Darth Luft, a Sith Lord from the Twi'lek species, served the One Sith order. He was recognized by the Sith tattoos covering his entire body and his red lightsaber. After the Second Imperial Civil War concluded with the defeat of the One Sith, Luft disappeared into the shadows, establishing himself as the head of a pirate organization operating from the derelict Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards. Through deception, he brought numerous Mon Calamari and Quarrens back to Dac, where he forced them into slavery, compelling them to construct vessels for his pirate fleet. In the year 138 ABY, his criminal enterprise was exposed by Jao Assam, an Imperial Knight, and Ania Solo, a junk dealer, who then informed the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, the galaxy's new governing body. A Triumvirate strike force liberated the shipyards, captured the pirate crew, and set the enslaved people free. During this operation, Darth Luft met his end in a lightsaber duel against Jao Assam.

During the era of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, Darth Luft was a Twi'lek member of the One Sith. Subsequent to the death of Darth Krayt in 138 ABY, Luft rose to power as the leader of a pirate organization that ran a slave operation on the dead world of Dac. He and his pirate accomplices successfully enticed a significant number of Mon Calamari and Quarrens to return to Dac, where they were enslaved and forced to construct a fleet of starships within the abandoned Mon Calamari Shipyards.
As Luft commenced his slave operation on Dac, he dispatched envoys to the Core, only to discover a lack of interest in the desolate planet. He held a low opinion of Darth Wredd, viewing him as arrogant and lacking discipline, and would have eliminated him had he ventured to Dac. Following an encounter with Ania Solo, Jao Assam, and their Mon Calamari and Quarren allies, Luft concluded that they were isolated and dispatched them all in an escape pod that plunged into the poisonous waters below. After Sauk and AG-37 rescued the quartet, Assam alerted his master, Yalta Val, to the growing pirate presence in the Dac system, led by Darth Luft. In response, Admiral Gar Stazi and Yalta Val deployed a fleet and a contingent of Imperial Knights to confront the Sith and his pirate collaborators. Among the rescued group, the Quarren Tikin betrayed the intruders' location in a desperate attempt to secure the release of his son, Tilin. Luft, however, responded by throwing Tikin from a great height, resulting in the Quarren's death.
During his engagement with the Imperial Knight, Luft was swept away by a flood triggered by the arrival of Yalta Val and his cadets. The battle resumed, seemingly concluding when Luft hurled Assam into the water. Imperial Knight cadets arrived and challenged Luft, but were easily defeated. However, Assam managed to approach the Sith from behind and fatally impaled him with his lightsaber. Following Darth Luft's demise, the Galactic Federation Triumvirate apprehended his pirate associates and freed the enslaved Mon Calamari and Quarren. Darth Luft's death inadvertently aided Darth Wredd's agenda of dismantling the One Sith to reinstate the Rule of Two. Wredd personally contacted Jao afterward to express his gratitude for his "assistance."

Darth Luft was a remarkably tall Twi'lek with red skin. Like other members of the One Sith, his face and body were adorned with red and black Sith markings.
As a Sith, Darth Luft displayed a blatant disregard for the lives of other sentient beings. This was most evident when he ordered the execution of the Mon Calamari and Quarren dependents and elderly following a slave uprising. Furthermore, Luft possessed a cruel and sadistic nature, as demonstrated by his murder of Tikin. As a member of the One Sith insurgency, Luft endorsed the post-Second Imperial Civil War strategy of operating covertly and rebuilding the Sith's strength and resources. He viewed the rogue Sith Darth Wredd as arrogant and undisciplined. He also harbored a deep hatred for users of the light side, such as the Imperial Knight Jao Assam.
Darth Luft was proficient in lightsaber combat and possessed the ability to manipulate the Force to levitate sentient beings and objects, as evidenced by his act of throwing Tikin and his attempt to trap Jao Assam under a piece of debris.