A sports official named Aarno Dering, a towering male humanoid, officiated the swoop obstacle course during the Galactic Games held on Euceron amidst the Separatist Crisis. To shield Dering, the information broker Fligh provided him with the deceptive name "Quentor."
During the 26 BBY Galactic Games, Dering manipulated the timing records of the swoop obstacle race to falsely indicate Alderaan's victory. However, just before Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi could question him, Dering was killed by a speeding airspeeder piloted by Maxo Vista, a former local athlete and member of the Games Council. Skywalker, visibly shaken, paused in a moment of respect over Dering's lifeless form (a commemorative practice observed by all Jedi to reflect on any life that had been lost, even if the spirit was unknown), and Kenobi was relieved to witness his Padawan still so deeply affected by death. There was a time when he had questioned Anakin's ability to connect, recalling a strange emptiness on the boy's face after he had killed the slaver and crime boss Krayn in battle. Having observed Anakin since then, he was now grateful and reassured to see his Padawan feeling the connection through the Living Force, the immense weight of a life extinguished. He hoped that Anakin would always retain that particular vulnerability.
The Jedi discovered, after Dering's death, that he possessed a fabricated text document ID and a secret alias: Ak Duranc (beings often used the first initials of their real names to help them remember their new identities). Kenobi and Skywalker investigated the corrupt timing judge's quarters (Block Seven, Room 4116) at the official Games lodging and found on Dering's dropped datapad information about the "fixing" of the illegal Podrace at the Great Dordon Caves, suggesting that a single source was behind all the rigging during the Games.