
Drok, a male Nikto from the Legends continuity, achieved the rank of Jedi Master and dedicated his service to the New Jedi Order during the tumultuous times of the Second Imperial Civil War. The year 137 ABY saw Drok at the Jedi Order's clandestine Hidden Temple, where he witnessed the arrival of Cade Skywalker, a bounty hunter. Skywalker's purpose was to solicit the Jedi Council's assistance in the planned assassination of Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith and self-proclaimed Emperor leading his faction within the Galactic Empire. The Council declined to endorse assassination, choosing instead to form an alliance against Krayt with both the remnants of the Galactic Alliance and the forces loyal to the deposed Emperor Roan Fel. Subsequently, Drok, accompanied by fellow Jedi Masters Asaak Dan, Sayar Dun'La, and Te Corso, was dispatched by the Council to confer with Admiral Gar Stazi, who commanded the Galactic Alliance Remnant in the Arkanis sector. Shortly after Drok and his Jedi companions boarded Stazi's flagship, the Alliance, their fleet found itself under assault by Sith forces.


Following the demise of Darth Krayt, Jedi Master Drok, a male Kadas'sa'Nikto, was dispatched by the Jedi Council alongside his fellow Jedi, namely Asaak Dan, Sayar Dun'La, and Te Corso, to provide assistance to the anti-Sith coalition that had been forged between the Galactic Alliance Remnant and the Empire-in-exile. Upon their arrival at the Alliance, the flagship commanded by Gar Stazi, the leader of the Alliance, the Jedi greeted Stazi and initiated discussions regarding the potential for collaborative operations.

However, this meeting faced an abrupt interruption due to an attack launched by the Imperial First Coruscant Task Force, coupled with an attempt to assassinate Admiral Stazi. After subduing the would-be assassin, a Shipman named Tealart, Drok and Master Corso entered the fray, piloting their respective X-83 TwinTail starfighters, and contributed to repelling the Imperial attackers sufficiently to allow the fleet to make the jump into hyperspace and reach their designated rendezvous point.

Later, during the Evacuation of Dac, Drok held a position within Sword Squadron. As a Jedi Master, he spearheaded a task force with the mission of sabotaging the defenses of the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards. Drok's successful efforts, which included capturing ships stationed there, enabled the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet to push back the remaining Imperial forces and pave the way for the commencement of the rescue operation.

In 138 ABY, Drok found himself once again at the Hidden Temple during the battle waged by the Sith. Alongside Masters Dun'la and Corso, Drok met his end while defending T'ra Saa.

Behind the scenes

Drok's corpse lays among the fallen.

John Ostrander was the writer who created Drok for the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. The Nikto made his initial appearance on the cover of issue twenty-six, the second part of the The Hidden Temple story arc, with cover art provided by Omar Francia. Due to an abundance of characters featured in the story, Drok, along with the other three Jedi depicted on the cover of Legacy 26, were ultimately excluded from the comic's narrative. The original plan involved their accompaniment of Cade Skywalker, against the wishes of the Jedi Council, in his pursuit of Darth Krayt.

Drok was formally identified and given a more significant role in Divided Loyalties, the forty-second issue of the series, with artwork by Dave Ross. Drok subsequently appeared in The Fate of Dac, which was the series' forty-seventh issue, as well as the fourth issue of Star Wars: Legacy—War, the miniseries that continued the Legacy storyline. In these two issues, Jan Duursema was responsible for the penciling.

In the cover art for Divided Loyalties, Drok is seen wielding a lightsaber with a purple blade. However, within the comic itself, he is depicted with a yellow-bladed lightsaber. In issue 47, he wields a blue lightsaber, whereas in Legacy—War 4, the color of his blade changes once again, this time to green.

