Lozen Tolruck, a human male, achieved the rank of Grand Moff within the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In this capacity, he functioned as the governor of Kashyyyk, which the Empire designated as Imperial territory G5-623. Tolruck subjected almost the entire Wookiee population to enslavement, confining them within labor camps and employing inhibitor chips to thwart any attempts at escape. Following the Battle of Endor, he imposed a lockdown on the planet, concealing the Emperor's death from his troops. Ultimately, he met his end during the liberation of Kashyyyk at the hands of Cracktooth, a former slave under his control.
During the Galactic Civil War, Lozen Tolruck, a human male, held the position of Grand Moff over Kashyyyk, which was rebranded as Imperial territory G5-623. Post-Battle of Endor, Tolruck propagated the falsehood that Emperor Palpatine remained alive and in good health. He exploited the native Wookiees as an expendable slave workforce, maintaining their compliance through the use of inhibitor chips. By 5 ABY, Kashyyyk stood as one of the dwindling Imperial strongholds within a galaxy increasingly under the control of the New Republic, the successor to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Tolruck struggled to acknowledge the authority of Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the commander of Imperial forces in the Vulpinus Nebula.
After the rescue of rebel prisoners from Ashmead's Lock, Tolruck's Imperial forces on Kashyyyk were attacked by a rebel insurgency. This insurgency was spearheaded by Han Solo, the smuggler, and Chewbacca, the Wookiee co-pilot, who had arrived to liberate the Wookiee homeworld. Despite evidence to the contrary, Tolruck denied the existence of a revolt on Kashyyyk, dismissing the insurgents as a minor irritant to the Imperial operations on G5-623. Upon the capture of Jom Barell, a New Republic soldier, Lozen subjected him to torture in an attempt to extract information. When Barell proved uncooperative, Tolruck removed one of his eyes and confined him to a cage. Later, Tolruck remotely operated an assassin probe using a control visor. He employed it to pursue and kill a Wookiee slave known as Subject 478-98, or "Blackstripe." Frustrated by Blackstripe's unexpected resistance, Tolruck reacted with anger, destroying the visor used to control the assassin probe. Subsequently, Tolruck met with his attache Odair Bel-Opis to discuss the threat posed by the rebel insurgency on Kashyyyk. Tolruck disagreed with Odair's assessment of the rebels as a significant threat, vowing to hunt them down personally for sport. He even contemplated using the captive Barell as bait.
Odair then informed Tolruck about the arrival of an emissary from Grand Admiral Sloane. In a display of disrespect towards Sloane's authority, Tolruck intentionally delayed the meeting with the emissary, opting instead to hold a conference with Commandant Theodane Sardo via hologram. Citing a decline in the demand for Wookiee slaves, Sardo suggested farming the Wookiees of Kashyyyk for their meat. When Tolruck witnessed an explosion in the background at Camp Sardo, Sardo attributed it to the loss of a turret. Tolruck approved of Sardo's proposal and instructed him to explore its feasibility. Unbeknownst to Tolruck and Sardo, Han and Chewie's team had landed near the former tree city of Awrathakka, situated above Camp Sardo.
Tolruck then proceeded to meet with Sloane's emissary, who was revealed to be Sinjir Rath Velus in disguise. The former Imperial loyalty officer had defected to the New Republic, joining Han's effort to liberate Kashyyyk. Sinjir impersonated lieutenant Jorrin Turnbull, an Imperial officer who had perished during the Battle of Endor. Tolruck seized the opportunity to criticize Sloane's Empire for abandoning the Imperial presence on Kashyyyk and failing to remove their Wookiee slaves from the planet. Sinjir then briefed Tolruck on Han Solo's insurgency on Kashyyyk.
With the intention of freeing his comrade Jom Barell, Sinjir inquired about the rebel prisoner. Tolruck then instructed Odair to present Jom in an iron cage on grav-pads. Before Sinjir could depart, one of Tolruck's aides provided Odair with a holoscreen, which identified the prisoner in the cage as Jom. While examining the holoscreen, Tolruck recognized Sinjir as a wanted enemy of the Empire. Before Sinjir could escape the chamber, Tolruck stabbed him in the calf of his leg with a kishakk blade.
Tolruck then compelled a wounded Sinjir to engage in combat with Odair for his personal entertainment. While Sinjir possessed fighting skills, his injured leg put him at a disadvantage against Odair. After Odair defeated Sinjir in the initial round, Tolruck questioned his prisoner about his motives for coming to Kashyyyk, asking if he had come for his friend Jom. A defiant Sinjir revealed that he had come for Tolruck's control module, which Tolruck carried on his person. When Tolruck boasted about his complete control over the module and the inhibitor chips, Sinjir countered by revealing that he had a hyperwave transceiver spike concealed in his heel. Sinjir then smugly informed Tolruck that his transceiver could infiltrate his control module.
At that moment, the datapad in Tolruck's left hand began to glow red. Simultaneously, all the inhibitor chips on Kashyyyk were deactivated, triggering a planetwide uprising by the Wookiees against the Empire. The liberated Wookiee slaves swiftly overwhelmed their Imperial captors. Tolruck fled, but not before instructing his aide Odair to eliminate Sinjir. Before Odair could harm the formerly loyal officer, he was torn apart by a group of enraged Wookiee slaves. Meanwhile, Han and Chewie's team successfully destroyed the deflector shield generator at Camp Sardo.
Having lost control of Kashyyyk, Tolruck ordered his orbiting Imperial Star Destroyers to commence orbital bombardment of the planet. After freeing themselves, Sinjir and Jom confronted the Grand Moff at his throne. However, Tolruck smugly announced that he had ordered his Star Destroyers to obliterate all life on Kashyyyk's surface, including himself, the Wookiees, and his rebel adversaries. Realizing that Tolruck had descended into madness, the two abandoned the Grand Moff to his fate. As Tolruck laughed maniacally, one of his former slaves, Subject 6391-A ("Cracktooth"), approached him from behind and snapped his neck, resulting in his death.
Lozen Tolruck was a heartless and cruel individual who enjoyed hunting Wookiees for his own pleasure. Tolruck regarded the Wookiees of Kashyyyk as mere livestock, utilizing inhibitor chips to maintain their docility and subservience. As Grand Moff of Kashyyyk, Tolruck surrounded himself with a cohort of equally ruthless and sadistic individuals, including his Attache Odair Bel-Opis and Commandant Theodane Sardo, who shared his thirst for violence and cruelty. Following the Empire's reduction of its operations on Kashyyyk after the Battle of Endor, Tolruck began to perceive himself as the de facto ruler and god of Kashyyyk. Tolruck also fancied himself as a hunter and derived pleasure from inflicting harm on other beings.
Tolruck sported a long, unkempt beard that obscured his cheeks and jowls. He also donned a robe crafted from the pelt of an Arrawtha-dyr. Tolruck exhibited poor hygiene habits, often going weeks without bathing. He reveled in the odor of his own unwashed body and had dirty nails. Tolruck enjoyed consuming wrosha-grubs whole and uncooked. Despite his overweight build, Tolruck possessed sufficient speed to stab Sinjir on one occasion with a kishakk blade. He also harbored a fondness for the flesh of Talz, a sentient species, and appreciated Commandant Sardo's concept of farming Wookiees for food.
Tolruck was also willing to employ torture to achieve his objectives, once gouging out an eye from the New Republic operative Jom Barell and tossing it into a campsite fire. Later, he forced another prisoner, Sinjir, to engage in combat with his attache Odair for his own amusement. However, Tolruck's self-satisfaction led him to underestimate Sinjir's plan to liberate the Wookiees by utilizing a hyperwave transceiver to neutralize the control module governing the inhibitor chips that kept the Wookiees docile. Tolruck also exhibited signs of mental instability, even ordering the orbital bombardment of Kashyyyk in an attempt to deny the planet to the Empire's enemies. He was willing to orchestrate even his own demise and laughed maniacally.
Lozen Tolruck made his debut as a secondary villain with a distinct point of view in Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt.