Soergg Vosadii Bezhin

Soergg Vosadii Bezhin was a gray Hutt bossban who operated on Ansion during 22 BBY. He was based in [Lower Cuipernam], and his staff included [Ogomoor] as his majordomo, Ib-Dunn as his aide, a pair of Yuzzem bodyguards, and a minimum of four concubines: one Human, one Brogune, and at least two individuals from an unidentified species.


Around the time of 22 BBY, the Commerce Guilds, along with other industrial entities, engaged Soergg to carry out a scheme aimed at pulling Ansion out of the Republic. The planned secession of Ansion was intended to trigger a chain reaction, leading other allied planets to also secede, which would significantly weaken the Republic. This would then provide the Commerce Guilds and their allies with a chance to establish a new government according to their own specifications.

To achieve this, Soergg initially tried to manipulate Ansion's political system. Later, when Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luminara Unduli, and Barriss Offee of the Jedi Order intervened, attempting to persuade Ansion to stay within the Republic, he employed hired assassins in multiple attempts to eliminate them. Ultimately, his efforts were unsuccessful, but he resorted to murdering those who possessed evidence that could implicate him. Despite a public accusation by Offee, his involvement in the plot was never officially exposed.

