Games Council

The Galactic Games Council, alternatively referred to as the Council of the Games, was the governing body responsible for the Galactic Games held on Euceron during 26 BBY.

Heading the Galactic Games Council was Liviani Sarno. Also serving on the council was Maxo Vista, a celebrated athlete from Euceron and a member of the Commerce Guild nominated by Sarno. Another council member, Bog Divinian, managed the VIP skybox seating arrangements for the Games; his datapad also contained fabricated records of betting activity from several prominent senators.

Obi-Wan Kenobi uncovered the involvement of both Sarno and Vista in manipulating the Galactic Games (specifically, the swoop obstacle course at Stadium Five, which was prearranged to favor Alderaan and its senator Bail Organa with guaranteed wins). The Council's scheme also exploited Divinian without his awareness, using him in the games betting plot. Their motivation was to enhance Euceron's influence and standing within the Galactic Senate by discrediting senators who opposed Commerce Guild legislation aimed at granting the guild control over banking practices in the Core Worlds. Simultaneously, Vista and other controlling members amassed immense wealth through bribes made before the Senate vote. The game bets were placed in the senators' names without their consent, intending to tarnish their reputations.

Obi-Wan Kenobi accused the implicated Council members, particularly Maxo Vista, of murdering Aarno Dering, the "timing judge" responsible for determining winners and also an accomplice in recording fixed betting activity. The Council members themselves attempted to manipulate key events, including the bowcaster skill contest at Stadium Seven and the holographic obstacle course at Stadium Nine. Vista also orchestrated an illegal sabotage of Deland Tyerell's pod (piloted by Anakin Skywalker) during a Caves Podrace, hoping to cause numerous spectator fatalities and falsely attribute the blame to the Senator "bettors." Ultimately, the conspirators were acquitted due to Obi-Wan Kenobi's inability to present crucial witnesses, as Dering was deceased, Divinian refused to testify, and Fligh and Didi Oddo had already left the planet. Sarno and Vista refuted all accusations.

