The archive known by many names, including the Hall of Imperial Register, Hall of Imperial Records, The Pit, The Resource, Imperial Archives, and the Emperor's data bank, served as a repository for Imperial records on the Imperial capital world of Coruscant. This archive contained duplicates of data from various sources, such as Imperial starships, [navigation computers](/article/navigation_computer]s, offices, academies, and supply depots. Trajectory calculations, inventories, personnel files pertaining to the Imperial Military, including information about [Star Destroyers](/article/star_destroyer]s and Super Star Destroyers, were among the stored records. Furthermore, the archive documented every action of all Imperial employees and officials within the government and military. Situated at the edge of the Verity District, a heavily guarded Imperial zone on Coruscant, access to The Pit was carefully controlled, and its storage capacity extended beneath the entire District. Several administrative droids maintained the facility. The Hall of Imperial Register was the source of information used by the Messenger droids to execute Operation: Cinder, where data from the Hall was used in complex calculations to identify suitable candidates for carrying out the destructive operation. In the year 5 ABY, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane paid a visit to The Pit, seeking information about the Imperial Navy's Star Destroyers and Super Star Destroyers. She discovered the mysterious disappearance of a quarter of the Empire's Star Destroyers, along with Emperor Sheev Palpatine's flagship, the Eclipse. Sloane also came across a photograph featuring a young boy named Gallius Rax alongside Imperial officials, including the Emperor, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, and military [officers](/article/officer]s Wullf Yularen, Dodd Rancit, and Terrinald Screed. During the Battle of Jakku, the Hall became the target of an assault by Soran Keize, the leader of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, piloting a modified TIE fighter. He believed that the information contained within the Hall would be detrimental to Imperial soldiers after the New Republic gained control of the galaxy, leading to years of persecution for former Imperials. However, Yrica Quell and Kairos pursued him to Coruscant and defeated his attempt. Following the Battle of Jakku, New Republic Intelligence gained access to the Hall's databases, although it was estimated that analyzing the vast amount of information would take many years. The Imperial Archives contained various reference materials utilized by the historian Beaumont Kin, such as File: Naboo Blockade from the Seized Trade Federation Records section, File T271 from the Emperor Palpatine section, File: Plans for Preventative Measures in the Occupation of former Separatist Systems, File PG004—Executive Order Codes for the Grand Army of the Republic from the Galactic Republic Military Operations section, and File: Directives and Responses in the Galactic Republic—Population Observation. Kin cited these sources in his work, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire.