Surat Nuat

Surat Nuat, a Sullustan male, operated as a gangster, crime lord, and arms dealer on the planet of Akiva. Born on Sullust, he made his home within a wind-harvest tunnel. While living on Sullust, Nuat killed both of his parents and had his brother frozen in carbonite; this carbonite block served as the surface of his desk inside his alcazar.



Growing up, Surat Nuat resided in a wind-harvest tunnel situated on the planet Sullust. He maintained a fractured relationship with his parents and his elder brother, Rutar Nuat. Surat committed murder against his mother by casting her into the wind-harvest tunnel. Subsequently, he dispatched his father by slashing his throat with a piece of kitchenware. Following this, Surat engaged in a fierce altercation with Rutar. Ultimately, he subdued his brother and had him encased in carbonite, although he lost an eye during the conflict.

Criminal career

Work with the Hutts

Nuat in his office in The Alcazar

Later in life, Surat Nuat rose to power as the head of a criminal gang operating from the Outer Rim planet Akiva, a relatively insignificant world. At an unspecified time, Surat obtained a Corellian slave girl named Mercy, whom he generally treated with kindness. Surat Nuat's organization maintained connections and conducted business with the Galactic Empire. By 3 ABY, Surat had forged strong alliances with the Hutt Clan, effectively making his gang an extension of the Hutts' operations on Akiva.

Rebellion on Akiva

A few months following the Battle of Endor, Temmin Wexley, a local scrap dealer, pilfered a shipment from a crashed transport along Trabzon Road in Akiva's capital city, Myrra. The shipment consisted of a sealed chest containing a collection of data cubes detailing the Empire's interactions with organized crime. Surat had been accumulating this data to negotiate his freedom with the emerging New Republic, the government formed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Surat dispatched three of his enforcers—Makarial Gravin, a Koorivar; Toomata Wree, an Abednedo; and Herf, an Ithorian—to settle accounts with Wexley. The criminals demanded that Temmin relinquish his shop, which had previously been the Wexley family's residence, as compensation. However, Temmin instructed his B1-series battle droid, Mister Bones, to incapacitate them. Following Temmin's orders, Mister Bones deposited the unconscious gangsters in the Kora Biedies.

Shortly thereafter, Surat and the rest of his henchmen went to Temmin's shop, only to discover that the boy had been taken by his mother, Norra Wexley. Instead, Surat encountered Jas Emari, a Zabrak bounty hunter, who had accidentally entered the building while observing an Imperial delegation. Surat swiftly identified Jas as a bounty hunter. She offered her services to Surat, volunteering to assist him in locating Temmin. During their negotiation, Surat realized that Jas had accepted a hunting contract with the New Republic to apprehend Imperial officials. During a brief conflict, one of Surat's Narquois thugs stunned the Zabrak. After condemning the New Republic, Surat informed Jas that he was a friend of the Empire and announced that he would present her as a "gift" to them.

Later on, Surat and his followers returned to his establishment, The Alcazar, with Jas as their captive. There, they came across Sinjir Rath Velus, a former Imperial loyalty officer who had deserted the Empire on Endor. He offered to purchase Jas, but Surat insisted on selling the prisoner to the Empire. Sinjir then identified himself as an Imperial officer who had survived the Battle of Endor. However, Surat revealed that he hadn't yet notified the Empire about Jas and dismissed Sinjir as either a wizard, a rebel, or a con artist. Following a brief shootout, Sinjir was knocked unconscious by The Alcazar's bartender. Surat then gave the order to have Sinjir confined in a cage next to Jas's.

Surat's henchmen later set a trap for Temmin at his shop, using the disabled Mister Bones as bait. Surat's Rodian and Herglic henchmen brought the unconscious Temmin to Surat's lair. After recounting his past to Temmin, Surat ordered his Herglic henchman Gor-kooda to cut out the boy's tongue. Before Gor-Kooda could carry out the sentence, Jas and Sinjir managed to break free of their cages and rescued the boy. Together, the three captives fought Surat's henchmen and several Imperial troops who had arrived to collect Jas and Sinjir. With the help of the reactivated Mister Bones, Surat's prisoners managed to kill several of Surat's henchmen and the Imperials before escaping with Norra, who had arrived in a bala-bala speeder.

Subsequently, Temmin struck a secret bargain with Surat, promising to lure Sinjir and Jas Emari into a trap with Imperial forces in exchange for safe passage off Akiva for himself, his mother Norra, and Mister Bones. However, Surat then negotiated a separate deal with the Imperial Admiral Rae Sloane to hand over Norra to the Empire as well. Following the capture of Norra and his companions, Admiral Sloane contacted Surat via hologram. In the presence of a distraught Temmin, Surat revealed the double-cross.

In the aftermath of the Rebellion on Akiva, Surat, along with many of his gang members, fled off-world following the New Republic's crackdown on organized crime. Other members of his gang perished in a brief "blaze of glory" against New Republic forces. Furthermore, the New Republic acquired the data cubes that Temmin had stolen from Surat, exposing the Empire's connections with organized crime syndicates.

Personality and traits

Surat Nuat, a Sullustan, possessed a lifeless eye covered by an opalescent cataract, surrounded by a starburst pattern of scar tissue. He had a diminutive nose featuring two pinhole nostrils and thin lips situated beneath drooping jowls. He wore a black skullcap that resembled a spider perched atop his head. Surat was a cruel and selfish individual, capable of murdering his parents and incapacitating his older brother.

As a gangster, Surat cultivated a productive relationship with the Empire, as they condoned his illicit activities. He viewed the New Republic, the successor government established by the Rebel Alliance, as a "choir of overly moralistic do-gooders." Surat preferred conducting business with the Empire because they could offer the highest bids. He was a merciless man who dealt severely with those who stole from him. He ordered one of his henchmen to remove Temmin's tongue after the youth stole a shipment of data cubes that he intended to use as leverage with the New Republic.

Surat was also a deceitful negotiator. After agreeing to a deal with Temmin to secure safe passage off-world for the boy, his mother Norra, and his droid Mister Bones in exchange for betraying Sinjir and Jas Emari to the Empire, Surat double-crossed the boy by secretly negotiating another deal with the Empire that included Norra. Following the New Republic's strong stance against organized crime, Surat and his surviving associates fled into hiding to protect themselves.

Behind the scenes

Surat Nuat made his debut as a minor adversary in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel, Aftermath, released as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens series. His first visual depiction occurred in the 2024 video game Star Wars Outlaws.

