Pok (Mon Calamari)

Pok, a Mon Calamari of the male persuasion, earned his living as a bartender at Pok's Place. This establishment, a cantina, could be found in Myrra, the capital city located on the Outer Rim planet of Akiva. By 4 ABY, his age was evident, shown by the substantial collection of barbels beneath his chin. Noticeably, Pok was missing an arm; in its place was a roughly attached silver protocol droid limb. Wires connected the prosthetic directly to his flesh in a rather crude manner. Pok generally kept to himself, avoiding socializing with patrons, and preferred to take orders while speaking in his native language. If asked to speak Galactic Basic Standard, his only response was the phrase: "I don't speak Basic."

In the months that followed the pivotal Battle of Endor, Pok displayed a sign reading "NO IMPERIALS" within his bar and actively enforced this rule. Around this time, Sinjir Rath Velus, a former Imperial loyalty officer, became a regular, occupying the same seat and consuming alcohol continuously for a week. One morning, a group consisting of Imperial officers accompanied by stormtroopers initiated an attack on Velus and a Twi'lek named Orgadomo Dokura. This altercation was triggered after the Imperials found them viewing a holovid of Princess Leia Organa announcing the formation of the New Republic. Pok issued a warning to the Imperials, pointing out the "NO IMPERIALS" sign. However, they ignored it, and the stormtroopers aimed their blaster rifles at Pok. As Velus and other bar patrons defended themselves against the Imperials, Pok utilized his droid arm to hurl a bottle of liquor at one of the stormtroopers, striking him in the helmet. Velus quickly shot the stormtrooper, and the remaining Imperials were soon overpowered. When one of the subdued Imperials mentioned an Imperial blockade around Akiva and the planet's communications blackout, Velus inquired if Pok had any knowledge of the situation. The Mon Calamari simply responded with a shrug.

