Makarial Gravin, a female Koorivar, functioned as a gangster within the organization of Surat Nuat, a Sullustan crime lord. She operated on the planet Akiva in the time immediately following the battle of Endor. Along with fellow gangsters Toomata Wree and Herf, she paid a visit to the junk shop owned by Temmin Wexley to confront the young human regarding the theft of supplies from Surat's transport. Temmin then unleashed his B1-series battle droid, Mister Bones, upon them. During the resulting skirmish, Makarial was able to aim her blaster at Temmin's head, but she was ultimately subdued by a narcotic injection from Wexley's repurposed interrogator droid.
During the Age of the Empire, Makarial Gravin was a female Koorivar gangster residing on the planet of Akiva. She worked for the crime lord Surat Nuat, who exerted influence over Myrra. In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Makarial, accompanied by her fellow gangsters, the Abednedo Toomata Wree and the Ithorian Herf, sought out Temmin Wexley at his shop. Their purpose was to confront him about the pilfering of a valuable data cubes shipment from Surat's wrecked ship, which had crashed along Trabzon Road. Mistaking her for a man, Temmin was quickly corrected as she identified herself as a lady.
During their confrontation, Makarial used a knife held against Temmin's throat to try and force his cooperation. When Temmin offered a speeder bike or a couple of droids as a trade, Makarial dismissed him as a fake junk merchant. She then pressed the knife even closer to his throat. Makarial then proposed to spare the boy if he sold his junkshop to Surat. Since this would mean selling off his livelihood, Temmin instead offered to show them "something big." This turned out to be his modified B1-series battle droid, Mister Bones.
Initially, Makarial and her companions disregarded Mister Bones, viewing him as an outdated relic from the Clone Wars. However, Temmin activated the droid with a voice command, instructing Bones to neutralize the gangsters. Mister Bones successfully incapacitated Tooms and Herf. Despite this, Makarial managed to get behind Temmin and aimed a blaster at his head. As Temmin attempted to grab his own blaster, she warned him against it. Makarial attempted to force Temmin to order Bones to back off. Instead, Temmin's modified interrogator droid subdued her with a toxic narcotic. Following the gangsters' defeat, Temmin instructed Bones to dispose of them in the Kora Biedies. However, the droid was immobilized by Surat's henchmen.
Makarial Gravin, being a female Koorivar gangster, possessed strong communication skills and a willingness to resort to violence to achieve her objectives. Although she was more intelligent than her male associates, Tooms and Herf, she was ultimately outmaneuvered by Temmin Wexley's cunning. Makarial's underestimation of B1 battle droids led her to underestimate Temmin's bodyguard, Mister Bones.
Makarial's first appearance was in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel, Aftermath, published as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens series.