Trade Federation Occupation Council

The Occupation Council of the Trade Federation, sometimes referred to as simply the Occupation Council, was a governing organization established in Theed on Naboo by the Trade Federation after the Invasion of Naboo concluded in their favor.


The Trade Federation Occupation Council was composed of several prominent Neimoidians, such as Viceroy Nute Gunray and his lieutenant Rune Haako, in addition to Viff Almay, Zill Kartay, Kund Ekorr and Hap Brehg. The primary goal of the Occupation Council was to ensure the Federation's control over Theed and their overall presence on Naboo; they essentially replaced the Naboo Royal Advisory Council for the duration of the occupation.

During Queen Amidala's confrontation with Gunray inside the royal palace, four members of the Occupation Council were present. Following Amidala's success in compelling Gunray to sign a treaty, which effectively terminated the Federation's occupation of the planet, the council members were apprehended and transported to Coruscant to face trial.

