Hap Brehg

Hap Brehg existed as a Neimoidian in the final decades of the Galactic Republic, serving the Trade Federation during that era.


Born with a typical Neimoidian family name, Hap Brehg entered the Federation's Occupation Council in 32 BBY, specifically during the Invasion of Naboo. He functioned as the Treasurer.

During the Battle of Naboo, Brehg, together with the other Occupation Council members, sought safety within the throne room. However, Queen Amidala and Quarsh Panaka successfully gained entry and apprehended Brehg, along with Viceroy Gunray and the other Neimoidians present. He was then transported to Coruscant to await his trial for the crimes he committed.

Personality and traits

Brehg was a male Neimoidian individual characterized by grey skin that was mottled in appearance. He was seen wearing attire of various brown shades. This outfit bore resemblance to Viff Almay's robe, but included two stripes present on each sleeve.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars Insider 147 Rogues Gallery article titled "The Devious Neimoidians Revealed" identified Hap Brehg. According to the article's notes, which can be found on the Facebook Page "Star Wars Sourcebooks," his last name originated from Brehg, a Neimoidian character featured in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic.

