The Stasis Room, situated within XoXaan's Temple on the planet Korriban, served as a location utilized by the One Sith around the year 137 ABY. Following the death of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt during the Battle on Had Abbadon, Darth Wyyrlok transported Krayt's corpse to this very room. Wyyrlok strategically positioned Krayt's body inside the Stasis Room to give the illusion that he was still alive, thus enabling Wyyrlok to function as Krayt's Voice and Regent, and covertly govern the Empire. This was all done to maintain his grip on the Sith order.
Lord Wyyrlok entrusted Saarai, and subsequently Darth Talon, with the responsibility of protecting the chamber against any unwanted intruders.