Yalta Val, a Human male, was an Imperial Knight in the service of Empress Marasiah Fel's Empire. After the conclusion of the Second Imperial Civil War, he became an agent of the new Triumvirate, operating in the Outer Rim. While on assignment to oversee the construction of a communications array within the Carreras system, Yalta Val was waylaid and captured by the renegade Sith Darth Wredd, who sought to dismantle the One Sith and reinstate the Rule of Two. Wredd then impersonated Yalta Val, seizing control of the Carreras communications array to broadcast his manifesto across the galaxy. During this broadcast, Wredd attempted to publicly execute Val, but was stopped by Ania Solo, a local junk dealer and a descendant of Han Solo.
Following the events of the Carreras Incident, Master Val was assigned to oversee the training of Imperial Knight recruits at the Order's training center located on Coruscant, the galactic capital. Yalta Val's attempts to dissuade his fellow Imperial Knight Jao Assam from pursuing Darth Wredd proved unsuccessful. Despite this, they maintained contact, and Val later learned from Jao that another Sith, Darth Luft, along with his pirate allies, had established a presence in the volatile Calamari system. There, they were coercing enslaved Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees into constructing a pirate fleet. With the aid of Galactic Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi, Master Val successfully organized a joint Alliance and Imperial task force to liberate the shipyards and capture the pirates. This successful endeavor bolstered public confidence in the newly formed Triumvirate.
After the liberation of Dac, Yalta Val and Jao Assam assisted in clearing Ania Solo of accusations related to the murder of Imperial Knight Teemen Alton during the final days of the Second Imperial Civil War. Although they exonerated Ania, Val's comrade Jao was imprisoned for desertion, a crime punishable by death. After Darth Wredd abducted Jao Assam, Yalta Val, alongside Master Antares Draco, spearheaded an Imperial Knights ground assault against the One Sith during the Battle of the Floating World. This conflict resulted in Darth Wredd's demise and the downfall of the One Sith, seemingly leading to the Sith's destruction. Following the battle on Mala, Yalta Val bid farewell to Jao Assam, who had been granted leave from the Imperial Knights to travel with Ania and her companions. The two parted amicably, with Val commending his apprentice for upholding the values of the light side of the Force.

In the wake of the Second Imperial Civil War, Human male Yalta Val, an Imperial Knight, found himself serving the fledgling Triumvirate. In the year 138 ABY, Empress Marasiah Fel dispatched him to the distant Carreras system, situated within the Surd Nebula, with the mission of activating the local communication array station. This station was integral to a galaxy-spanning G51 communications network designed to connect the isolated worlds of the Outer Rim with the galactic capital, Coruscant. Upon reaching the Surd Nebula, he made the decision to deploy a comm droid as a navigational beacon, given the nebula's interference with shipboard communications. Emerging from hyperspace, Val's vessel experienced a forced landing on Mala, a lightless planet devoid of stellar orbit and blanketed in black rock formations. Val's Imperial crew managed to bring the ship down atop one of these rocks. Immediately, the shuttle's stormtroopers dispersed to establish a security perimeter around the crash site. However, the stormtroopers were swiftly ambushed and eliminated by a crimson-skinned humanoid, a Sith master belonging to the One Sith, a group recently defeated and forced into hiding by the Triumvirate.
Rushing from the ship, Yalta Val was immediately engaged by the Sith master. During their lightsaber duel, the Sith master employed the Force to hurl Val and his shuttle down a slope. The ship's crew perished in the ensuing conflict, but Val continued his fight against the Sith master. The Sith master gained the advantage, using the Force to slam Val into the ground. Just as the Sith master was about to deliver the final blow, he was struck down by his own Sith apprentice, a masked and cloaked Human male. The man declared his independence, imprisoned Val, and appropriated his armor for impersonation. Meanwhile, the comm droid retrieved his lightsaber with the intention of returning home, only to be destroyed en route. Its remnants were discovered by a junk dealer, Ania Solo, who also came into possession of the lightsaber.

While held captive, Yalta Val was compelled to wear the Sith apprentice's helmet and attire, his hands secured by restraints. His guard was Dieben, a Nalydian subordinate of the fallen Sith master and his apprentice, who provided Val with a revolting soup for sustenance. Meanwhile, the Sith apprentice, known as Darth Wredd, adopted Val's persona and was rescued by the forces of Governor Biala, who maintained a garrison at the communications array in the Carreras system. The "false" Val asserted that a Sith presence existed in the Carreras system, claiming the Sith had attacked his ship, murdered his crew, and stolen his lightsaber. He also demanded that Governor Biala expedite the array's construction and grant him direct command over all her security forces.
Subsequently, Yalta Val was contacted by his captor via a sophisticated hologram projection pod, who remarked on Val's discomfort with the mask. When Val inquired about his captor's identity, Darth Wredd declined to reveal it, but mentioned that Val's mask was identical to the one his late master had forced him to wear during his apprenticeship to test his resolve and instill hatred. When Val questioned why he had not been killed, Wredd responded that he was more intelligent and ambitious than his former master. Darth Wredd then presented Val with the choice of embracing the dark side and joining his cause, or remaining in captivity. Simultaneously, Wredd, disguised as Yalta Val, utilized Governor Biala's forces to retrieve Val's lightsaber from Ania Solo and her companions Sauk and AG-37. However, Solo and her associates managed to evade capture. While examining Val's comm droid, they discovered a recording of a lightsaber duel between the real Yalta Val and the Sith master.
Meanwhile, Yalta Val's fellow Imperial Knight Jao Assam grew concerned about the delays in the Carreras system's construction. He worried that he had not received any communication from Val, whom he believed would have used the comm droid to send them a new eta. Suspecting foul play, he decided to take leave from his work supervising the Ithorian link in the communications array to investigate the situation in the Carreras system. Upon arriving, Assam narrowly avoided capture by the "false" Val's security forces and encountered Ania Solo and her associates on the planet Carreras Minor. Ania and her associates showed Assam the Imperial comm droid's holorecording. Based on this evidence, Assam quickly deduced that the real Yalta Val had been replaced by an impostor. Jao Assam, Ania, and her associates then formed an alliance to locate the real Yalta Val and prevent the impersonator from exploiting the communications array.

During their journey, Jao Assam, Ania, and her associates were apprehended by Carreras security forces. By this point, Governor Biala had become alarmed by the "false" Val's erratic behavior and sought the assistance of Assam, Ania, and her associates in eliminating the Sith impostor. Following a confrontation at the Carreras communications array station, the "false" Val fled back to Mala aboard a stolen shuttle. Upon his return to Mala, the "false" Val and Dieben removed Val's mask and used the Carreras communication array to broadcast live to the galaxy. During the broadcast, the real Yalta Val was bound to a chair while Darth Wredd delivered his message to a galactic audience. After denouncing the Triumvirate, he attempted to execute Yalta Val to demonstrate the impotence of the Imperial Knights and the vulnerability of the galaxy's population.
However, Darth Wredd was thwarted by Ania Solo, who managed to free Yalta Val by subtly indicating the lightsaber concealed in her boot. During the ensuing skirmish, Val managed to retrieve his lightsaber by using the Force to levitate it and fought back against the Sith. During a lightsaber duel, Darth Wredd revealed his ambition to become the sole Sith in the galaxy and managed to escape Mala. By this time, the Carreras communications array had become trapped in Mala's atmosphere and was on the verge of colliding with the dark planet. In response, Governor Biala ordered her crew and soldiers to evacuate the doomed communications station. Meanwhile, Ania managed to return to the Carreras communications array in a starship and evacuate her wounded associates Sauk and AG-37. She then flew AG-37's freighter back to Mala and rescued Yalta Val moments before the impending collision between the planet and the communications array. Val's fellow Imperial Knight Jao Assam was also rescued by the Imperial communications droid and received medical attention aboard Ania's ship, which then jumped to hyperspace.
Yalta was impressed by the Imperial comm droid's selfless act of rescuing Jao Assam, remarking that he had never witnessed a droid saving someone in such a way before. AG-37 explained that the comm droid believed that Jao had traveled all the way to rescue it and therefore felt obligated to repay its rescuer. Due to Jao Assam's severe injuries, the Imperial comm droid broadcast a distress signal. AG-37's freighter was stranded in a remote region of the Surd Nebula and unable to reach Carreras. The closest system was the Mustafar system, but it lacked the necessary medical facilities to treat Jao's wounds. Fortunately, the freighter was intercepted by the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Animus. Ania and her companions were warmly received by the Imperials, who repaired AG-37 and his freighter.

Meanwhile, Yalta Val resumed his duties as an Imperial Knight while Jao Assam underwent medical treatment in a bacta tank. After donning a fresh set of Imperial Knight armor, Yalta received a briefing from his superior Antares Draco via hologram regarding the emerging threat posed by the rogue Sith Darth Wredd. Val was surprised to learn that Wredd was targeting his fellow Sith. According to Draco, Wredd's actions were placing the Empire in a precarious position. While Yalta Val suggested using Darth Wredd as a means of tracking the clandestine One Sith, Antares informed him that the Triumvirate was not currently pursuing Darth Wredd. Antares Draco then informed Yalta that the Empress had reassigned him to the position of prefect of the Imperial Knights Training Facility on Coruscant. Yalta's new role was to identify and recruit new candidates to strengthen the ranks of the Imperial Knights.
Later, Jao Assam experienced a Force vision depicting Darth Wredd attacking Empress Marasiah Fel. Disturbed by this vision, Jao Assam confided in his mentor Yalta Val while the former was engaged in a sparring session with a training remote. However, Yalta Val dismissed Assam's concerns about Wredd's threat to the Empress, reminding the younger knight that they had orders to follow and that Wredd was not their concern. Jao disagreed, insisting that Wredd remained a threat. Val explained that he disliked his orders, but as an Imperial Knight, he was bound to serve the Force by obeying the Empress. He reminded Assam to uphold his vows and reprimanded the younger Knight for disobeying a direct order to remain in the Ottega system by venturing to Carreras to rescue him. While Val was grateful to Assam for saving his life, he believed that Assam's disobedience warranted punishment.
While Assam viewed his recent assignment to Coruscant for the next cycle as a form of punishment, Master Val believed that the younger Knight needed time to recover since Darth Wredd had nearly killed him. Distracted, Jao was struck by a laser beam fired by the training remote. Continuing their conversation, Assam argued that their paramount duty as Imperial Knights was to protect the Empress. Val refused to continue the discussion and insisted they had orders. Frustrated, Assam destroyed the training remote with his lightsaber but affirmed that he understood his orders. Uncomfortable with his superiors' reluctance to address the threat posed by Darth Wredd, Assam later confided in Ania, sharing his vision and his feeling that Wredd sought him as an apprentice. Following a lengthy discussion, Jao convinced Ania to join him on a quest to hunt down the rogue Sith Darth Wredd. Ania and Assam attempted to sneak off of the Animus, but were discovered and confronted by Master Val and a squad of stormtroopers.
Master Val attempted to reason with Jao Assam by reminding the younger Knight that they had to trust that the Force would guide the Empress in this matter. Assam replied that that was precisely what he was doing. Assam warned that Darth Wredd was not content with merely killing Sith and harbored greater ambitions. Master Val refused to listen and ordered Assam to stand down. At that moment, Val's Imperial comm droid arrived, startling the stormtroopers and causing them to open fire. Val deflected their laser blasts with his lightsaber and told Val that he did not want violence. After Assam refused to yield, Val conceded that the younger Knight was right and allowed him to leave. However, he cautioned Assam that his dereliction of duty was a "selfish act" for any Imperial Knight. Jao and Ania then departed on a stolen Imperial shuttle before Val and the stormtroopers could change their minds.
When the Animus returned to Coruscant, Yalta Val and his superior Antares Draco faced a displeased Empress Fel who was angered that her subordinates had allowed Ania Solo to escape. The Empress wanted to learn everything he could about her and appeared to be disturbed when reading about her background for unspecified reasons. Marasiah Fel was further angered to learn that Jao Assam had left with Ania for parts unknown. Yalta Val took full responsibility for allowing Jao to seek leave from his duties without permission. Fel expressed her regret in placing her faith in Yalta Val and voiced her disappointment that she could no longer trust her Knights. Yalta then attempted to defend the younger Imperial Knight by revealing that Jao was pursuing Darth Wredd after receiving a vision in the Living Force. He explained that Jao was trying to do what he felt to be right. However, Empress Fel remained unmoved and condemned Jao as a deserter. She then ordered the Imperials to bring Ania Solo to her as a prisoner and charged Jao with desertion, a crime punishable by death in the Galactic Triumvirate.

Meanwhile, Jao Assam and Ania Solo's pursuit of Darth Wredd led them to the lawless Calamari system, which had become a haven for criminals following the Genocide on Dac towards the end of the Second Imperial Civil War in 138 ABY. While the two companions found no trace of Darth Wredd in the Calamari system, they soon discovered that another rogue Sith, named Darth Luft, and his pirate associates had established a base in the derelict Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards. There, they had deceived a large number of Mon Calamari and Quarren into returning to a "renewed" Dac, which had been poisoned and rendered lifeless by Sith viral spores. These unfortunate beings were enslaved and forced to construct a fleet of starships for the pirates. Before being captured and ejected in an escape pod into Dac's poisoned oceans, Yalta Val's former comm droid, now serving Jao, managed to transmit a coded message to Yalta Val, alerting him to the pirates' presence in the Calamari system.
Yalta Val was overseeing the training of Imperial Knight cadets on Coruscant when he received Jao's coded message from the AS–1 listening post, which bore Val's stamp. Although the Imperial communications officers initially dismissed the message due to his apparent presence on Coruscant, they ultimately brought it to Yalta Val's attention. After deciphering Jao's message in his private quarters, he interrupted a high-level Galactic Triumvirate meeting to inform his superiors about the pirate presence in the Dac system and the enslavement of Mon Calamari and Quarren. While Empress Fel expressed indifference to this development, arguing that the Triumvirate lacked the resources to address every problem in the galaxy, Admiral Gar Stazi was dismayed by the Triumvirate's neglect of the Dac refugees' plight and the lawlessness that had engulfed the Calamari system. When a Jedi delegate likened the Sith threat to a multi-headed hydra, Empress Fel retorted that they had no direct evidence of a Sith presence in the Mon Calamari Shipyards and dismissed Jao as an unreliable source.
She lectured her fellow Triumvirate members that they could not afford to be distracted by what she called "one man's obsession," especially in the aftermath of the loss of the Carreras communications array. Stazi countered that the Triumvirate had a moral obligation to assist the Mon Calamari and Quarren captives in the Dac system. The Empress remained unmoved, asserting that the Triumvirate was doing everything possible to aid the surviving Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees in rebuilding their homes throughout the galaxy. Unable to reason with Empress Fel, Yalta Val returned to the Imperial Knights' training facility. He was later joined by Admiral Stazi, who shared his concern over the Empress's lack of empathy for the Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees' predicament. Both men agreed that they had to intervene to aid the enslaved refugees on Dac. Ultimately, they assembled a force of Galactic Alliance starships, seatroopers, and Imperial Knight cadets to confront Darth Luft and the pirates.
The Triumvirate forces swiftly neutralized the pirate starfighter and pirate droid defenses in the Dac system. The Alliance tanker Trand Cappa flooded the Mon Calamari Shipyards with seawater, overwhelming the pirates, damaging their starships, and enabling the Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves to gain the upper hand. While Gar Stazi commanded the starship forces, Yalta Val led a force of seatroopers and Imperial Knights to liberate the Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves and apprehend the pirates. While traversing the flooded interiors of the shipyards, Val and his seatrooper escorts pursued two pirates. When the pirates ignored his orders to halt, the Knight used his lightsaber to bisect the bridge, causing them to plunge into the waters below, where they were apprehended by waiting seatroopers. Val then instructed his men to escort the prisoners to Dry Bay #1, where the prisoner transport awaited. He also reminded his men to round up any remaining survivors before they regained their bearings.
Meanwhile, Jao Assam succeeded in killing Darth Luft after an extended lightsaber duel. Ania and her companions also managed to rescue several Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees from being killed by exposure to zero gravity space. Following the defeat of Darth Luft and his pirates, the liberated Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves were allowed to settle in the flooded interiors of the Mon Calamari Shipyards. Yalta Val oversaw the arrest of the surviving pirates, who were escorted aboard a prisoner transport. He also encountered Jao Assam, and the two Imperial Knights discussed the recent events in the Calamari system. Both men were pleased with the liberation of the enslaved Mon Calamari and Quarren, viewing it as a sign of healing in the galaxy. When Val asked whether Jao would be returning to his duties, the latter apologized, stating that he could not, even though he knew that desertion was punishable by death. When Val inquired why Jao persisted in his "folly," the latter explained that he was trying to protect the Empress from Darth Wredd, thereby fulfilling his most important duty as an Imperial Knight. Jao concluded that he could not ignore his vision. Despite their disagreements, Yalta Val and Jao Assam parted on amicable terms.

A year had passed since the events that transpired during the Carreras Incident. Master Val was overseeing the training exercises of Imperial Knight cadets when he was visited by Admiral Gar Stazi. The Admiral informed Val that he had submitted a report detailing the events that unfolded in the Calamari system. This report included recommendations concerning the immediate future of Dac. Stazi elaborated, stating that their actions at the Mon Calamari Shipyards had significantly bolstered the Triumvirate government's popularity, suggesting that Empress Fel might consider recognizing their efforts with a promotion. However, Val turned down the offer of advancement, citing his recent experiences in the Carreras system. He explained that he had previously been promoted, only to be subsequently demoted when it became apparent that he lacked the necessary political acumen. Furthermore, Val expressed his contentment with his current role training recruits on Coruscant. Stazi then mentioned that Val's Knights would soon be occupied, as the Triumvirate had resolved to resume its pursuit of war criminals. When Val questioned the Empress's decision to cease the hunt for Darth Wredd, Stazi simply responded that the public's reaction to the liberation of Dac's shipyards demonstrated that the galaxy valued strength above all else.
Upon discovering that his former acquaintance, Ania Solo, had been placed on the Triumvirate's list of wanted individuals, Val confronted his superior, Antares Draco, at his private residence on Coruscant. He voiced his disapproval of the Triumvirate's renewed campaign against war criminals, arguing that the authorities were misdirecting their focus. Draco adopted a defensive stance and cautioned Val to carefully consider his words. While acknowledging that Ania had saved Val's life during the Carreras Incident, he contended that appearances could be deceiving. Val then inferred that the Imperials had intended to apprehend Ania and discreetly eliminate her during her time aboard the Animus. Val demanded an explanation. After conceding that the Imperials had indeed planned to make Ania disappear, Draco added that Ania's recent notoriety following the Carreras Incident and the Liberation of the Dac Shipyards had compelled the Triumvirate to garner public support by designating her as one of their "Most Wanted." Draco then asserted that the authorities possessed substantial evidence indicating that she had murdered an Imperial Knight named Teemen Alton. With the Triumvirate consolidating its power across the galaxy, Draco sought to convey a clear message that the Imperial Knights were the guardians of this newfound peace and that any transgressions against them, past or present, would not be tolerated.
The following morning, Val paid a visit to Empress Marasiah Fel to reiterate his misgivings regarding Ania's supposed "guilt" and to challenge the justification for pursuing her. Marasiah Fel displayed visible anger at Yalta Val's dissent and threatened to strike him down with her lightsaber. However, she restrained herself and remarked that her duties as Empress did not supersede her obligations as an Imperial Knight. Remaining unconvinced by Master Val's concerns regarding Ania Solo's culpability, she proceeded to remind him that any harm inflicted upon an Imperial Knight was felt by the entire order. She reiterated that apprehending Ania would bring justice to the slain Teemen Alton and emphasized that the pursuit of justice required no justification. Still doubtful of Ania's guilt, Jao examined Triumvirate records and discovered that Teemen Alton's actual killer possessed a prosthetic hand, a characteristic that Ania did not share. Val communicated this information to Jao and Ania's companions, Sauk and AG-37, who were engaged in a mission to rescue Ania, who had been abducted by her former lover Ramid and was being pursued by an enigmatic bounty hunter.
Following Ania's capture, she was transported to Coruscant to stand trial before a military tribunal. The tribunal was composed of Antares Draco, the leader of the Imperial Knights, a Sullustan Galactic Alliance representative, and a female Jedi. During the proceedings, Yalta Val volunteered to serve as Ania's legal counsel. He commenced by challenging the validity of the Triumvirate's evidence against Ania, emphasizing that she had risked her life on multiple occasions to save members of the Imperial Knights. Unpersuaded, Draco implied that Ania had performed these acts of goodwill out of remorse for her previous misdeeds. Representing the prosecution, Draco underscored Ania's guilt and demanded a swift resolution to the case. Val managed to weaken the prosecution's argument by highlighting that Teemen's murderer had a prosthetic hand, while Ania possessed two natural hands. He further stated that Alton had been strangled by a laser whip that could only be operated with a compatible prosthetic hand.
Val's evidence succeeded in swaying the Galactic Alliance and Jedi members of the tribunal, but Antares Draco remained steadfast in his conviction and demanded additional proof. However, Ania Solo was rescued by the timely arrival of Jao Assam, who presented the bounty hunter's severed prosthetic hand. He explained to the tribunal that the artificial hand belonged to Teemen's true killer and that this individual had attempted to frame Ania for a crime she did not commit. Confronted with irrefutable evidence, the tribunal was compelled to declare Ania not guilty and order her release. Nevertheless, Draco ordered Jao's arrest on charges of desertion and had him imprisoned. Subsequently, Master Val explained to Ania and her companions that by returning to Coruscant, Jao had essentially surrendered himself. Val reiterated that desertion from the Imperial Knights was an offense punishable by death.

Not long after Ania's acquittal, the fugitive Darth Wredd liberated Jao Assam from his confinement. Despite his unwavering loyalty to Empress Fel, Jao continued to follow Darth Wredd in an attempt to thwart the rogue Sith's scheme. In response, Empress Marasiah Fel dispatched Ania Solo and a squad of stormtroopers to rescue Jao. Unbeknownst to Ania, Empress Fel had also assembled a contingent of Imperial Knights to pursue Darth Wredd. However, Darth Wredd had orchestrated a plan to lure both the Imperial Knights and the One Sith into a trap. He manipulated Jao into transmitting the coordinates of the floating world of Mala to the Imperials and Sith. Master Yalta Val and Master Antares Draco accompanied Empress Fel aboard a Star Destroyer to Mala. Upon arriving above Mala, they were astonished to discover a vast army of One Sith. While Empress Fel remained aboard the Star Destroyer, Draco and Val led the Imperial Knights into battle against the Sith forces.
During the Skirmish Above Mala, Darth Wredd allied himself with the Imperial Knights and Ania's companions against the Sith. Darth Wredd sought vengeance against the One Sith for the destruction of his family and his homeworld and had intended to exploit the Imperial Knights to annihilate the One Sith. Following a brutal and intense conflict, the Imperial Knights successfully eliminated the entire One Sith army. However, Darth Wredd then seized the opportunity to launch an assassination attempt on Empress Fel. Before he could complete his mission, he was intercepted and attacked by Jao Assam, who managed to sever both of his hands with his lightsaber. Realizing that Wredd intended to lead him down the path to the dark side, Jao refused to kill the rogue Sith, allowing Ania to deliver the final blow.
In the aftermath of the battle, the injured Empress Fel was evacuated, and Master Yalta Val reconciled with Jao Assam. Jao explained that Darth Wredd had orchestrated the entire conflict to punish and eradicate the One Sith for the harm they had inflicted upon his homeworld. But after everything was said and done, there was still one Sith remaining: himself. Having strayed too far into the Dark Side to believe in redemption, Wredd had deliberately engineered his own demise and had nearly succeeded in creating a new Sith in the process. Later, Master Val reported to Empress Fel that all of the One Sith had perished. He believed that the Sith had been eradicated from the galaxy, but Fel remained unconvinced, asserting that history had a tendency to repeat itself.
Following the events on Mala, Ania Solo successfully persuaded Empress Fel to drop the desertion charges against Jao and release him from the Imperial Knights Order. Before Jao departed to begin his new life with Ania, Yalta Val had a final conversation with his former student. Both men were pleased with the Empress's plans to reform the Knights by focusing their loyalty on the light side of the Force, rather than solely on the Empress. Jao affectionately described Master Val as one of the most unconventional Knights he had encountered and expressed his gratitude for all the lessons he had learned. Jao vowed to remain on the light side but acknowledged that he was no longer a Knight. Jao also promised that he would be ready to fight alongside Master Val should the need ever arise. After embracing each other, Master Val commended Jao for never disappointing him. Jao was accompanied by Master Val's old Imperial comm droid, which had developed a close bond with Jao. Master Val presumably continued to serve as the head of the Imperial Knights training facility on Coruscant.

As an Imperial Knight, Yalta Val demonstrated unwavering loyalty and devotion to serving his Empress, Marasiah Fel. He was also deeply committed to adhering to the principles of the light side of the Force, trusting that the Force would guide the Empress's decisions. Simultaneously, Yalta Val possessed a strong moral compass, which occasionally led him to question the directives of his superiors if he believed them to be unjust or unethical. On one occasion, Val was troubled by the Empress's apparent indifference to the plight of enslaved Mon Calamari and Quarren in the Mon Calamari Shipyards. This moral unease prompted him to join Admiral Gar Stazi in leading a Triumvirate task force to liberate these enslaved individuals. The liberation of the Mon Calamari Shipyards proved to be a popular initiative and helped to bolster confidence in the Galactic Triumvirate government. However, Val's aversion to politics led him to decline a promotion that was intended to reward him for his leadership and actions during the Calamari incident.
Master Val also held a profound respect for the junk dealer Ania Solo, recognizing her bravery in saving his life during the Carreras Incident. His admiration for Ania prompted him to question the Triumvirate's criminal case against her, which alleged that she had murdered an Imperial Knight. Val's dedication to uncovering the truth led him to discover evidence that ultimately helped to overturn the Triumvirate's case against Ania and exonerate her. Furthermore, Master Val was an exceptional teacher who was well-regarded by many of his students, including Jao Assam, for his unconventional and adaptable methods. Yalta Val also believed that meaningful change could originate from within an individual. Val exhibited strong leadership skills during the ill-fated mission to the Carreras system and the successful liberation of the Mon Calamari Shipyards. These leadership qualities led Empress Fel to appoint him as the head of the Imperial Knights Training Facility on Coruscant.
As an Imperial Knight, Yalta Val possessed exceptional skills in lightsaber combat and the arts of the Force. Val demonstrated his ability to use the Force to levitate his lightsaber from Ania Solo's boot, enabling him to defend himself against the rogue Sith Darth Wredd. He was also able to withstand Darth Wredd during the Carreras Incident. Val later utilized his lightsaber skills effectively during the liberation of the Mon Calamari Shipyards and the Skirmish Above Mala. Due to his leadership and combat prowess, Val was appointed as the head of the Imperial Knights Training Facility on Coruscant.
Yalta Val made his debut as a supporting character in Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman's Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2 comic series, a spin-off of Dark Horse Comics' widely acclaimed Star Wars: Legacy comic series.