XoXaan's Temple

XoXaan's Temple, alternatively known as the Sith Temple located on Korriban, was a structure, or edifice, utilized by the One Sith around the year 137 ABY. It was within the walls of this temple that the former Jedi, A'Sharad Hett, was beckoned by the spirit of XoXaan, and subsequently underwent training in the practices of the dark side of the Force. Sometime later, following Hett's ascension to the role of Dark Lord of the Sith and his establishment of the One Sith Order, he commissioned the restoration of the temple, rendering it suitable for habitation.

Following Krayt's demise at the hands of Darth Wyyrlok in the wake of the Battle on Had Abbadon, Wyyrlok transported his remains to the temple, putting them on display within a purpose-built stasis chamber. The temple was also equipped with healing chambers, which provided refuge to Darths Stryfe, Talon, and Maladi, all of whom had sustained significant wounds during the aforementioned battle on Had Abbadon. To ensure his continued leadership of the Order, Darth Wyyrlok strategically placed Krayt's body inside the Temple's Stasis Room. This was done so the other Sith would be under the impression that Krayt was still alive, which allowed Wyyrlok to function as Krayt's Voice and Regent, secretly wielding authority over both the Order and the Sith Empire.

