Annihilator-class starfighter

The Annihilator-class starfighter represented a starfighter design produced by the One Sith. These craft possessed a triangular configuration, and Darth Krayt claimed they exceeded the velocity and agility of all contemporary fighters. Via the dark side, the pilot could achieve a symbiosis with the vessel, and the craft's armament was sufficient to penetrate the defenses of a Star Destroyer. These starfighters, together with a contingent of Sith troopers, were secretly stored within the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, forming a key component of Darth Krayt's renewed military campaign following his return from death.

Following Darth Krayt's retook of the Coruscant throne, wresting it from the grasp of the pretender Darth Wyyrlok, a significant number of Annihilators were dispatched alongside Emperor Krayt's dragon ships during the Sith Imperial assault directed at the Jedi Hidden Temple located on Taivas. These fighters devastated both allied and opposing forces, including the Starrunner. They also participated in the fight over Coruscant, shifting the advantage to the Sith forces until Darth Krayt's demise, which triggered suicidal actions by the remaining pilots (suicide runs).

