Gume Saam

Gume Saam was a senator of the Ishi Tib species, a male, who served as the representative for the Techno Union within the Galactic Republic both before and during the Clone Wars. Throughout the Clone Wars conflict, he secretly advanced the aims of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Representative of the Union

Saam with Chancellor Palpatine and several other senators

Prior to the Clone Wars, Saam assumed the position of senator representing the Techno Union in the Galactic Senate. In the year 26 BBY, Grand Master Yoda, alongside Jedi Master Mace Windu and Bant Eerin, orchestrated a fake kidnapping of Yoda as a test for Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. This involved deploying a squadron of battle droids manufactured by the Techno Union as a distraction. Kenobi, unaware of the ruse, suggested contacting Saam, although Windu pointed out Saam's lack of support for the Jedi Order. Consequently, the Jedi Knight proposed visiting the Union's headquarters on Skako Minor. However, Skywalker noticed a non-Union symbol on a droid's head, which belonged to the Nova Crime Syndicate. This clue led Kenobi and Skywalker to the Wheel and then Glee Anselm, where they located Yoda and discovered the test.

After the Battle on Geonosis, Saam was present with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and other senators as they supervised the deployment of the newly established Grand Army of the Republic from Coruscant.

Clone Wars

Gume Saam with Lott Dod in the Senate

During the Clone Wars period, Saam attempted to introduce a bill within the Republic Senate that would relax regulations on banks while allocating more funds to clone troopers. This proposal was rejected due to Bail Organa's suggestion to postpone any emergency bill concerning bank deregulation, a stance supported by Mas Amedda. Following this Senate session, Saam engaged in conversation with Banking Clan senator Nix Card and Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod. Saam informed them of his attempt to push the bill, but Card acknowledged the Senate's unlikelihood to deregulate the banks. Dod attributed the problem to Naboo's Senator Padmé Amidala, prompting Saam to suggest eliminating her. However, the Neimoidian cautioned that assassinating her would be more challenging than he anticipated. The Muun concurred, citing the Banking Clan and Trade Federation's focus on business rather than violence, and arguing that even Amidala's murder wouldn't guarantee bank deregulation. Instead, Card proposed attacking Coruscant to pressure the Senate into deregulation. Saam expressed approval of the plan, but Card dismissed his opinion as irrelevant.

After the Separatist Senate voted in favor of initiating peace talks with the Republic, Saam and his allies were taken aback by this development. Saam asserted that war was necessary for their financial gain. They were reassured when Count Dooku assured them that the possibility of peace would vanish following their attack. During the Senate's vote on the peace initiative, Saam and his supporters were surprised by the delay of Dooku's attack. However, when the power outage occurred due to the demolition droids, all the senators believed they were under attack. Saam then announced to the Senate that the attack was confirmed to be carried out by the Separatists, demanding retribution for their actions. Consequently, the Senate deregulated the banks, satisfying the Ishi Tib and paving the way for the creation of more troops.

Behind the scenes

Gume Saam's initial appearance was in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.

Phil LaMarr provided the voice for Saam in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and also voiced Senators Bail Organa and Orn Free Taa. He was mistakenly credited as "Gume Sam" in the credits for "Heroes on Both Sides."

