The NRSB, or New Republic Security Bureau, functioned as both an intelligence service and a law enforcement agency within the New Republic. Its establishment occurred shortly before the Liberation Day attacks, specifically less than a month prior.
The Security Bureau of the New Republic held the responsibility of investigating threats against the New Republic's security. They also oversaw bounty hunters, utilizing them to hunt down Imperial war criminals. Situated in Hanna City on Chandrila, the New Republic's capital, was a building maintained by the Bureau. Inside, boards displayed available bounty hunting jobs. The NRSB also engaged freelance investigative slicers, such as Conder Kyl, to analyze controller chips extracted from the brain stems of Ashmead's Lock assassins who had undergone mind control.
The NRSB comprised NRSB officers and made use of orbital jumpers as well as a Hammerhead-class cruiser.
The establishment of the New Republic Security Bureau took place in 5 ABY, a single month before the attack on Chandrila. The fledgling agency was unprepared for and overwhelmed by these attacks. These attacks involved former Rebel Alliance prisoners who had been liberated from Ashmead's Lock [prison](/article/prison]. These prisoners attacked and killed numerous New Republic government officials and military officers during the Liberation Day celebrations in Hanna City. These prisoners were under the control of Imperial Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, who employed inorganic biochips to transform them into unwilling assassins.
The NRSB successfully captured Windom Traducier, an Imperial agent who exploited his role as a New Republic Senate Guardsman to set up a transponder. This transponder transmitted Rax's signals to the prisoners from Ashmead's Lock. Furthermore, the NRSB discovered Traducier's clandestine second residence, which contained blasters that he had distributed to the mind-controlled assassins. Their investigation revealed that the assassins from Ashmead's Lock had inorganic bio-chips implanted in their brain stems. The Bureau also determined that Traducier was responsible for the murder of former Imperial General Jylia Shale and aided the escape of Imperial adviser Yupe Tashu.
In response to the damage inflicted on the New Republic's reputation, the NRSB temporarily halted the hiring of bounty hunters for the purpose of capturing Imperial fugitives. They also enlisted Conder's expertise to analyze the bio-chips recovered from the heads of the Ashmead Lock prisoners.
The inaugural appearance of the New Republic Security Bureau occurred in Aftermath: Life Debt, a 2016 novel authored by Chuck Wendig. This novel represents the second part of The Aftermath Trilogy.