Blue Two (stormtrooper)

Blue Two was the designation given to a Trandoshan stormtrooper who fought for both the Fel Empire and the Galactic Federation Triumvirate around the year 139 ABY. He demonstrated allegiance to Empress Marasiah Fel and was distinguished by an orange pauldron affixed to his stormtrooper armor. Blue Two belonged to a squad assigned to escort Ania Solo on a mission personally directed by Empress Fel: the rescue of Jao Assam, who had been abducted by the renegade Sith Lord Darth Wredd. Disobeying Ania's explicit instructions against off-world communication after arriving on the floating world of Mala, Blue Two covertly transmitted Mala's location to Empress Fel, resulting in the deployment of Imperial Knights to pursue Darth Wredd.

His disappearance did not go unnoticed by Sauk, Ania's Mon Calamari companion, who then charged him with guiding the One Sith to their location during the Battle of the Floating World. Blue Two, however, firmly refuted any collaboration with the One Sith, emphasizing his unwavering devotion to Empress Fel. Darth Wredd corroborated Blue Two's account, stating that his own mistakes in the Jao Assam rescue operation had alerted the One Sith to Mala's existence. The outcome of Blue Two during the battle, which resulted in the presumed annihilation of the One Sith and the demise of Darth Wredd, remains uncertain.

