At the end of the Jedi's mission to Ansion, Soergg Vosadii Bezhin is the subject of an accusation made by Padawan Barriss Offee before the body known as the Unity Council. Located on Ansion, the Unity Council served as the single-chamber governing authority for the Unity of Community. This council held its sessions within a spacious municipal hall situated in Cuipernam, the capital city, where delegates convened around an elegant table crafted from xellwood.
The Council's composition included seven elected officials: specifically, four individuals of Ansionian descent (Fargane, Ranjiyn, Induran, and Kandah), two Humans (Garil Volune and Tun Dameerd), and a single representative from the Armalat species (Tolut). It appears Fargane held the position of the Council's most senior member.
In 22 BBY, for the vote regarding secession from the Galactic Republic, the Council expanded with the addition of five new members. Among these were four Ansionians and one individual from off-world. Ultimately, only Kandah, along with one other Ansionian, cast their votes in favor of leaving the Republic.