Council of Lords

The legislative branch of the Onderonian government during the era of the First Jedi Purge was the Council of Lords, which was also referred to as the Noble council. In the year 3951 BBY, members of the council included Lord Dashel, as well as the deceased spouse of Terlyn, who had previously tried to assassinate General Vaklu. During that year, the council deliberated on the potential secession of Onderon from the Galactic Republic, a move that Queen Talia resisted, but Vaklu championed.

During the political turmoil faced by King Regalun Petryph in 3627 BBY, the council demonstrated its support for the Galactic Republic.

Behind the scenes

The Council of Lords receives a short mention in a number of "news holograms" that the player, in the role of the Jedi Exile, is able to view while present in Iziz.

