Lozen Tolruck's island fortress was a concealed fortress on Kashyyyk, a planet where Imperial Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck kept a stronghold after the Battle of Endor. Constructed with strong wroshyr wood, his fortress housed a control module used to program the inhibitor chips placed in the Wookiee people living on the planet. It was situated far away from Camp Sardo. Several Wookiee slaves and various droids were present in the fortress, which was protected by a number of forest troopers. In 5 ABY, Sinjir Rath Velus, who formerly worked as an Imperial loyalty officer but then became an operative for the New Republic, went to the fortress to save Jom Barell, his friend, and to deactivate the control module belonging to Tolruck. During the liberation of Kashyyyk, the Wookiee slaves started an uprising and killed Tolruck along with his soldiers.