The Assault on the Temple of the Sith was an act of vengeance carried out by Darth Krayt as retribution for the betrayal enacted by Darth Wyyrlok, the Voice and Regent of the One Sith.
Initially, Krayt, accompanied by Darth Talon, Darth Nihl, and a pair of Sith troopers, faced off against five Sith who were allied with Darth Wyyrlok; however, Krayt and his followers swiftly overcame them.
Subsequently, Lord Wyyrlok engaged the true Dark Lord of the Sith in combat. Both demonstrated impressive mastery of the Force and lightsaber technique; nevertheless, Wyyrlok ultimately chose to exploit Darth Krayt's painful experiences, knowledge of which he had gained during his tenure as his Voice. Believing he had triumphed, Wyyrlok prepared to deliver the final blow, but at that moment, Krayt revealed that he had lured Wyyrlok into a carefully laid trap. It was then that Krayt swiftly turned and stabbed his former ally through the chest.
Defeated, Wyyrlok collapsed to his knees and briefly clung to Darth Stryfe before dying and falling to the ground. However, Lord Stryfe pledged his allegiance to the victor, as dictated by the customs of the Sith.
With both the Empire and the One Sith once again under his dominion, Darth Krayt initiated his schemes to unleash widespread chaos and warfare upon the galaxy.