Adea Rite

A human female named Adea Rite worked as the personal assistant to Admiral Rae Sloane after the Battle of Endor. She was present at the failed Imperial emergency summit held on the planet Akiva. During the Rebellion on Akiva, New Republic forces took Rite captive. However, Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax orchestrated her escape, and she resumed her duties with Admiral Sloane. Unbeknownst to Sloane, Rite was secretly an undercover agent working for Rax, whose plans for the Empire differed from Sloane's. Rite died in an attempt to assassinate Sloane during the attack on Chandrila.


Summit on Akiva

During the Age of the Empire, Adea Rite's role was the personal assistant of Admiral Rae Sloane. Her duties included tasks such as providing papers to Sloane, obtaining [caf](/article/caf], requesting signatures, and relaying messages. However, she desired a more significant role in service to the Galactic Empire. She cultivated a close working relationship with Sloane, and they developed mutual respect. Sloane wished more Imperials were like Rite, and Rite held Sloane in high regard. Rite believed that the Empire's instability presented opportunities for individuals like herself to advance.

On Akiva, during the meeting of the Imperial Future Council, Rite provided Sloane with updates on the escalating events occurring on the planet. When Captain Wedge Antilles escaped from custody on Akiva, she pursued him but was ambushed and wounded by the Rebel pilot. She continued her service to Sloane and was aboard the Golden Harp, their escape vessel, when it crash-landed on the Vigilance. Subsequently, she was captured by the New Republic.

Rax's secret agent

Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax ensured that she was not imprisoned on Chandrila, the capital world of the New Republic. Rite returned to assist Sloane aboard the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Ravager. Due to Sloane's distrust of Rax, who became her new advisor, she instructed Rite to investigate Rax's background and catalog all ships in the Imperial service during the reign of Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Rite was also assigned to writing a proposal for a new breeding program.

Unbeknownst to Sloane, Rite was secretly monitoring and reporting Sloane's activities to Rax, with whom she was romantically involved. Rite accompanied Sloane to the Liberation Day Peace Talks on Chandrila. When Sloane discovered that the Chandrila peace initiative, orchestrated by Rax, was a ruse to use prisoners of war to attack Chancellor Mon Mothma and the Galactic Senate, she vowed to eliminate Rax. Upon hearing this, Rite attempted to assassinate Sloane, who realized her assistant's betrayal. Sloane shot Rite in the chest and fled the planet.

Personality and traits

Adea Rite was a young Corellian human female raised on Coruscant who joined the Imperial Navy after the Battle of Endor. While serving as Admiral Sloane's personal assistant, she aspired to contribute more significantly to the Empire. She developed respect for Sloane's dedication and commitment to the Empire. Rite viewed the post-Endor chaos as an opportunity for career advancement within the Empire. As a dedicated Imperial loyalist, Rite opposed the New Republic and sought to distinguish herself by recapturing the starfighter pilot Wedge Antilles. Despite her unarmed combat training, Antilles defeated her.

Although outwardly loyal to Admiral Sloane, Rite secretly worked for Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, who disagreed with Sloane's Imperial strategies and tactics. She had a romantic relationship with Rax and was loyal to him. Rite was even prepared to kill Admiral Sloane to demonstrate her loyalty to Rax.

Behind the scenes

Adea Rite's first appearance was as a minor antagonist in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath. She also appeared in its 2016 sequel, Aftermath: Life Debt.

