Fel, Galactic Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi, and the Jedi Order. Following the establishment of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, Saarai functioned as a Sith agent under the direction of Darth Nihl. Their mission was to infiltrate galactic governments with the aim of dismantling the One Sith Order's adversaries from within.


Saarai, a female Chagrian, was born to Darth Wyyrlok, a Sith Lord who was the third of his name in a line of Chagrian Sith Lords. This occurred during the time of the Sith–Imperial War. From her [youth](/article/youngling-legends] onwards, Saarai received instruction on the planet of Korriban in the ways of the One Sith Order. The leader of this order was Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Galactic Empire. After Wyyrlok secretly rendered Darth Krayt incapacitated, Saarai was assigned to guard Krayt's tomb inside XoXaan's Temple as her father made preparations.

Saarai fighting Darth Stryfe with telekinesis.

When a recently revived Darth Stryfe demanded to enter the tomb, she denied him access. Stryfe launched an attack, and after a drawn-out hand-to-hand battle, Saarai gained the upper hand against the experienced Sith Lord. Harnessing her considerable Force abilities, she began to bend his body to her will. However, her father appeared and ordered her to stop before she could kill Stryfe. He then instructed Saarai to return to her post and allowed Stryfe to enter the Stasis Room to discuss Krayt's "grave condition."

Later, Saarai relocated to Coruscant. She was present alongside her father when the resurrected Darth Krayt made his presence and will known to all Sith through the dark side of the Force. However, upon receiving word that Darth Krayt was en route to Coruscant, Darth Wyyrlok convinced his hesitant daughter to flee the planet, citing her incomplete mastery of her powers. Saarai was not present when Lord Krayt marched into the Temple of the Sith and killed her father in a duel. Months later, following the death of Darth Krayt and the collapse of the Sith Empire, Saarai went into hiding among the general galactic population. She was acting under the orders of Darth Nihl, Krayt's successor, who instructed the Sith to scatter, infiltrate various governments throughout the galaxy, and await the opportune moment for revenge.

Personality and traits

Saarai with her father, Darth Wyyrlok III.

Saarai seemed to share a strong connection with her father and displayed reluctance to abandon him when the resurrected Darth Krayt attacked the Temple of the Sith. She also refused to permit Darth Stryfe to enter Darth Krayt's tomb, showing a willingness to fight him, despite being a Sith apprentice, to prevent his entry. It was only after Darth Wyyrlok commanded her to cease using her telekinetic powers that she relented and allowed Stryfe to enter. She maintained her loyalty to the One Sith and, following Krayt's demise, continued to serve the new order under Darth Nihl. Her given name in the Sith language translated to "truth."

Powers and abilities

Despite being only an "unmarked" Sith apprentice, Saarai possessed considerable skill in wielding the dark side of the Force. She demonstrated high proficiency in telekinesis, capable of overpowering a Sith Lord as formidable as Darth Stryfe, who had previously served as both the Fist and a Hand. She could use the Force to apply pressure to Lord Stryfe's heart and contort his muscular body.

Behind the scenes

John Ostrander created Saarai for the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. The third Darth Wyyrlok first mentioned her in the fourteenth issue. Her first appearance and identification occurred in the thirty-fourth issue of Legacy, which initiated the Storms story arc. She later appeared in Legacy's fiftieth and final issue, as well as the first and sixth issues of the subsequent miniseries, Star Wars: Legacy—War. Jan Duursema drew Saarai in all her appearances in Legacy and Legacy—War. She received a mention in her father's entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008.

