The Advisory Council, composed of seven individuals, provided guidance to the Chief of State regarding the functions of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
According to the stipulations of the Corellian Treaty, the seven members of the Council were selected to represent the Allied governments "who have given the most lives to the battle against the Emperor." Based on this criterion, Princess Leia Organa should have been granted a position on the Council, given that Alderaan remained recognized as an Allied government even following its destruction. Nevertheless, she declined the opportunity, choosing to direct her attention to other endeavors.
From a legal standpoint, the Council's sole authority was to either endorse or reject the Chief of State's policy choices. They also held the power to remove the Chief of State and initiate a new election through a two-thirds vote. Furthermore, the Treaty stipulated that upon the Alliance's triumph, the Council would take on Executive Power and assemble a Constitutional Convention with the purpose of establishing the framework for the Second Galactic Republic that would be established.
In the period following the Battle of Yavin, the Council included at least three Humans, along with one Mon Calamari, one Sullustan, and one Ithorian.
Vin Northal, a former member of the Emperor's Royal Guard who switched his allegiance to the Alliance, acted alone to save the entire Council from being captured on Hythrope IV.