Mas Amedda, a Chagrian male politician from the planet Champala, rose to the position of Grand Vizier when the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire at the conclusion of the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars were a massive galactic conflict that pitted the Republic against its breakaway [splinter](/article/raxus_address] state, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Amedda, a Chagrian possessing exceptional political acumen, previously held the role of Vice Chair within the Republic Senate during the terms of Supreme Chancellors Finis Valorum and his successor, Sheev Palpatine. Palpatine was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, a fact that Amedda was aware of. He often emphasized his demands for order by briefly flicking his long, forked tongue, a distinctly alien display of authority. Despite his belief that he would be a central figure in the Empire following the Emperor Palpatine's death, history remembers Amedda as merely a weak and obsequious follower of the Emperor.
Before his alliance with the Sith, Amedda represented his homeworld, Champala, as a senator and ascended to the Vice Chair position during Valorum's office term, which was troubled by allegations of corruption. When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, a planet in the Mid Rim, its queen, Padmé Amidala, journeyed to Coruscant to seek the Republic's assistance in ending the occupation. Amedda, as part of Palpatine's scheme to depose Valorum (Palpatine was then a senator from Naboo), attempted to persuade the chancellor to disregard Amidala's appeal. This ultimately resulted in Valorum's removal from office via a Vote of No Confidence and Palpatine's subsequent appointment. Amedda remained in his position under Palpatine's chancellorship, becoming one of the Chancellor's closest advisors as the Separatist Crisis began to escalate. As the crisis intensified, Amedda manipulated Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan Junior Representative, into proposing a successful motion in the Senate. This motion granted Palpatine executive emergency powers, enabling him to transform legions of clone troopers from Kamino into the Grand Army of the Republic, thus igniting the Clone Wars against the burgeoning Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Throughout the galactic conflict, Amedda remained a loyal servant to Palpatine, leading the Strategic Advisory Cell and supporting the chancellor in his wartime decisions. As the war neared its end, the time arrived for the Sith Grand Plan to be implemented. Palpatine initiated Order 66, which caused the clone troopers to betray and assassinate their Jedi Generals. With Amedda at his side, Palpatine then established the Galactic Empire, the successor to the Galactic Republic. In the ensuing chaos, Grand Master Yoda confronted Sidious with Amedda present. Following a lightsaber duel between the two, Amedda presided over a ceremony outside the burned Jedi Temple, where he incinerated lightsabers belonging to the fallen Jedi.
Amedda received rewards for his allegiance to Palpatine and flourished under the Empire, serving as the Grand Vizier within the Imperial Ruling Council and overseeing the vast Imperial bureaucracy. He became one of the most respected individuals in the fascist regime. Although Palpatine largely withdrew from public life, military leaders responded to Amedda's summons on Palpatine's behalf, and governors yearned for his attention. Amedda primarily resided on Coruscant, the throneworld, but at one point retreated to Byss, where he formulated plans for the Empire's New Order.
Following the Emperor's death during the Battle of Endor in the Galactic Civil War, Amedda acted as a proxy Emperor. However, he wielded minimal real power, functioning merely as a mouthpiece for the Empire's civilian administration without any genuine control over the military. He was reduced to a figurehead for Gallius Rax, the self-proclaimed Counselor to the Empire and Fleet Admiral.
After the Battle of Jakku, the Galactic Empire disintegrated, prompting Amedda to surrender to the New Republic by signing the Galactic Concordance. As democracy was restored to the galaxy, Amedda led a powerless provisional government on Coruscant as its symbolic leader.
Mas Amedda was born on the Chagrian homeworld of Champala in the [Inner Rim](/article/inner_rim_territories] during the later decades of the Galactic Republic. He quickly demonstrated his political aptitude and secured a position as a Senator in the Republic's Galactic Senate on Coruscant. During his time as Chair of the Senate, Amedda served as a committee chairman and collaborated with representatives from the icy world of Vallt in the Outer Rim Territories, noting their increasing dissatisfaction with the Republic's lack of trade support and respect.
The Chagrian politician was eventually chosen to be the Senate's Vice Chair - a role that put him second only to the Supreme Chancellor in the Republic's political structure - and made him the Speaker of the Senate. In this role, Amedda helped manage the Republic's huge and complicated bureaucracy and gave advice to Chancellor Finis Valorum on how the Senate worked. During this time, Valorum's administration was often criticized for being slow to respond and for the widespread corruption in Congress. Amedda was also rumored to be getting money from the Trade Federation, a huge corporation run by Neimoidians. The Federation had become a major force in the Republic's economy and politics, with a lot of power in the Senate and almost complete control over trade in the Outer Rim Territories. In 32 BBY, the Senate passed Prop 31-814D, which allowed the Republic to tax trade in the Free Trade Zones, where the Neimoidians had previously been able to set tariffs without much government control. This upset the Federation.

In response, the Trade Federation illegally blockaded the planet Naboo in the Mid Rim, stopping all ships from going there. This caused a crisis in the Senate, leading to endless debates and making Valorum's administration look even worse. Amedda didn't do much to help the Supreme Chancellor and used his power to slow down efforts to help Naboo. The Federation eventually invaded Naboo and tried to force Queen Padmé Amidala, the monarch of Naboo, to sign a treaty that would make the invasion legal. Instead, Amidala escaped with the help of Jedi negotiators and went to the Senate to ask for the Republic's help.
As Vice Chair, Amedda was in charge of a special session of congress in the Senate Building's convocation chamber along with Supreme Chancellor Valorum and his administrative aide, Sei Taria. Naboo's Senator Sheev Palpatine - a rising star who Amedda was working with to hurt Valorum's reputation - had arranged for Queen Amidala to speak to the Senate. However, Amedda was secretly playing all sides against each other, helping both Valorum and Palpatine. Palpatine and Amidala both made passionate speeches asking for help against the Trade Federation, but Lott Dod, the Federation's representative, interrupted them and accused them of lying. He asked for a commission to be formed to check if the claims from Naboo were true. Just before Valorum could say no, Amedda interrupted him and told him to agree. Valorum did what Amedda said and asked Amidala to wait for the commission to be formed. On Palpatine's advice, Amidala refused and said that she wanted a Vote of No Confidence in Valorum's leadership because he seemed unsure. This motion was very popular, and the Senate immediately started calling for a vote, drowning out Amedda's attempts to keep order.
The Naboo delegation's motion passed, and Valorum was removed from office. While Palpatine, Ainlee Teem from Malastare, and Bail Antilles from Alderaan were competing to become the new Supreme Chancellor, Amedda was in charge of the Senate. When Palpatine won the election because people felt sorry for Naboo, he kept Amedda as Vice Chair of the Senate, making him an important part of the new Supreme Chancellor's administration. Amedda swore his loyalty to Palpatine to stay in power, and Palpatine eventually told Amedda that his political persona was just a disguise. In reality, he was Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith and an old enemy of the Jedi Order. The Jedi had been protecting the Republic for a long time, but Amedda agreed with the Sith's idea of having a strong central government. He became an active part of Sidious's plan to replace the old democracy with a New Order. Sidious only gave the Vice Chair a general idea of his plans because he didn't want to burden the Speaker with details he didn't need to know.
After Valorum was removed from office, Palpatine's administration was popular, but people in the outer systems were becoming more and more unhappy. During this time, Amedda worked with the Supreme Chancellor and his senior aide, Sly Moore from Umbaran, to take care of government matters and slowly concentrate power in the Office of the Chancellor. As people talked more about leaving the Republic and the Senate and bureaucracy became less effective, the administration pretended to be trying hard to keep the Republic together. In reality, Palpatine was encouraging the possibility of war through Count Dooku, a former Jedi who had become a popular supporter of separatism in unhappy worlds. Amedda continued to act as the loyal Vice Chair of the Senate and worked with the Loyalist Committee to advise the chancellor on how to handle the growing split in the Republic.

Near the end of Palpatine's second term, many worlds left the Republic and formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems, causing panic on Coruscant. The Senate suspended the term limits to deal with the growing Separatist Crisis, allowing the Supreme Chancellor and his administration to stay in power for another ten years. Around this time, Amedda and the Loyalist Committee focused on increasing patriotism for the Republic through propaganda campaigns. One of these campaigns, called Strength and Unity, was Amedda's idea and was meant to show the people of the Rim and Expansion Region within the Republic. Angilar Bosh, an artist, created the poster and included an image of the Vice Chair to represent the Chagrian people. The media criticized Amedda for including himself in the poster and accused him of being narcissistic.
The growing crisis got worse when the Republic's economy started to fail because of heavy debt and the Confederacy began to mobilize its military. People started predicting that there would be a war, and the Republic, which had never had a central military, had to decide whether to create one under the Military Creation Act. Although the administration claimed to want a peaceful solution to the Separatist Crisis, Amedda and Palpatine worked to promote militarization through political manipulation. In 22 BBY, the Senate was supposed to vote on the resolution, but the decision was delayed after someone tried to assassinate Padmé Amidala, who was now the Senator of Naboo. After the assassination attempt, Amedda took the Loyalist Committee to a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor in his office, where Palpatine suggested that Amidala be protected by the Jedi High Council, specifically Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. This tactic removed Amidala, who was the leading voice against militarization in the Senate, from the capital before the vote, allowing Amedda to manipulate things without her.
In the following days, it was discovered that an army of clones had been secretly created for the Republic on the hidden world of Kamino. Shortly afterward, Amedda attended a meeting in the Chancellor's office with the Loyalist Committee and Jedi Council, during which Kenobi reported that the Confederacy had made a deal with several galactic megacorporations to create an army of battle droids to fight against the Republic. This news shocked the Jedi and Senate, and Ask Aak from Malastare and Bail Prestor Organa from Alderaan said that a clone army was needed, but the Senate would never approve it. This allowed Amedda to insist that Palpatine be given emergency powers to handle the crisis. Amedda tried to manipulate Jar Jar Binks, the Junior Representative from Naboo, into proposing an emergency powers amendment by suggesting that Senator Amidala would have made the proposal if she had been there. The tactic worked, and Binks called for the Supreme Chancellor to be given immediate emergency authority instead of voting on the Military Creation Act.
The Senate approved the measure in a special session led by Palpatine, Amedda, and Moore. The Supreme Chancellor accepted the powers that came with the wartime powers and activated the clones of Kamino to form the Grand Army of the Republic, which would be controlled by the Senate and commanded by Jedi Generals. Shortly after this, there was a massive battle on Geonosis, a Separatist foundry world, between the Republic and Confederacy. This was the first conflict of the Clone Wars. After the battle, Amedda joined the chancellor and members of the Loyalist Committee to watch the Grand Army deploy to the war front from its staging grounds on Coruscant.

At the start of the Clone Wars, Chancellor Palpatine told Mas Amedda to create and lead the Strategic Advisory Cell, a wartime strategy council that would handle the most secret Republic Military projects. Within the first year of the war, the cell had 150 members, including the Vice Chair, his advisers, representatives from industrial firms allied with the Republic, and members of the Special Weapons Group, the War Production Board, the Army, Navy, and the Commission for the Protection of the Republic. All members of the group had to take the Official Secrets Oath, which protected their work from the Jedi and most of the Senate. One of Amedda's first recruits to the Strategic Advisory Cell was Orson Callan Krennic, a Lieutenant Commander with the Corps of Engineers who had led the redesign of the Republic Center for Military Operations.
Early in the war, the Republic and Confederacy fought for a long time in a campaign on Malastare to control the Dugs' most important resource, Malastarian fuel. When the Republic finally won the battle, an ancient and huge Zillo Beast was awakened. Palpatine was interested in the monster because it seemed to be immune to all attacks, so he ordered that it be captured and brought to Coruscant for further study. When it arrived on the capital, Amedda joined the Supreme Chancellor and Doctor Sionver Boll to watch the beast being transferred to a research facility in the Republic Science and Technical Center. The chancellor wanted to study and copy the monster's armor to use in the Grand Army, but Doctor Boll said that it would be impossible to do this without removing the scales from the beast. Amedda warned Palpatine about his approach, but the chancellor decided to have the Zillo Beast killed so that its secrets could be discovered.
The Jedi, who had helped capture the beast on Malastare, were against the beast being on Coruscant and the plan to kill it for study. Senator Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, met with Amedda and Palpatine in the Senate Office Building on behalf of the Jedi Council to discuss the issue. Amedda mostly ignored Amidala's concerns, but he and the chancellor were able to convince Skywalker that killing the Zillo Beast was in the best interest of the war effort. During the meeting, Amedda received a message from Doctor Boll saying that she had managed to synthesize Malastarian fuel into a toxic gas that could potentially kill the monster. Palpatine gave the order to kill the beast, but the attempt failed. The Zillo became agitated by the gas and broke free from the Science and Technical Center, rampaging across the Coruscant cityscape. The beast was finally destroyed by Republic and Jedi forces when it attacked the Senate Office Building and put Chancellor Palpatine and Senator Amidala in danger.
Shortly after the Second Battle of Geonosis in the second year of the war, the Strategic Advisory Cell started holding weekly briefings on its projects. During the second of these briefings, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine joined Mas Amedda to present impressive but incomplete designs for a huge mobile battle station in deep space. This battle station would later be known as the Death Star. The Separatists on Geonosis supposedly created these plans before the Republic captured them, but Poggle the Lesser, the captured Geonosian Archduke, insisted that the Confederacy was not building the station. However, the Republic intelligence community disagreed, allowing Palpatine and Amedda to use the threat of a Confederate battle platform to get funding and start developing the planet-killing superweapon for the Republic using the same design. The early stages of the project were managed by the Vice Chair and the Strategic Advisory Cell, with specific design and oversight tasks given to subcommittees and member agencies.

Within the Geonosis system, now under strict regulations, the construction project advanced rapidly over the subsequent months. Doctor Gubacher, a key member of the project, informed the Strategic Advisory Cell during a briefing that labor droids had successfully completed the station's prime meridian. While the Cell's members were keen to discuss acquiring a sentient labor force for the station's interior, Amedda steered the conversation toward a significant flaw in the original design: the primary weapon of the superstructure. The Cell remained unsure about the type of weapon the Confederacy intended to install in the station's main array, and Professor Sahali, the lead scientist of the Special Weapons Group, emphasized to Amedda that achieving planet-destroying armament of that magnitude would necessitate a groundbreaking scientific discovery.
Shortly after the briefing concluded, Amedda convened with Lieutenant Commander Krennic, who had recently been appointed as the coordinator of the Special Weapons Group's researchers. Eager to impress the Vice Chair and expand his influence over the project, Krennic proposed to Amedda that his team needed the expertise of Galen Erso, a renowned polymath and a leading academic expert in energy enhancement. Despite Amedda's initial skepticism, Krennic explained that Erso had been employed by Zerpen Industries and was on the verge of a major breakthrough in kyber crystal energy amplification. Erso had been captured several months prior when Separatist proxies launched a coup on Vallt, accusing him of espionage. Although the Vice Chair was inclined to dismiss the importance of a neutralist researcher opposed to war, Krennic persuaded him that if the Republic failed to rescue and recruit Erso, the Confederacy would force him into their service. Still cautious, Amedda gave Lieutenant Commander Krennic his implicit approval to arrange for Erso's liberation.
Throughout the Clone Wars, the Republic encountered difficulties with several systems that, despite their representation in the Senate, refused to participate in the war effort and openly rejected assistance from the Jedi and the military. These systems united to form the Council of Neutral Systems, led by Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, who was particularly critical of the Republic's growing militarization. However, when agents of the Mandalorian Death Watch terrorist organization allied themselves with the Confederacy and threatened to overthrow Kryze's government, Amedda and Palpatine pressured the Senate to authorize an occupation of Mandalore.
During a wartime Senate session, Amedda presided over the chamber as senators debated the potential threat posed by Death Watch to the people of Mandalore and the justification for a Republic occupation. Duchess Kryze, who had traveled to Coruscant to attend the session, passionately argued against intervention, asserting her people's right to remain neutral in the conflict. Speaking from the podium, Amedda dismissed her arguments as unrealistic idealism, but Kryze stood firm. Ultimately, Palpatine and Amedda swayed the debate by presenting to the Senate a pre-recorded holographic testimony from the deceased Mandalorian Deputy Minister Jerec. Although Jerec had been an ally of the Duchess, his testimony—which had been manipulated as part of Sidious's plan to involve Mandalore in the war—claimed that military intervention by the Republic was necessary because Kryze was unwilling to acknowledge the failure of her pacifist ideology.

The vote on the resolution concerning the invasion of Mandalore was initially scheduled for the following day, but after an attempt on Kryze's life, Amedda and Palpatine moved it to that evening. While the Senate was deciding the fate of her world, the two met with the Duchess but did not inform her of the ongoing vote. Instead, Amedda argued with Kryze that the attempted assassination further proved that her administration was incapable of handling the Death Watch threat without the Republic's assistance. By the time the meeting concluded, the Senate had approved the resolution, and the Republic military was preparing to invade Mandalore.
That night, Kryze was accused of murder after an informant was killed after providing her with Jerec's unaltered testimony. The Duchess went into hiding overnight but managed to deliver the holodisc to Senator Amidala, who presented Deputy Minister Jerec's true testimony to the Senate the following day. The unedited footage demonstrated that Jerec had indeed supported Mandalore's neutrality and Duchess Kryze, a revelation that led the Senate to revoke its approval for the occupation. Following their setback on the Mandalore issue, the Vice Chair and Chancellor met with Kryze, Amidala, and the Jedi to offer the Duchess a formal apology. Afterward, the two joined Senator Amidala to discuss the logistical aspects of ratifying the Senate's vote.
Amedda later presided over congressional sessions addressing the Trade Federation's blockade of Pantora, during which Pantoran senator Riyo Chuchi argued before the Senate that the Federation was conspiring with the Confederacy to pressure her people into seceding from the Republic. Lott Dod, representing the Federation, denied these accusations, falsely claiming that the conglomerate's relationship with the Separatists was strictly commercial due to their neutral stance and that the blockade was simply an attempt to force Pantora to fulfill its trade obligations. Amedda and Palpatine were present once again when, days later, Dod was compelled to apologize to Chuchi after it was revealed that the blockade was, in fact, a scheme orchestrated by Nute Gunray, the Trade Federation Viceroy and a member of the Separatist Council.
As work continued on the Death Star, Amedda grew increasingly skeptical of Orson Krennic's efforts. Following their conversation about Galen Erso, Krennic had deployed Republic Intelligence operatives and naval forces to conduct a prisoner swap and assault on Vallt. Despite these efforts, Erso had not yet agreed to join the Special Weapons Group, and Krennic had also met with and discussed the battlestation with the captive Poggle the Lesser without obtaining prior authorization. Amedda confronted the Lieutenant Commander after a Strategic Advisory Cell briefing, demanding to know who had authorized the attack on Vallt. Krennic explained that the sector admiral had given the go-ahead based on an agreement with the neutralist Zerpen Industries. While the Vice Chair acknowledged the strategic value of recapturing Vallt for the Republic, he still reprimanded Krennic for disregarding the chain of command, meeting with the Geonosian archduke, and failing to recruit Erso to the project. To Amedda's surprise, Krennic had leveraged the meeting with Poggle into an arrangement where the Geonosian would be returned to his homeworld in exchange for his people providing labor at the Death Star construction site. The Erso situation proved more challenging, as the pacifist scientist was strongly opposed to military-related work, but Krennic assured Amedda that the doctor would soon join their cause.
As the Clone Wars persisted and became increasingly expensive for the Republic, Amedda collaborated closely with the Senate's militarist faction, which aggressively advocated for increased funding for the war effort. Congressional discussions primarily centered on the government's economic stability under the pressures of war, and Amedda presided over one such debate concerning an emergency financial reform bill proposed by Gume Saam, representing the Techno Union. The Vice Chair attempted to moderate the heated arguments over the legislation—which sought to open new lines of credit to finance the war by deregulating the galactic banking industry—but senators like Bail Organa of Alderaan, a fiscal conservative, and Halle Burtoni of Kamino, a defense hawk, filled the chamber with disruptive crosstalk. Although Senator Amidala managed to gain the floor, her suggestion that the Republic seek peace with the Confederacy was met with jeers. Amedda adjourned the session after Organa called for further study of the deregulation issue before a vote could be held.

Days later, Amedda and Palpatine met with Amidala and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano in the Chancellor's office, where the Naboo senator reported that the Separatist Parliament had voted in favor of advancing a peace initiative with the Republic. The Chancellor tried to convince Amidala that any talk of peace among the Separatists was insincere, but Amidala revealed that she had personally coordinated the vote with her former colleague, Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri. Palpatine and Amedda agreed to hold a vote on the peace initiative, but the Dark Lord of the Sith had already set in motion plans to sabotage any attempts to end the war and ensure the passage of the deregulation bill.
When the Senate reconvened to vote on Senator Saam's measure, it seemed that news of the Separatist peace movement had convinced the congress that bank deregulation and further war funding were unnecessary. However, just as Amedda called for the legislators to vote on the bill, explosions rocked the Senate District, and widespread blackouts engulfed Coruscant. The Senate took a brief recess before resuming under emergency lighting, where it was revealed that the bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on the ecumenopolis's central power distribution grid by Confederate demolition droids. Amidala continued her plea against the war, but the Vice Chair declared that the Separatist peace initiative was a transparent ploy to distract from terrorist activities. The Senate was outraged, which allowed Palpatine to call for a vote on the financial reform bill, ensuring its overwhelming approval.
The following day, Amedda and Palpatine convened the Senate to formally respond to the Separatist peace offer and the bombing. Amidala refused to abandon her cause, but the congress had largely turned against the prospect of peace. Instead, Senator Burtoni proposed her own bill, which would authorize the purchase of five million additional Clone troopers by securing a loan from the now-deregulated InterGalactic Banking Clan. Amedda interrupted the debate over the measure to inform the Chancellor that a message had been received from Count Dooku, in which the Confederate Head of State accused the Republic of assassinating Mina Bonteri, the architect of the Separatist peace movement. In the aftermath, the Chancellor and Vice Chair guided the Senate toward approving the defense appropriations bill; Amedda collaborated with Senators Burtoni, Mot-Not Rab, and Mee Deechi, while Palpatine arranged for opposition representatives to be intimidated by hired thugs.

When the bill reached the floor, it appeared it would pass easily. Opposition leader Bail Organa had been injured in an intimidation scheme, and Amidala's attempts to persuade senators to vote against the bill faltered. Amedda pushed the bill to a vote over the objections of Senator Mon Mothma, but was interrupted by Amidala's arrival, who intended to speak in Organa's place. Her passionate appeal convinced many across Coruscant to oppose the legislation, but the bill passed nonetheless. In a private meeting after the vote, Palpatine admitted to Amedda that he was concerned by the anti-war senator's ability to influence public opinion.

Following the vote, the anti-war faction rallied around Amidala and her ally, Rodian senator Onaconda Farr, to propose counter-legislation that would significantly reduce the Republic's defense budget and reverse Burtoni's victory. Amedda observed as Amidala delivered another well-received speech in support of her legislation, despite the high level of partisanship within the convocation chamber. Shortly thereafter, Senator Farr died of an apparent heart attack, prompting an investigation by the Coruscant Security Force and a postponement of the vote on the new appropriations bill. Amedda attended Farr's funeral alongside the Chancellor and numerous other senators and dignitaries. After the service, Amedda joined the Chancellor in his office for a meeting with Security Force Inspector Tan Divo, as well as Senators Amidala, Organa, Mothma, Orn Free Taa, and the Rodian Junior Representative Lolo Purs. Divo informed the assembled leaders that Senator Farr had been murdered by poison, but assured them that he had the investigation under control.
Amedda continued to meet with Senate leadership and Lieutenant Divo throughout the investigation. After Senator Mee Deechi, the Umbaran militarist leader, was found murdered in his office, Divo sequestered the congressional leaders and arrested Senator Burtoni for both assassinations. The Kaminoan was brought before the Chancellor, Vice Chair, and anti-war leadership for a brief interrogation by Divo, who explained that forensic evidence indicated Farr was killed by a Rodian-specific poison originating from Kamino. During the arrest, Lolo Purs confessed to murdering Farr for his past support of the Confederacy and Deechi for possessing information related to Farr's assassination. Purs was arrested, Burtoni was released, and the Senate eventually resumed its regular business to vote on Amidala and Farr's bill, which was defeated. The Vice Chair joined the Chancellor's retinue after the vote when Palpatine advised Amidala to trust in the war effort to achieve security.
In the third year of the war, Palpatine's administration and the Jedi Council were alarmed by reports that Dooku had hired criminal mastermind Moralo Eval to kidnap the Supreme Chancellor. Eval was preemptively captured by Republic forces and imprisoned at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, but Amedda and Palpatine were still placed under heightened security by the 501st Legion and Coruscant Guard. Eval escaped from the Detention Center days before the Vice Chair and Chancellor were scheduled to travel to Naboo for the Festival of Light, but the Chancellor remained determined to make the trip despite the obvious danger.

Amedda and Palpatine were escorted to Naboo by Jedi Master Mace Windu, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and a contingent of clone shock troopers aboard a Jedi T-6 shuttle. Upon arriving in the capital city of Theed, they were greeted by Queen Neeyutnee, Governor Sio Bibble, and Senators Amidala and Organa as security and boarding procedures were finalized. At the ceremony that evening, Amedda and the other dignitaries joined Palpatine on a scenic overlook outside of Theed Royal Palace, where the Supreme Chancellor delivered a speech to commemorate Naboo's entry into the Republic. Although the gathering was protected by Senate Guards, shock troopers, Jedi, and a ray shield, one of Eval's bounty hunter accomplices managed to detonate the shield generator, causing widespread panic among the crowd. While Amedda and other high-profile guests were escorted away by Tano, the Jedi thwarted Eval's kidnapping plot and apprehended the bounty hunter perpetrators. The following morning, Amedda returned to Coruscant with the majority of the chancellor's security detail.

In his capacity as a private aide to the Sith's Dark Lord, Amedda stood beside Darth Sidious as word spread that Darth Maul, the former Sith apprentice, was alive and constructing a shadow army to confront the Jedi, Sith, Republic, and Confederacy during the war's final year. This revelation greatly disturbed the Dark Lord, prompting him to request Amedda to arrange secret transport to Mandalore, which Maul had seized. Shortly thereafter, Amedda accompanied a congressional delegation and military representatives to funeral services for six Jedi who perished in a terrorist bombing at the Jedi Temple. Subsequently, Tano was arrested for the crime and expelled from the Jedi Order, leading to her trial before a Republic Military–Senate tribunal. Mas Amedda acted as a bailiff for the court, calling it to order under Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who presided as judge. Despite Senator Amidala's impassioned defense, she and Tano struggled to refute the accusations made by the prosecution, represented by Admiral and Adjutant General Wilhuff Tarkin. Just as a jury of senators transmitted their verdict to the Vice Chair, Anakin Skywalker interrupted the proceedings, claiming to have identified the true perpetrator: Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee. Offee confessed to the bombing before the tribunal and was taken into custody, while Tano was released.
Amedda was once more entangled in Sidious's schemes to undermine the Jedi when clone trooper CT-5385 inexplicably executed Jedi General Tiplar during the Battle of Ringo Vinda. Following the clone's descent into psychosis and subsequent death, it was discovered that Advanced Recon Commando CT-5555 had removed the inhibitor chips that the Kaminoans implanted in the brains of all clones at birth. On Palpatine's orders, he was transported to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant, where Mas Amedda greeted the clone and his escort, Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Kaminoan Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se. The Vice Chair led the group to an operating theater where the Supreme Chancellor awaited to hear directly from the clone, Jedi, and Kaminoan. After a brief discussion about the cause of CT-5385's breakdown, Amedda escorted Ti and Se from the room so Palpatine could speak privately with CT-5555. When the three heard a commotion from within the operating theater, they rushed back in to find the clone attempting to assassinate the chancellor. CT-5555 escaped, but Palpatine obtained what he needed: the extracted clone inhibitor chips. Unbeknownst to the Jedi and the clones, the chips were integral to Sidious's plan to turn the Grand Army against the Order. After CT-5555 was found and killed, Amedda joined Palpatine in a meeting with members of the Jedi Council, where they presented false information about the cause of the clone's breakdowns, thereby safeguarding the Dark Lord's plot.
As the Clone Wars progressed, Palpatine and Amedda aggressively centralized significant portions of the Republic's government and economy under the Chancellor's Office. A major victory in this endeavor came when Darth Sidious targeted the InterGalactic Banking Clan, which controlled the galactic banking industry and operated under the jurisdiction of the Muun government with legal oversight from the Republic and Confederacy. In a carefully orchestrated scheme, Senator Amidala and disgraced former senator-turned-Banking Clan adjudicator Rush Clovis revealed that efforts to secure funding for the supreme chancellor's refugee initiative had uncovered evidence that the Banking Clan was defrauding its clients; the banks' main vault had been emptied by the Banking Clan's Muun leadership, the Core Five, and loans to both the Republic and Confederacy were financed exclusively by the paid interest from the opposing sides. Furthermore, the Separatists began refusing to repay the interest on their loans, threatening complete economic collapse. Amedda was present at a meeting in the Chancellor's Office, where Palpatine, the Jedi Council, and Senator Organa were briefed on the situation by Amidala and Clovis. Although the files indicating fraud were damning, distrust of Clovis and a lack of evidence on the secret accounts receiving the embezzled funds spurred only an investigation into the matter.
Sidious's machinations allowed the investigation to uncover the secret accounts, and shortly thereafter, Amedda attended another meeting with the chancellor, Amidala, and Clovis. This time, they were joined by Banking Clan official Mak Plain and representatives from the Muun government, who reported that the Core Five had been arrested based on the evidence provided by Clovis's investigation. Following the meeting, the Vice Chair presided over a Senate session in which Clovis testified against the Banking Clan leadership and requested a formal nomination to take control of the Clan from the Core Five. Despite having been implicated in a treason plot with Lott Dod prior to the Second Battle of Geonosis, Clovis's candidacy was championed by Amidala, who argued that the former senator was the only figure who could be approved by both the Republic and Confederacy.
Despite significant reservations about Clovis's allegiance, endorsements from the Muuns and the supreme chancellor led the Senate to overwhelmingly approve him as the new head of the Banking Clan. Amedda announced the results of the vote, which was ratified by the Separatist Parliament. The new InterGalactic Banking Clan chairman returned to the Bank's headquarters on Scipio, where he seized control from the Core Five and quickly declared a significant interest rate hike on Republic loans. News of the hike quickly reached Coruscant, where Amedda and Palpatine convened the Senate to discuss the development. The congress was irate, with senators declaring that the sudden rate hike proved Clovis's loyalty to the Separatists. The debate intensified with news that the Banking Clan would not impose any similar rate hike on Confederate loans. After the session, Amedda returned to the Chancellor's office with Palpatine and General Skywalker, where they received a transmission from Senator Amidala. Amidala had returned to Scipio with Clovis to represent the Republic's interests, but was now reporting that the Confederacy navy had invaded the planet in an apparent effort to seize control of the banks with Clovis's assistance. When Amidala was taken into Confederate custody on-camera, Amedda immediately called for an emergency session of the Senate to approve a military intervention on Scipio.
The Senate approved the intervention, which resulted in the Separatists being ousted from the Banking Clan's headquarters and Rush Clovis's death. In a senate session following the upheaval, Amedda and Palpatine watched as Clovis was posthumously blamed for the corruption in the banks and the ensuing crisis. Senator Nix Card announced to the assembled senators that, in the interest of economic stability, the Muun government was ceding control of the InterGalactic Banking Clan to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. The decision was met with broad approval in light of the chancellor's promises to restore the banks at the end of the Clone Wars, despite the fact that nationalization of the galactic financial industry was another step towards the authoritarian rule Palpatine and Amedda sought.
Amedda was later present when Queen Julia of the neutral world of Bardotta appealed to the Senate for diplomatic aid via holographic transmission. The chancellor and vice chair were puzzled when Julia rejected Senators Amidala and Organa as ambassadors and instead insisted that Representative Jar Jar Binks be sent to handle the affair.
Amedda remained by Sidious's side as the Dark Lord's schemes reached their climax at the height of the war. Under Sidious's direction, Count Dooku and the Confederate General Grievous launched a massive naval assault on Coruscant and kidnapped the supreme chancellor. Before they could escape with the Republic head of state, the Separatist fleet was intercepted by the Republic Navy, and Palpatine was rescued by General Anakin Skywalker. Dooku was killed in the conflict, but the war continued as the Senate voted to grant the Chancellor's Office increasingly significant powers to end the war. Days after the Battle of Coruscant, Amedda joined Chancellor Palpatine, Sly Moore, and Senator Sweitt Concorkill at the Galaxies Opera House in the Uscru District for an evening of theater. During a performance of the Mon Calamari ballet Squid Lake, the four politicians were joined in their private box by General Skywalker, who had come to the opera house at the chancellor's request. While discussing the location of General Grievous and the remaining Separatist leadership, Palpatine dismissed Amedda, Moore, and Concorkill so he could confer privately with the young Jedi Knight.
Shortly thereafter, General Grievous was killed on Utapau in an action that the Jedi intended to end the war. Although Palpatine had publicly pledged to push for an end to hostilities upon the general's death, it was simultaneously revealed to the Jedi Order that the supreme chancellor was secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, who had been manipulating events throughout the Clone Wars and long before. The Jedi Council's attempt to arrest Palpatine for his crimes ended in disaster; the four arresting Jedi Masters were killed, and Anakin Skywalker joined the Dark Lord as his new Sith apprentice, Darth Vader. In the immediate aftermath, Sidious declared the Jedi enemies of the state and activated Order 66—a clone protocol programmed into their inhibitor chips that marked all Jedi for execution.

With the Senate marginalized and the Jedi purged, the Supreme Chancellor moved to end the war by dispatching Darth Vader to hunt down and kill the remaining Separatist leadership on Mustafar. In preparation for this conclusion to the Clone Wars, Amedda called a special session of congress, personally urging members to attend. Bail Organa was among those contacted, assuring Amedda of his presence. The Vice Chair responded that he would be expected, then terminated the transmission. On what became known as the first Empire Day, Sidious, in his public persona as Palpatine—visibly deformed from his battle with the Jedi—stood before the Senate alongside Amedda and Moore to issue the Proclamation of the New Order, formally ending the war, branding the Jedi as traitors, and transforming the Republic into the First Galactic Empire.
Following the proclamation, Amedda accompanied Sidious to the latter's office beneath the Senate Chamber, where they observed the newly-appointed Galactic Emperor conferring with Darth Vader via hologram. Their meeting was interrupted when Grand Master Yoda, a survivor of Order 66, entered the chamber and swiftly eliminated the two Imperial Guards assigned to protect the new Empire's leadership. The Emperor attacked Yoda with a burst of Force energy, sending the small alien across the room, allowing Amedda to confidently depart, assured that the Sith would triumph over the Jedi. The battle between Darth Sidious and Yoda devastated the Senate Chamber's interior, but the Jedi's desperate attempt to prevent extinction failed. Amedda rejoined the Emperor in the Senate chamber to assist in coordinating the search for the assailant, but Clone Commander Thire soon reported that Yoda's body was missing. Convinced that the Jedi was still alive, Amedda and Palpatine instructed Thire and his squad to intensify their search. The Emperor then ordered Amedda to contact his shuttle pilot, Captain Kagi, to prepare for travel to Mustafar, sensing that Vader was in grave danger.

After relaying the Emperor's message to Captain Kagi, Amedda delivered a speech at a large public gathering outside the former Jedi Temple to commemorate the Order's destruction. The Chagrian's address proclaimed the end of the Jedi's oppression and treachery at the hands of Darth Sidious, heralding an "age of freedom" for the galaxy. In conjunction with the fiery speech, Imperial stormtroopers dumped a basket of confiscated lightsabers into a large incinerator to be burned before the assembled crowd. Amedda himself added Yoda's lightsaber, lost by the Jedi Master during the duel in the Senate, to the crucible. The public demonstration concluded after the kyber crystals in the lightsabers produced a large energy discharge from within the inferno.
Later, Amedda was in the Emperor's office with Governor Tarkin when he reported on the Death Star's construction progress to the Emperor. The Grand Vizier inquired about the superlaser, and as the governor began to report on the successful early tests, two Royal Guards were thrown against the office window. Amedda was startled and then saw the heavily injured Darth Vader. The Emperor ordered Amedda and Tarkin to leave the office.
During the early years of the Age of the Empire, the civil government and military structure of the Old Republic were reorganized under the guidance of Darth Sidious and Mas Amedda, who transitioned from Vice Chair of the Senate to Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire. As Grand Vizier, Amedda served as an intermediary for the increasingly secluded Emperor, the chief administrator of the vast Imperial bureaucracy, and the leader of the Imperial Ruling Council. The Ruling Council—comprising Amedda and a select group of aides and sycophants from Palpatine's time as senator and supreme chancellor—managed the daily operations of the Empire, while the Emperor focused primarily on matters of the Force and the rapidly expanding Imperial Military. Much of Amedda's work shifted from the Senate Building to a temporary office in the old Jedi Temple, which was being converted into the new Imperial Palace. Meanwhile, the Imperial Senate became increasingly irrelevant as the Emperor's new regional governors, known as Moffs, communicated directly with the regime through Amedda.
While much of his work was based on Coruscant, Amedda did retreat to the planet Byss at one point, where he developed plans for the Empire's New Order. Throughout the Imperial period, the Emperor dispatched his private yacht, the Imperialis, to remote worlds to have droids, advisers, or his Jedi-hunting Inquisitors carry out clandestine operations. After one such trip, Amedda was introduced to Gallius Rax, a young man who had stowed away aboard the Imperialis and was now being inducted into the Imperial Navy by Sidious himself. During Rax's time at the Imperial Academy, he met with the Grand Vizier and the Emperor, as well as Admirals Dodd Rancit and Terrinald Screed of Imperial Intelligence and Colonel Wullf Yularen of the Imperial Security Bureau. Although Rax's later career with the Naval Intelligence Agency obscured most of his record, an image of his meeting with the Grand Vizier and the intelligence chiefs was stored in the Hall of Imperial Register on Coruscant.

Despite setbacks late in the Clone Wars, construction on the Death Star continued under the new Imperial Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research agency, led by Director Orson Krennic. Though Krennic's team now included Galen Erso and had access to kyber crystals previously hoarded by the Jedi Order, the project required a significant increase in resource procurement—far beyond what could be gathered from Geonosis's sector. To keep the Death Star's construction hidden from the Senate and the galaxy, Amedda approved Krennic's request to seek materials from select worlds in the lightly-populated Western Reaches, a region subjected to Imperial pacification operations against Separatist holdouts since the war's end. Following Amedda's guidance to be discreet, Krennic targeted Samovar and Wadi Raffa, protected from industrial exploitation by legacy statutes limiting environmental impact. Krennic manipulated the situation to implicate the limited mining interests on those worlds in an arms trafficking plot, allowing the Imperial Military to seize control of the planets' resources.
The scientists designing the weapon—operating under the guise of Project Celestial Power—encountered obstacles with Erso's research, resulting in a catastrophic explosion at their facility on Malpaz. Though the research team was saved, the disaster killed tens of thousands of locals, forcing Amedda to intervene directly in Krennic's project. Amedda traveled to the Geonosis construction site with advisers, where Krennic gave him a shuttle tour of the Death Star's exterior. While the superstructure had progressed, Amedda focused on the weapon's development. Krennic tried to alleviate Amedda's displeasure, but Amedda insisted on results from the research teams. The Chagrian also criticized Krennic for using Imperial Military assets to seize mining interests on Samovar and Wadi Raffa without approval. Amedda informed Krennic that the Emperor's trust had eroded and that he was to focus solely on the weapon, forgoing procurement and production oversight. Despite the rebuke, Krennic requested a promotion to Rear Admiral at the meeting's conclusion, but Amedda would only consider commander.
Two years into the Empire's reign, Krennic's team manufactured a proof-of-concept laser array for testing. Though Amedda wanted it tested near Imperial Center in the Core Worlds, Krennic feared a repeat of the Malpaz disaster and tested it in a remote binary black hole system. Amedda was informed of the successful test and approved Krennic's promotion to commander. Amedda and the Emperor had hoped Moff Wilhuff Tarkin would become more involved in the Death Star as the project entered a new phase, but he was embroiled in a protracted campaign to root out insurgents and defiant corporate interests in the Salient system. The conflict had been secretly arranged by Krennic as part of a resource acquisition scheme, intended to keep Tarkin away from the Death Star and out of Amedda's good graces.
When the Senate objected to the events in the Salient system, Amedda contacted Tarkin to encourage a retreat from hostilities. Amedda saw that the insurgents were destroying the infrastructure the Empire hoped to seize, and Tarkin admitted that his success on one of the system's outlying moons was not enough to dissuade Salient's local defenses still garrisoned on the inward planets. Amedda advised Tarkin to conclude his operations before they became more costly, but Tarkin insisted that the insurgents be eliminated by his hand. Conversing over jamming efforts by Salient Strategic Command, the two men argued over the value of committing more stormtroopers or the Empire's new TIE fighters to the campaign. Amedda conceded that a victory at Salient was important for the Empire in the Corporate Sector and acquiesced to Tarkin's request for reinforcements.
The project faced another setback when Galen Erso and his family fled the Special Weapons Group and disappeared. Amedda and the Emperor held Krennic responsible and placed Tarkin in charge of the Sentinel bases that guarded and monitored shipments to the Death Star's construction site. Amedda met with Krennic in his office on Coruscant to inform him that Tarkin would monitor his progress and that the prior promotion to commander was rescinded. Despite Krennic's assurances that his research teams could make up for the loss of Erso, development on the planet-destroying superlaser stalled for five years, while construction continued under Tarkin's supervision.
In the years following the proclamation of the New Order, Amedda and the Ruling Council became powerful actors in galactic governance as the Empire's oppressive reign expanded beyond the borders of the former Republic and Confederacy. As proxies for the Emperor, Council members oversaw military matters and the Empire's intelligence services—the Imperial Security Bureau as part of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order and Imperial Intelligence. In 14 BBY, the Imperial Security Bureau reported to Amedda that an asset on the former Confederate world of Murkhana had discovered a cache of sophisticated equipment capable of sabotaging or hijacking HoloNet signals and broadcasts. Though the Bureau typically handled dissident propaganda and communications, Amedda urged ISB Deputy Director Harus Ison to involve the Ruling Council and the newly-formed Naval Intelligence branch of Imperial Intelligence in the response.

Three weeks had passed since the discovery of the hidden cache, and Amedda contacted Governor Tarkin, who was stationed at Sentinel Base. He informed Tarkin that the Emperor required his presence on Coruscant. Despite his reluctance to abandon his post, especially given the recent attack by unknown assailants, Amedda made it clear that the Emperor's summons was not optional. Upon arrival at the capital, the Grand Vizier, accompanied by a contingent of Imperial Guards, greeted Tarkin and escorted him through the newly refurbished Imperial Palace. Before his audience with the Emperor, Amedda led Tarkin to a courtroom within the palace, where Darth Vader, now encased in identity-concealing cybernetic armor, was presiding over a trial. Vader, alongside Harus Ison and Phoca Soot, the Prefect of the Coruscant Security Force, reprimanded a group of underworld figures for their excesses and then executed Soot for acts of corruption. Amedda, disturbed by the brutal execution, suggested Vader exercise restraint before personally executing the accused, but the Sith Lord disregarded his plea.
Following Tarkin's meeting with the Emperor, Amedda presided over a briefing where the heads of the intelligence community presented their findings on the Murkhana discovery to the Emperor, the Ruling Council, Tarkin, and Vader. Deputy Director Ison and Colonel Yularen of the ISB detailed the discovery of the cache and proposed that it was likely assembled by political dissidents planning a propaganda campaign against the Empire. However, Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit and Admiral Terrinald Screed countered this assessment, arguing that the Naval Intelligence Agency should take the lead in the investigation, as the cache could indicate a military threat to the Empire. As the briefing descended into squabbling among the intelligence chiefs, Amedda called on Tarkin to provide testimony regarding the recent attack on Sentinel Base. The attack involved fabricated HoloNet transmissions, suggesting a possible connection to the Murkhana cache, leading most attendees to conclude that the situation was beyond the purview of the Security Bureau. Amedda adjourned the meeting, stating that the Emperor would deliberate on the matter.
Ultimately, Sidious decided to dispatch Tarkin and Vader together to Murkhana to investigate the cache, effectively bypassing the infighting among the intelligence chiefs. Amedda delivered the mission to the Governor and, at the Emperor's instruction, remained silent about who would be in charge. The Vizier later informed the Emperor that Tarkin was displeased with the assignment; Vader shared this sentiment, but both complied with their orders and journeyed to Murkhana aboard the Carrion Spike, Tarkin's personal warship.
After the Carrion Spike was hijacked by insurgents and subsequently used to attack Galidraan Station, the Emperor sent Amedda and Ars Dangor to convene with intelligence officers Ison, Dodd Rancit, and Screed. Amedda expressed his anger at their suggestion to let the Carrion Spike go and emphasized the threat of dissidence. It was during this meeting that news of an attack on Lucazec arrived. As the situation escalated, Amedda continued to meet with the Ruling Council and the Emperor. Eventually, the Emperor instructed him to summon the ISB agents responsible for the Murkhana discovery. While the Emperor interrogated Bracchia and Stellan, Amedda, 11-4D, and a pair of Royal Guards observed as Sidious uncovered Vice Admiral Rancit's questionable involvement with the insurgents.
By 5 BBY, Ars Dangor and Sly Moore had become part of Amedda's inner circle. During that year, Amedda infiltrated several meetings of Mon Mothma's Separatist Coalition, viewing the senator as a nuisance due to her opposition to Imperial overreach and her tolerance of Separatist sympathizers. On one occasion, with the Emperor unavailable, Amedda received Governor Arihnda Pryce of Lothal during her visit to Coruscant to discuss the industrial and mining sectors of Lothal.

Following the destruction of the Empire's Death Star by the Alliance to Restore the Republic at the Battle of Yavin, Amedda was contacted on Coruscant by Commander Pasqual. Pasqual informed him that the Emperor's personal vessel, the Imperialis, docked at Sienar Fleet Systems Orbital Shipyard CC-24 above the [Colonies](/article/colonies] world of Castell, had been stolen. Amedda instructed Pasqual to immediately recover the ship, reminding him of his previous failure to secure it. Subsequently, Amedda informed Darth Sidious about the theft of his vessel.
After Darth Vader's failure to sway his son, Luke Skywalker, to the dark side on Cloud City, Amedda contacted Admiral Firmus Piett aboard the Executor to inquire about the Millennium Falcon's escape, which Piett confirmed. Amedda then conveyed the Emperor's request for Vader to contact him immediately. However, Vader was en route to Tatooine in his shuttle with his squadron of death troopers and ZED-6-7. When Amedda asked about Vader's availability, Piett responded that Vader was currently unavailable. Upon overhearing the conversation, the Emperor, who was present with Amedda, found the news amusing.

Upon Vader's return from his personal mission to the Imperial Palace, Sidious unleashed Force lightning upon him. Vader, deflecting the attack with his lightsaber, questioned his master's actions. Sidious then instructed Amedda to explain the situation to Vader. The Grand Vizier reminded Vader of his failure to capture Skywalker and his decision to spare Padmé Amidala's former handmaidens. Accusing Vader of treason, he ordered two Royal Guards to attack Vader. Vader, however, easily dealt with them, even after Sidious confiscated his lightsaber. Amedda reached for his blaster, but Vader used the Force to Force choke him and the guards, releasing them only when Sidious began to choke his apprentice.
Sidious then removed Vader's artificial limbs and transported him to Mustafar, leaving him at the exact location where he had been defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi over two decades prior. Sidious declared that Vader would have to regain his former strength independently and without relying on the Force. After Sidious returned to his shuttle, Amedda monitored Vader's life support systems and location, discovering that he was heading towards the ruins of the Techno Union installation to upgrade himself with the remaining machinery. The Grand Vizier warned the Emperor that Vader intended to kill him, but Sidious dismissed the warning with sarcasm. Sidious then revealed to the Chagrian that he had dispatched the Sith assassin Ochi of Bestoon to track Vader.
Later, Amedda met with Sidious at the Sith Citadel on Exegol, where Vader had taken Ochi to uncover the Emperor's secrets. Following Darth Vader's surrender and apparent acceptance of sharing Sidious's power, Amedda departed from Exegol with Sidious, Sly Moore, Vader, and Ochi.
Following Darth Sidious's death at the Battle of Endor, Amedda faced the monumental task of maintaining the unity of the Empire, acting as a proxy Emperor. However, his actual influence was limited to the throneworld of Coruscant. Amedda struggled from the outset, as sectors of Coruscant began to revolt. He was reduced to a mere mouthpiece for the Empire, lacking any real control over the military. He was forced to serve as a figurehead for Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, who prioritized his vision of a renewed Empire over reinforcing Coruscant, preventing Grand Admiral Rae Sloane from sending reinforcements to Amedda. As Amedda's power and influence diminished, and his control over Coruscant waned, he considered surrendering to the New Republic, viewing himself as a valuable asset. He arranged a meeting with Chancellor Mon Mothma and Princess and Senator Leia Organa on Velusia. However, his plan failed when they refused to accept him as a prisoner, demanding instead that he gain full control of the Galactic Empire to ensure a complete surrender.
Upon returning to Coruscant, Amedda contemplated suicide by jumping from a balcony of the Imperial Palace. However, upon entering his office, he discovered that he had a visitor. Sloane was present in his office, and Amedda initially believed she had come to kill him. To his surprise, the Grand Admiral presented him with a picture depicting Darth Sidious, Amedda, Vice Admirals Screed and Rancit, Yularen, and a young boy. Sloane inquired about the identity of the boy in the picture. When Amedda attempted to reach for his blaster, Sloane revealed that she had it in her possession. Recalling Mothma's assessment of him as merely an administrator, Amedda decided that he needed to form an alliance with Sloane to regain control of the Empire. He confirmed Sloane's suspicions that the young boy was Gallius Rax. Amedda then offered Sloane a way to discover Rax's true identity and origins. In exchange for this crucial information, Amedda wanted to be included in Sloane's plan. After Sloane agreed, Amedda revealed that the droids containing the information Sloane sought were located aboard the wreckage of the Imperialis on Quantxi, the junk moon of Ord Mantell.

During the final months of the Galactic Civil War, Amedda was confined to the Imperial Palace by soldiers loyal to Rax. Rax used intimidation tactics, such as threats of death or torture, to force Amedda to broadcast propaganda speeches praising the Counselor and urging the Empire to continue its war efforts. When a group of children infiltrated the Palace with the initial intention of assassinating the Grand Vizier, Amedda promised to surrender the Empire and end the war if they helped him escape. The young Coruscanti agreed, and with their assistance, Amedda went into hiding. He would later recount this experience, acknowledging the role of the children in his rescue.
Following Rax's death at the Battle of Jakku, Amedda reemerged and, with the Empire collapsing, was able to sign the Galactic Concordance. Unlike other Imperial officials who were convicted of war crimes, the New Republic spared Amedda and allowed him to lead a provisional government. However, Republic officials oversaw the transitional government to ensure that Amedda remained a figurehead. Subsequently, Amedda became the leader of the postwar Coruscant government. Little is known about his later life, but Beaumont Kin suspected that Amedda made himself useful to the New Republic while secretly sabotaging it from within.
Amedda is remembered as a willing, yet weak-willed, participant in the establishment of the Galactic Empire. The media and history books have portrayed him as a sycophant and a lackey of Darth Sidious.

Mas Amedda was a Chagrian male standing at 1.96 meters tall. He possessed [blue](/article/color] skin and eyes. His resonant voice frequently called for order when the Republic's partisan government dissolved into unproductive arguments. He would often punctuate these calls with a flicker of his elongated, forked tongue as a gesture of authority. His horns served to intimidate political adversaries, and he often folded his hands in a resolute manner while present in the Senate.
Throughout his political career in the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire, Amedda functioned primarily as an administrator. He demonstrated a knack for political survival. A political chameleon, Amedda did not aspire to the highest office but rather sought to gain the ear and confidence of those in power. Following Darth Sidious's death at the Battle of Endor, Grand Vizier Amedda lacked the charisma and ideological zeal necessary to maintain the disintegrating Galactic Empire. Amedda's authority was further undermined by Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, who assumed control over the majority of the Imperial remnants. As the New Republic, the successor to the Rebel Alliance, rapidly gained ground, Amedda attempted to surrender to the New Republic leadership in an effort to save himself. However, Chancellor Mothma rejected his offer due to his lack of authority to facilitate the Empire's surrender.
Amedda's lack of charisma and his malleable nature allowed more assertive Imperial figures, such as Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and Fleet Admiral Rax, to manipulate and dominate him. Amedda once contemplated suicide when he found himself unable to escape the Empire's decline. Towards the end of the Galactic Civil War, Amedda was coerced by stormtroopers loyal to Rax, who had become the Counselor to the Empire, to serve as his puppet and recite Imperial propaganda. Disillusioned with the Empire, Amedda accepted assistance from a group of street children known as the Anklebiter Brigade, who rescued him from captivity.
Recognizing that the Empire was doomed, Amedda signed the Galactic Concordance with the New Republic, formally ending the Civil War and the Empire. While Amedda was spared punishment due to his cooperation with the Republic, he is remembered as a weak-willed sycophant and a lackey of the Emperor.
Mas Amedda was portrayed by Jerome Blake in The Phantom Menace, David Bowers in Attack of the Clones, and by both Blake and Bowers in Revenge of the Sith. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, he was voiced by Stephen Stanton.