Morlish Veed

Morlish Veed was a human male who, around 130 ABY, held the positions of Grand Admiral and Grand Moff within the Fel Empire. He also served as a leading High Moff in the Council of Moffs. By 137 ABY, during the Second Imperial Civil War, he had risen to become Lord Regent of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. Following the death of Darth Wyyrlok and the subsequent return of Darth Krayt, Veed was removed from his role as Regent. He continued to serve as Krayt's primary military commander, leading the assault on the Hidden Jedi Temple and organizing the defense of Coruscant when it came under assault by the combined forces of the Empire-in-exile and the Galactic Alliance Remnant. During that battle, he was killed by Nyna Calixte, his former lover.


Serving Fel

Veed's service began aboard the Wesk Herf. He gained recognition as a military mastermind and a shrewd politician, uniquely holding both the ranks of Grand Admiral and Grand Moff within the Moff High Council. Consequently, he was second in command to Emperor Roan Fel, and he secretly desired to take Fel's place on the Imperial throne.

High Moff Veed on Coruscant as Darth Krayt declares himself Emperor.

He was also romantically involved with Moff Nyna Calixte, the head of Imperial Intelligence, who had left her husband, Moff Rulf Yage, for him. When the Sith offered her a chance to collaborate in conquering the Galactic Alliance, he quickly became involved in their schemes. Like Darth Krayt, Veed was convinced that the galaxy needed a single, powerful leader to unite it; however, he believed that leader should be him, not Krayt.

From his flagship, the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Imperious, he acted as the Supreme Commander during the Sith–Imperial War, commanding the pivotal Battle of Caamas. This resulted in his promotion to High Moff. However, the remnants of the Alliance fleet, under the leadership of Admiral Gar Stazi, were plotting to escape. Veed tasked Dru Valan with preventing their escape, but the GA forces managed to flee through a spacer route. Veed reported the final victory over the New Jedi Order to the Emperor and the Moffs in the throne room of the newly conquered Coruscant, which served as the signal for Darth Krayt and his Sith to launch an attack on the Imperial Knights guarding the Emperor and slay him.

The Sith Empire

For a brief moment, Veed thought he was about to become the first ruler of a unified galaxy in over a century. However, he watched as Darth Krayt casually sat on the throne and declared himself the new Emperor. The Sith Lord requested Veed, as the most senior member of the Imperial hierarchy, to be the first to pledge allegiance, and the Grand Admiral, though internally hesitant, complied. Despite the temporary failure of his plan to become Emperor, Moff Calixte quickly reminded him that the Imperial throne could still be his in the future. Veed seemed unaware that the real Roan Fel had survived the assassination attempt, and that the man killed by Krayt was merely his double.

Veed and Nyna Calixte.

Seven years later, upon hearing that a Skywalker had survived, Veed considered capturing him and converting him to his cause. However, when Morrigan Corde's attempt failed and the Sith called off the search after capturing him, Veed refused to give up.

The Moffs then started debating whether Skywalker had been captured and whether they should reassert their authority as they had during the Remnant era, until Veed dismissed all arguments. He then visited Calixte's apartment, where they discussed how to acquire Skywalker.

Veed later tasked Morrigan Corde with retrieving Cade Skywalker from the Temple of the Sith, but she demanded a price. She requested three dozen Yuuzhan Vong Thud Bugs that the Imperials had recently confiscated from Black Sun. Veed agreed to her terms and even intended to personally deliver the Vong Bugs to her, but Calixte discovered his plan and took over the delivery, knowing Veed was attracted to Corde. When she had approached him at his apartment, he had attempted to seduce her.

Veed witnessed the explosions caused by Corde's attack on the Sith Temple, and when Skull Squadron attacked the Mynock nearby, Veed ordered Moff Yage to call them off, citing Sith orders that prohibited any ship from entering their airspace.

After Skywalker's escape from Coruscant, Veed spoke with Calixte outside her refresher, wondering how to explain their withdrawal of the squadron to Krayt, although he was pleased with the damage inflicted on the Temple. He then noticed a holographic choker that he had never seen before. Calixte claimed it was a family heirloom. In reality, it was a holo of Kol Skywalker with his family — Corde and Cade. Veed was also unaware that Nyna Calixte and Morrigan Corde were the same person.

Regent of the Empire

Veed and Calixte later learned that Krayt had been wounded during an attempt on his life. They also heard Darth Wyyrlok would lead the Empire until Krayt - who was actually dead, having been killed by Lord Wyyrlok himself - recovered. Veed and Calixte suspected something was amiss and resolved to uncover the truth.

While Calixte was supposedly searching for a way into Korriban, Veed was summoned to a meeting with Darth Wyyrlok, which he reluctantly attended because the Sith were known to kill those summoned to such meetings. Wyyrlok explained that Emperor Krayt had suffered severe injuries on Had Abbadon that required him to remain in stasis. He also told Veed that the Sith understood his need to command the Empire, but many non-Sith personnel and citizens did not recognize Wyyrlok's position as Krayt's Voice. Veed assured Wyyrlok that his authority would not be challenged, but Wyyrlok had another idea. To appease those outside the Sith Order, Wyyrlok proposed making Veed the Regent of the Empire. Veed would rule in Krayt's name, while secretly answering to Lord Wyyrlok to ensure he carried out Krayt's will. Veed was surprised but accepted the offer.

Regent Veed during a meeting with the Moff Council.

One of Veed's first actions as Regent was to convene the Moff Council. He informed them of his plan to implement Operation: Thunderstroke, an attack on a secret meeting between Roan Fel and representatives of the New Jedi Order on Agamar. He also revealed that his sources had uncovered a spy within Imperial ranks. To ensure the mission's success and until the spy was found, he ordered that no messages be transmitted from or to Coruscant or any Imperial ship without his direct knowledge and authorization.

This led Moff Calixte to privately confront Veed in his personal office. She criticized him for accepting Lord Wyyrlok's offer without consulting her. Although he retorted that he was closer to the throne, she reminded him that as the public face of the Empire, he would be held responsible for any actions and atrocities committed by the Sith, who had made him their tool. Angered by Calixte's questioning and what he perceived as disrespect from an inferior, Veed threatened her with physical violence and dismissed her.

Final Protocol

Morlish Veed confronts Darth Wyyrlok and is Force choked in return.

After the public learned of the execution of the Final Protocol on Dac, which would eliminate every being on the planet within seven days, Veed was confronted by several Quarren ministers. As Regent, he was responsible for any action committed by Sith or Imperial forces.

Veed confronted Lord Wyyrlok to understand why he had given the order without consulting him. Wyyrlok simply used the Force to strangle Veed, stating that it was Lord Krayt's will, so there was no need for consultation. He added that the extermination of Dac's inhabitants would not only send a message to the galaxy but also lure the Galactic Alliance Remnant into a trap.

A week later, Veed prepared to receive the recently captured Princess Marasiah, but his orders were overruled by Darth Havok, a Sith Inquisitor acting under Darth Wyyrlok's authority, who took the Princess to Korriban. Havok also informed Veed that the loyalty of all Moffs was in question since Emperor Fel had been warned of the Sith Imperial attack. Veed confronted Moff Yage about the failed operation. Yage criticized Veed for allowing the Empire to become a tool of the Sith and warned him that the Sith would discard him when he was no longer useful.

After Yage left the landing platform, Veed questioned Moff Calixte about her absence. She said she had been in the Undercity to verify rumors about Darth Krayt's death. Veed then gave her a new mission: to uncover the traitor. Unbeknownst to Veed, Nyna was the one who had warned Roan Fel.

Krayt's return

Several nights later, Morlish almost discovered Nyna's secret when he found her reminiscing about her past in the middle of the night. He scolded her and told her to go back to bed.

Veed was with Calixte in the throne room of the Sith Temple when Krayt, resurrected, returned to Coruscant to reclaim his throne from Darth Wyyrlok. Krayt and Wyyrlok engaged in a fierce duel, which Krayt won. Now able to rule the Empire again, Krayt dismissed Veed as Regent but allowed him to resume his position as Grand Admiral. Veed did not resist and submitted to Emperor Krayt's will.

Shortly after giving Emperor Krayt an update on the status of several galactic powers, Veed was tasked with finding Roan Fel's spy, with his survival depending on his success. He obtained the spy's identity from his source within Bastion, Master armorer Hogrum Chalk, who, as the new head of Bastion's security, had access to information he previously lacked. Chalk had informed Veed of Fel's meeting with the Jedi on Agamar, and he now revealed the spy within Krayt's Empire: Nyna Calixte.

Grand Moff Veed shoots at Roan Fel's spy.

Veed went to Calixte's apartment, claiming he wanted to celebrate his discovery that Konrad Rus, the head of the Imperial Mission who had disappeared, was the spy. After pouring his lover a glass of Merenzane Gold, Veed asked why she was packing. Calixte said she was going offworld to investigate some intel, but quickly realized she had been poisoned. Veed was kicked in the face and quickly drew a blaster from his boot, while Calixte took one from her bag. The two former lovers shot at each other, and Nyna fell off the landing platform.

Afterward, Veed contacted Admiral Yage, who was aboard his flagship, the War Hammer, with his daughter Gunn. After expressing his doubts that Yage knew nothing despite being her husband, he informed Moff Yage that he had executed Nyna and threatened to "break" Yage if he found any evidence that the latter was linked to Calixte's treason.

Final actions

When Darth Krayt discovered the location of the Hidden Temple on Taivas and assembled a large Imperial force to destroy it, Veed was tasked with supervising the task force alongside the Sith Lord Darth Stryfe, with Moff Yage commanding the naval forces and Moff Geist the ground troops. However Darth Krayt had large reserves of forces that Veed was unaware of, a secret cadre of Sith troopers ready to move in should the battle go against him.

The battle at Taivas initially favored the Imperials, but when Empire-in-exile and Galactic Alliance Remnant forces arrived to aid the Jedi, Krayt made his move. Hundreds of Sith troopers joined the battle, devastating the allied forces before attacking the Hidden Temple itself. The arrival of these troops surprised Veed and Stryfe, especially when they swept through the Imperial forces already on the ground in an attempt to reach the Jedi. Veed attempted to warn Geist of the danger, but the latter was killed by his own side's reinforcements. Although the battle was a victory for the Imperials, they suffered heavy losses, as well as the defections of Moff Yage and his daughter following the devastation caused by the Sith troopers.

Morlish Veed is shot in the back.

Shortly after the fall of the Hidden Temple, Morlish Veed was stationed at the Imperial Command Headquarters on Coruscant when the allies launched a surprise attack on the planet. As the battle raged following the destruction of the planet's orbital defenses, Veed received a report from Admiral Krion Grail about the intervention of Darth Nihl and his Sith ships. Veed commented that regardless of the Sith, Fel's alliance had no hope of victory, only to be interrupted by a shot in the back from Morrigan Corde, who had infiltrated the Imperial command center with a group of Jedi and Imperial Knights. Veed fell to the ground to see his attacker's face. Without revealing her alternate identity, the final words Veed heard were Nyna Calixte sends her regards, before being shot again.

Personality and traits

Veed turns against Moff Calixte and shows his true colors.

Morlish Veed was driven by ambition and a thirst for power. He rose to prominence under Roan Fel by joining the military and quickly advancing through its ranks. He eventually became the leader of Imperial military forces, second only to the Emperor in power. He was willing to betray his lord to seize the Imperial throne, the ultimate power he craved.

Veed had little loyalty to anyone but himself. He betrayed Roan Fel multiple times without hesitation and almost betrayed his lover Nyna Calixte when he tried to seduce Morrigan Corde, unaware that they were the same person. He showed no loyalty to the Sith, even plotting against them until Darth Wyyrlok offered him the position of Regent of the Empire, which he accepted without hesitation. Veed was also highly arrogant, dismissing Roan Fel's alliance with the GA and Jedi as insignificant and challenging Darth Wyyrlok's authority when the Sith Lord did not consult him about the Final Protocol.

Veed was a renowned military commander and a strict hardliner who disdained non-Humans and women, including his own lover. He was cunning, making him a skilled politician, and ruthless, willing to sacrifice any life to achieve his goals.

Ultimately, Veed's defining traits were also his greatest weaknesses. His lust for power blinded him to the potential dangers and consequences of his actions. He sided with the Sith without realizing Darth Krayt's intention to seize the Imperial throne for himself. When promoted to Regent, he believed he had become the ruler of the Empire, when in reality, his position was merely a figurehead intended to take responsibility for the Sith's actions, not to wield any real power. Furthermore, his arrogance led him to underestimate his enemies on several occasions, notably during the battles at Caamas, Taivas, and Coruscant. These traits led to his downfall when, after believing he had successfully eliminated Calixte for her treason and believing victory was within reach, his former lover returned as Morrigan Corde and mocked him for his obliviousness before killing him.

