Shirene was a human female who resided on the Outer Rim world of Akiva with her spouse, Esmelle, during the Imperial Era. When Norra Wexley, Esmelle's sister and a skilled pilot, departed Akiva in 1 ABY, Shirene and her partner assumed responsibility for Norra's male offspring, Temmin Wexley. Eventually, however, Temmin moved out of his aunts' residence and established a salvage business within the main metropolis of Akiva. Over the subsequent years, Temmin continued to assist Shirene and Esmelle with various domestic tasks.
In 4 ABY, Norra returned to Akiva and expressed her dissatisfaction upon discovering that Temmin had not remained with his aunts for quite some time. When the aviator and Esmelle engaged in a dispute regarding this matter, Shirene intervened to de-escalate the situation, attempting to convey that she and her wife had lacked the necessary skills to effectively raise a determined youngster like Temmin. Shortly thereafter, Shirene provided Norra with her bala-bala vehicle when she chose to pursue her son back to his salvage shop. The following year, Shirene and Esmelle were present at the ceremony commemorating the passing of Norra's husband, Brentin Wexley. By 34 ABY, she and her wife still lived on Akiva and occasionally shared meals with Norra and her significant other, the airman Wedge Antilles.
Shirene, a human woman, was wedded to Esmelle. During the [Imperial Era](/article/imperial_era], the couple made their home on the Outer Rim planet of Akiva. In 1 ABY, Norra Wexley, Esmelle's sibling and a pilot, departed Akiva to join the Rebel Alliance, entrusting her son, Temmin Wexley, to the care of his aunts. Temmin resided with Shirene and Esmelle for a period of time, maturing into an independent young man. He eventually left his aunts' home and began operating a junk shop in Myrra. As the years progressed, Temmin started assisting Shirene and Esmelle by delivering sustenance packages consisting of baked goods and produce, occasionally including arguez sausage and wyrg-jerky. The young man also contributed to household expenses and repaired his aunts' mechanical devices.

By 3 ABY, Shirene and Esmelle were living in the Sashin settlement, located in the Karaba Foothills of Akiva. During that year, the couple noticed that Temmin had not been seen in Sashin for several days and wondered about his whereabouts, especially since he was not present at his shop either. The gun-for-hire Kay Vess spoke with the women while searching for Temmin, hoping to enlist his help in modifying her speeder. Although Esmelle was wary of her intentions, Shirene apologized for her wife's abrupt manner and suggested that Vess look for Temmin at a junkyard scrap heap near Lake Amari, where he might be salvaging parts for his store. Eventually, Vess located Temmin at the scrapyard Shirene directed her to and successfully obtained his assistance in improving her speeder with a hydro-repulsor.
Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Shirene and Esmelle resided in a dwelling on Orchard Hill within Myrra, the main city of Akiva. There, they encountered Norra upon her return to Akiva. The pair declined Norra's invitation to leave the world with her, despite the growing Imperial presence on the planet. Much to the pilot's dismay, the aunts informed Norra that her son had moved out of their residence and now lived in his junk shop. Subsequently, she met with Temmin at his business and confronted him with the information she had learned from Shirene and Esmelle, although he defended his independent lifestyle. Temmin refused to leave Akiva with his mother, so she reluctantly sedated him and carried him away toward the Moth, a transport ship she had hired to take them offworld. However, upon arriving at the craft, they found it surrounded by Imperial soldiers, and the pair fled the area on a bike.

When the pair became separated during their escape, Norra used the speeder to flee to Shirene and Esmelle's house to reunite with Temmin. While awaiting her son's arrival, Norra voiced her frustration with Esmelle for allowing her son to move out of their home. Shirene interjected in their argument and suggested that her wife have a cup of beverage to calm down, which she agreed to. Norra and Shirene conversed after Esmelle's departure, with the latter explaining her and her wife's stance on Temmin's independence and how he had grown up to be a young man to be proud of in her absence. Shortly afterward, Shirene lent her bala-bala speeder to Norra when she left their house searching for her son, who she assumed had returned to his junk shop. After rescuing Temmin from an encounter with criminals working for the gangster Surat Nuat in the streets of Myrra, the pilot returned to the aunts' house with her son and rested while he repaired his B1-series battle droid Mister Bones. Later, following the rebellion on Akiva, Norra and Temmin again used spare parts from Shirene and Esmelle's basement to repair Mister Bones.
After the Battle of Jakku a year later, Shirene and Esmelle both attended the memorial service of Norra's husband, Brentin Wexley, who had been killed by Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax. The pair also watched as Temmin buried the appendage of Mister Bones, as the rest of the machine's body had been disintegrated in the same conflict. Following the funeral, Norra and Temmin stayed at Shirene's and her wife's home for a few days before returning to their new home on the planet Chandrila. By 34 ABY, she and her wife continued to reside on Akiva and occasionally dined with Norra and her partner, the pilot Wedge Antilles.

Shirene possessed dark orbs, dark skin, a stocky build, and closely cropped, curly black locks. She deeply loved her wife, Esmelle, and sometimes referred to her as "Esme" as a term of affection. Although not related to Temmin by kin, she cared for the boy as if he were her own son, even though she and her wife felt ill-equipped to serve as parental figures for such a headstrong teen. Shirene and Temmin fostered a stronger relationship during the years he spent working in his junk shop, as the young man assisted her and her wife with household needs.
The woman projected a mediating presence to those she first encountered, such as Kay Vess, in contrast to her wife Esmelle's more suspicious interactions with strangers. She also sought to maintain harmony between Norra and Esmelle when they argued, employing a soothing tone to diffuse the situation. By 4 ABY, Shirene enjoyed living on Akiva and refused to abandon her home to flee offworld. However, she supported Norra's efforts to take Temmin with her off of Akiva and allowed the pilot to use her bala-bala speeder. Shirene communicated in Basic.
While in Sashin, Shirene wore a green top, a tan outerwear, and dark-colored pants with spacious pockets. Shirene and Esmelle's home on Akiva was equipped with a flood-pump and an evaporator. The home's basement housed a collection of tools and spare parts and served as a workshop. Their kitchen contained supplies to make tea, including a thermajug. The married pair also owned a blue bala-bala speeder with a braced box-rack and chain and ball-hitch.
Shirene made her debut in Aftermath, a 2015 novel penned by Chuck Wendig, serving as the inaugural installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy. Wendig staunchly defended his inclusion of LGBTQIA+ characters in Aftermath following the novel's release, emphasizing that Shirene and Esmelle's role in raising Temmin was significant and rendered them unique and compelling characters. Shirene was later depicted for the first time in Star Wars Outlaws, a 2024 interactive game developed by Massive Entertainment.